B N I M ' S   M O N T H L Y    |   A U G U S T   2 0 2 2
The University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art Celebrates Official Opening of New State-of-the-Art Public Museum
A New State-of-the-Art Teaching Museum Opens in Iowa this Week
BNIM is delighted and proud to celebrate the official opening of The University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art. The museum's opening celebration and livestream will take place this weekend, August 26 – 28, and invites the community to join in welcoming this new state-of-the-art public teaching museum to campus. 

The University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art is a new dynamic cultural arts destination that serves as a place for discovery, learning, and teaching of the Arts and a center for campus connection.
BNIM's team worked closely with the Stanley Museum of Art to restore an art museum presence to the campus community after 14 years, following historic flooding in 2008. The new building reunites the University with its extensive collections and renowned works such as Jackson Pollock’s Mural.
Designed as a rectilinear form with a series of interconnected voids, the new building creates a respectful and responsive home for the collections while focusing on visitor experience. The Stanley Museum of Art features a daylight-filled lobby and welcoming entry plaza adjacent to Gibson Square Park, flexible galleries, a visual arts laboratory classroom, visible storage room, offices, and collaborative space dedicated to the research, conservation, and teaching of the collections.

R E A D   M O R E   
M O N T H L Y   M I N D F U L   U P D A T E
R E S E A R C H   A N D   I N N O V A T I O N
Prototyping terra cotta at the Architectural 
Ceramics Assemblies Workshop (ACAW)
ACAW "brings together professionals from the architectural industry and academia, offering participants the opportunity to explore innovative building solutions and further their understanding of architectural terra cotta for large-scale assemblies."
BNIM's April Trotter, Elvis Achelpohl, and Kylie Schwaller studied, prototyped, and presented an ornamental terra cotta band that can be integrated into a typical masonry rain screen wall. It manifests as a decorative trim piece that will be coursed into the brick rainscreen, as well as a horizontal louver which provides solar shading for windows in the facade.  

B N I M   P E O P L E   +   C U L T U R E

Jeremy Knoll, AIA, LEED Fellow, SEED, EcoDistricts AP, is BNIM's latest EcoDistricts Accredited Professional 
The EcoDistricts AP credential can be earned by professionals globally across disciplines - from architecture to urban design to public policy - and is one of the only credentials that signifies a professional's commitment and dedication to creating sustainable, equitable neighborhoods and districts. As an EcoDistricts AP, Jeremy will bring to our practice:
An in-depth understanding of the EcoDistricts comprehensive framework and certification system to guide urban and community development
Best practices for neighborhood equity and sustainability, including resiliency, equity, green infrastructure, placemaking, and community health
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