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A community of both memory & hope. LIVE STREAM this Sunday, Nov. 15
A community of both memory & hope. LIVE STREAM this Sunday, Nov. 15
                              Thursday, November 12, 2020

Please Join Our Live Stream
Sunday, November 15

Worship Service at 10:15 a.m. PDT
Family Worship Service at 9:15 a.m. PDT

Live Stream Sunday Worship Services Here

A Petition for Persistence

Rev. Bill Sinkford

The Beloved Community must redress wrongs from the past but cannot be simply a collection of corrections. What vision can look both backward and forward? What prayer can sustain a community of both memory and hope?

Bill's Blog


“I did not realize how much anxiety I was carrying.”
“I can finally let my shoulders down.”
“I don’t have to be afraid to wake up anymore.”
I heard each of these statements from congregants in the last couple of days. And many more similar sentiments...continued.

Featured News

All timestamps are scheduled in Pacific Standard Time (PDT) unless stated otherwise.

Family Worship this Sunday

Sunday, November 15, at 9:15 a.m.
We will continue our exploration of the theme Prayer. We will think about our hopes for ourselves and others, and about how prayer or meditation can help us find answers. 
Cassandra will share a story with us, Stacey will offer a reading and meditation, and Dustin will offer a familiar, classic song on piano.   
Tune in to this Sunday's Family Worship at 9:15!

Q and A with Rev. Bill Sinkford and the Board’s Quarterly Finance Update

Sunday, November 15, at 11:45 a.m.
  • What’s on your mind?  Bring all manner of questions to ask our Senior Minister at this periodic Q&A.
  • Hear about the church’s financial position, including the results of the Auditor’s review. Church treasurer Leila Wrathall will be on hand to answer your questions.
All are welcome at this virtual gathering.
Click Here to Register

Welcome to First Unitarian with Rev. Thomas Disrud

Sunday, November 15, from 1 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Are you new to First Unitarian Portland? We are so glad you are here!
This virtual class will offer an orientation to the church, to Unitarian Universalism and what it means to be a member. This will be a chance to meet other newcomers and to have your questions about the church answered. If you are ready to become a member, please click here to complete our enrollment form. 
Learn more about First U PDX by registering here!

Alliance Wreaths are Here!

LAST CHANCE! Now – November 15
We are not going to let a pandemic set us back! We are not going to let down the women, children and marginalized groups who benefit from our greens sale.
From the comfort of your own home, you can order online and choose from among 3 styles for safe pickup at the church garage on Friday, December 4, and Saturday, December 5, from 10 – 2 p.m.
There is one style of wreath available for shipping anywhere within the U.S., including Portland. 
Click Here to Order Alliance Wreaths!

Listen to Rev. Bill Sinkford on KBOO Radio 90.7 FM

Tuesday, November 17th, 6 p.m.
Rev. Sinkford will discuss First Unitarian's participation in the upcoming Transgender Day of Remembrance Interfaith Vigil, an annual observance that honors the memory of those whose lives were lost in anti-transgender violence. 
Click Here to Listen

Transgender Day of Remembrance Interfaith Vigil 

Thursday, November 19,
7 p.m. – 8 p.m. 
Gather virtually with us for an interfaith service featuring local and national spiritual leaders (including our own Rev. Bill Sinkford and Rev. Thomas Disrud), live music and a candle lighting ceremony.
We invite everyone to join us in this reverent observation. A virtual reception will follow the service where you are invited to join us in fellowship.
Click Here to Register for TDOR

Upcoming Events, Workshops & Classes

Sacred Circles: Session Two – Will you join us?

Meets every other Saturday through Zoom
First Meeting: Saturday, November 14 from 3 – 4:30 p.m.
Do you long for a place to discuss the events of this intense year, the history leading up to it and how best to put your faith into action with your fellow church members? 
This past summer, in the whirlwind of events that we here in Portland and the nation were experiencing, the Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice (IMIRJ) created a well-designed curriculum of readings, videos, discussion points and actions to respond to those events at the intersection of immigrant justice and racial justice. 
Details: Interested in joining us? Please contact Laurie.
Read more about Sacred Circles in our Speaking of Justice

Hold the Line on Democracy 

Join us as we continue to track the election!
Tuesday, November 17, 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
 A team of congregants formed to ensure that we at First Unitarian are connected to the larger interfaith movement in Portland and across the country. Our goal is to see that the general election results are upheld. 
We've been using Hold the Line: A Guide to Defending Democracy as our framework for nonviolent organizing through Inauguration Day. Join us to learn about what interfaith actions are underway locally and how you can stay connected to fellow congregants while we Hold the Line. 
Click here to join the Zoom as we "Hold the Line"

Living with Loss: How Will I Get Through the Holidays?

Saturdays, November 21, December 5 and 12, 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Holiday times can be some of the most challenging times for those who are grieving a loss. Holidays may not be the same, yet we offer hope that holidays can still be meaningful.
Our facilitators, Rev. Wendy Fish and Kristin Guest will offer support through sharing information on the grief process, as you tell your stories and connect with others. 
Click Here for More Information and to Register

Program Resources

Adult Programs, Social Justice, Learning Community, Music & Arts

Monthly Mailers and Zoom Gatherings

Registered families should have received their October mailer packets for the theme of Home. Watch your Learning Community news for details about a zoom session for each age group as we round out the month. Please share your feedback about the mailer packets and zoom sessions which will help us in planning future months.
Contact Aaron for more information.

Adult Programs

Vesper Prayer Service

Every Friday at 5 p.m.
End your week with a brief quiet time of prayer, reflection, meditation and music offered by our Lay Ministers.  Let this be a pause at the end of the week, to receive and to be held in love, without the need to converse. Registration is required to receive the Zoom link, but an ongoing commitment is not required. 
Register here to receive a Zoom link to attend.

Loving Kindness Meditation

Every Monday, 8 – 8:30 p.m.
Loving-Kindness towards self and others is a basic foundational view of Buddhism and other religions. Intern Minister Stacey Mitchell will gently guide you through this spiritual practice which cultivates benevolence, kindness, and amity. 
Click Here to Register

Contemplative Practice Group

Next meeting: Tuesday, November 24 from 6:30 – 8 p.m.
All are welcome! We begin by meditating for 20 minutes, in any style you are comfortable with. Then we discuss a spiritual “check-in” topic. We finish by sharing a poem related to the topic. We read it aloud twice with a pause in between, giving people time to reflect on a word or phrase that struck them. Afterward we discuss our reaction to it.
Email Connie to Register

Social Justice & Service

Art For Social Justice

The Speaking of Justice Editorial Team offers weekly art to deepen our connection to the work for social justice and building the beloved community.
Watch The Resonance Ensemble perform “The Talk” by Damien Geter, recorded at Cerimon House in Portland.
You can also find it in this week's Speaking of Justice

Donation Drop Opportunity for Unhoused Campers

Need for Warm Blankets, Socks, Hats, Gloves, and Sleeping Bags
People who are camped at Laurelhurst Park and their supporters from are in desperate need of  blankets.
Drop off located at Metanoia Peace House, 2116 NE 18th. The building is a mansion that has many people living there, so, if you knock or ring the bell, odds are excellent there will be someone there to receive your donation or leave your donation on the covered porch.
For more information contact Sandy 503-698-4463.

Petition to Create Municipal Public Banks

Submitted by the Economic Justice Action Group (EJAG)
Let's keep our money local and reinvest profits back into our communities through public banks. 
The Oregon Public Bank Alliance will present legislation to ease the creation of municipal public banks in the next legislative session. Please sign our petition declaring your support.

In the Community

Member Amy Norcom and Thomas Freeman were married in a small ceremony in the Channing Room on November 5, attended by close family. We celebrate with them and wish them every happiness.
ID: Image of painting of white haired wonman with short white hair and glasses, sitting in a brown chair. Woman has indistinguishable tatoos and a blue band on their left wrist.

Glenda Goldwater Art Exhibit

Glenda Louise Goldwater, 1934 – 2020
We invite you to stop by to view Glenda's collection and take a moment to reflect on her memory.
Fais Pas Chier: The Art Collection of a Portland Icon
Upfor Gallery: 929 NW Flanders Street, Portland, OR 97209
An art exhibition  from the personal art collection of member Glenda Goldwater, who died in September, has been organized to honor the life and memory. Glenda was known as a Portland icon, bon-vivant, and grande dame. The exhibit will at Upfor Gallery in November 2020. 
Viewing Hours: Weekend viewing hours will be first come first serve, with limited capacity due to Covid–19. Weekday viewing will be by limited by appointment only. 

Leadership News

Message from our Board Moderator

As we move into fall, we hope you’re all staying well. These are anxious times, and it is good to have our church community. 
First, we thank all of you who have participated with a gift to Our Path Forward. As of last week, we have reached 93% of our goal, an achievement well worth celebrating. We expect additional gifts to come in over the next few weeks...continued.

Other News

Faked Email Messages “from Rev. Bill”

Congregants receiving spoofed emails from Reverend Bill
Please only open messages from this email address If the sender’s email isn’t EXACTLY this email address, it isn’t from Reverend Bill

First Unitarian's Response to Covid-19

Here are a few important updates that affect our life together.

Sunday Worship

Staying Connected

Prayer Intentions: Do you have an intention to be held by our ministers and lay ministers? Send to
Parish concerns: If you have a concern to be shared in church service and the E-News, send a note to
Emergency Assistance: The church has an Emergency Fund to help members in times of financial need. Send a note to
Church Communications: Do you receive messages from the church including this weekly E-News and our Staying Connected emails? To receive church emails send a note to

Naming First Unitarian Foundation in Your Will or Estate Plan

Help assure the long-term sustainability of this beloved congregation by including First Unitarian Portland in your will or estate plan.
Please fill out our Intent Form, or for more information, visit our website.

Have a Submission for E-News?

If you have a submission you would like published in our weekly Front Steps (E-News), please submit it here with subject line “For E-News.”

Submission deadline is noon on Tuesday. 

Sunday Live Stream 

& Social Schedule

Join us LIVE from your computer or smart device by clicking on the links below. 
9:15 a.m –Family Worship
9:40 a.m. –Family Social Time
10:15 a.m.  –Worship Service
11:30 a.m. –Virtual Social Hour
5 p.m. Friday's  –Prayer Vesper


Order of Service

View this Sunday's OOS

November Shared Plate

In November, we share our plate with the ChĂșush Fund: Water for Warm Springs. In partnership with the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, MRG Foundation developed The ChĂșush Fund to directly benefit the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs as they work to restore their access and infrastructure for clean water.
In 2019, a water main break on the Warm Springs Reservation has meant continued water crisis on the largest tribal reservation in Oregon. 

Speaking of Justice: Weekly Update 11/12

In this period of physical distancing, the sacred work of justice continues. Engage with what our Social Justice Action Groups are diving into.
What Inside:
Want to know what this church has to offer? Show up for events/classes/socials and  stay engaged!
Trying to find connection with those in the congregation with similar interests?
Contact one of the many groups run by members of the church and connect.
Moved recently? Changed your phone number or e-mail? Fill out this form.
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