Celebrate milestones with your St. Luke's family.
Celebrate milestones with your St. Luke's family.
The monthly "St. Luke's Celebrates" newsletter
helps St. Lukers connect to one another
as we navigate life together. 
We wish a very Happy Birthday to all our St. Lukers! Click the button below to help us celebrate the next few months of birthdays. 
We appreciate the faithful commitment St. Lukers make to the church's ministries. Click the button below to help us celebrate the next few months of church partnership anniversaries.
The following people took their Partnership Vow
on Sunday, September 25:
Rich Batchelor
Nanci Cole
DJ Culberson
Heidi Estep
Matt Estep
Alison Keating
Neal Keating
Bradley Loomis
Carol Mansour
Wendy Slater
Fred White
Gwen White
Please join us in welcoming these
St. Lukers to the family!
On October 16, Kaylee Gomatos was baptized. Joining the baptism was her family, including her mother Kathy and father James. Kaylee is the granddaughter of John Gomatos. Welcome to our St. Luke's family, Kaylee!
McCallen Moser and Pratik Thakral were married on October 15 in the Sanctuary with Pastor Jenn Stiles Williams officiating the wedding. Congratulations!
The Grow It Forward team would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all the incredible volunteers and guests that came to the Fall Planting Party on Saturday, October 8!
Everything we do at Grow It Forward is fueled by our mission to advance economic and food sovereignty through a self-sustaining micro farm network to eradicate food disparity in under-resourced communities. Thank you for helping us pour further into that vision! We could not have done it without you!
With your help, we were able to plant 200 carrots, 108 cilantro plants, 155 sugar snap peas, 25 cabbages plants, 25 potato plants, and 7 tomato plants.
So What Now!?
Luckily, the fun doesn't have to stop here! There is always something to do at the Grow It Forward farms...
Click here to read the full article
The Hands of God
St. Luke’s Youth took time on a Sunday evening to help Missions sort and bag shelf-stable food items for the monthly food distribution at Maxey Elementary, and had fun doing it!
This food distribution supports 120 households from Maxey in East Winter Garden. St. Luke’s was asked earlier this year to help bridge the food supply chain gap following the pandemic as well as assist families struggling with the current rise in food prices.
The food distribution bags also include nutrition information and other resources from which the families may benefit. Several people lend a hand to make this a successful initiative.
We are grateful to our regular food distribution volunteers who make the complicated logistics seem easy and now to the Youth who are making the process of sorting and bagging smoother!
CDC Traditions
One of the favorite CDC traditions is our annual costume parade. It is always a fun way to see the children express themselves with their favorite characters and imagination.
They incorporate creative expression into their everyday classroom experiences, as well as into their movement class during the week.
The Child Development Center is a ministry of the church, bringing new families into the life of the church.
The featured Staff Shout Out goes to the Director of Mission Engagement, Saniye Kazan
Shout Out to Saniye Kazan for jumping in and helping coordinate so much help for our congregation and conference as well as helping deploy volunteers to homes. Congratulations Saniye!
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