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September 2021
Legal Services News
PSC Win!
The educator learned on a Friday that a warrant for his arrest had been issued in another county. On the following Monday, the educator truthfully reported to his immediate supervisor that he would be out that afternoon to submit to local law enforcement. In other words, he was turning himself in to be placed under arrest. The supervisor didn’t advise the member to do anything differently.

The school district later learned about the arrest through an anonymous tip. The school district claimed that Honest Educator did not report the arrest with the time period prescribed in the school district handbook; there was no record of the educator’s verbal report to his supervisor; or that the educator was submitting to arrest to law enforcement. The school district filed a complaint to the PSC for failing to report the arrest. After investigation, the PSC made a probable cause finding to revoke Honest Educator’s certificate. The finding is even more incredible considering the fact the criminal allegations against the educator were dismissed.

GAE’s network attorney appealed the recommendation. A trial was held before an Administrative Law Judge. The ALJ reversed the PSC’s probable cause because there was insufficient evidence to prove the educator’s initial verbal report to his immediate supervisor did not fulfill the PSC’s reporting requirement under Standard 8. 

Join Us for GAE Rights at Night

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GAE Election Timelines
Next Deadline - November 15th!

As part of the democratic processes with our association, several elections are held throughout the year to choose our state-level leadership. Listed on the flier are the timelines and procedures for every election throughout the year. Please review carefully. While you will receive notifications of these elections as they approach, this serves as a SAVE THE DATE guide to help you prepare to run or support candidates for office.
Click image to register
Every Wednesday please wear RED in a show of solidarity among educators and education support professionals. It’s not about the R or the D, but the E – EDUCATION! Take pics, post them and send to  Use hashtag #Redfored.

Click image for flier
Click image for more information
Registering to Observe GAE Board of Directors’ Meetings
for September 17
th / 18th 
The following New Business Item (NBI) was adopted by the delegates to the 2021 GAE Representative Assembly.  “I move that whenever possible, GAE meetings/events//trainings/etc., be broadcast virtually with the login information available to all GAE members and (easily found) on the members only portion of the GAE website.    
The following are the instructions for members interested in observing the upcoming GAE Board of Directors Meetings.  
  • Access to the meeting will be for observance only. 
  • Members must register FOR BOTH SESSIONS at the same time by 5pm Friday, September 17.  Membership will be verified so please use your full name (not just initials) on the registration. 
  • Meeting times are Friday night (17th) from 7pm to approximately 10pm and Saturday (18th) from 9am until business is completed. 
NOTE: If meetings enter Executive Session, all observers will be placed in the waiting room until ES is over.  
The following are the links to register for the sessions.  Remember, you must sign up for both sessions at the same time by 5 p.m., Friday, September 17.  
GAE Board Meeting 
When: Sep 17, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)   
Register in advance for this meeting: 
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.  
GAE Board Meeting Part 2 
When: Sep 18, 2021 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)   
Register in advance for this meeting: 
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.  Since this will be our first time, please be understanding if we have technical difficulties.  You will be able to hear all board members, but our camera is not able to Zoom fully, so you will only see the head table. 
Want to make a difference on salaries for Georgia school employees, strategic waivers, and allocation of the American Rescue Plan funds? If yes, express your interest and become a GAE Statewide Member Organizer. As a member organizer you will receive training, coaching, and compensation for your work to build power and membership in GAE.  Sign up Now!
From GAE-Retired 
If you are approaching retirement or have already taken the leap, remember that in order to maintain your valuable benefits from GAE and NEA, you must maintain your membership.  You can join GAE/NEA - Retired either on an annual basis or lifetime basis for one flat fee. Please contact GAE - Retired President Toni Smith at for more information.
Click image for Transfer Form


that your GAE Membership/ACCESS Card is perpetual. Current members will not receive a new one for each year.  Should it be destroyed or lost, please contact the GAE Membership Department at to request a digital replacement.
Leadership Briefing with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Department of Education

From NEA Member Benefits!


Are you moving your residence or changing schools?  Please take a moment to let us know.  Please visit and provide us with your name, new school and new address.  Thank you for helping us to keep accurate records!
The GAE Access App!
Click Image To Start!
Have something for GAE Voices?  Know of members who have received recognition or are making things happen in their schools and workplaces?  Please email 50 words or less, along with no more than 2 photos, to  GAE Communications reserves the right to publish submissions based on space and need requirements.
GAe-news is an occassional e-newsletter providing general information of interest to members.
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