Welcome Grow Serve Celebrate
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RSVP by Friday February 11.
Let's have a little fun with Super Bowl Sunday while doing good! How can you participate? Bring in soup for MadCAAP by Sunday, February 13th. Place your soup in the box for the team you think will win, then join us for a soup lunch immediately following worship Sunday, February 13th. During lunch we will see which team collected the most soup and that will be our guess for who will win the Super Bowl that night. We may even have a little Super Bowl trivia during lunch! To help us prepare, please click the link to say yes or no by Friday, February 11;
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New every morning is your love, great God of light, and all day long you are working for good in our world. Stir up in us a desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors and all your creation, and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
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Recognize any of these Littles? 2005-2006 was the year the Wednesday Night PHUMC Kids completed five mission projects. One of the projects was our first Honduras Becas con Bendiciones partnership. For the past 17 years, PHUMC has sponsored school children in Honduras. Our February's Communion Offering continues this tradition.
The Beginning of Scholarships with Blessings:
When this year's college seniors were in kindergarten - yes, that long ago - PHUMC's Wednesday night children's program studied United Methodist missions in Honduras, learning a little Spanish, sampling some Honduran foods, and discovering that kids in Honduras got only four or five years of schooling because their parents couldn't afford to pay for uniforms, school supplies, and fees. So our kids jumped in to help. They began collecting change at home and at church, made announcements to the congregation, decorated collection boxes for Wednesday night supper tables, and quickly raised $300 for "Scholarships with blessings" to help kids in Honduras stay in school longer. Since that beginning in January 2006, Parkway Hills has sponsored dozens of Honduran children. We receive thank-you letters and pictures from our sponsored kids every year. They are so grateful for our support!
Cindy White
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Join us for a meal with your church and activities for all ages as we celebrate a God who is love. Wednesday, February 16th at 5:45. Activities to begin around 6:15. A nursery will be provided. You must RSVP by Sunday, February 13.
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Youth Super Bowl party, 5:30 pm, Sunday, Feb.13.
Bring a snack to share! Galloway UMC Youth will be joining us.
Service & Learning Day, Sat. Feb.26
Volunteering at the Good Samaritan Center and lunch together followed by a visit to the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum and group discussion. No registration cost, but bring money for lunch. Adults, we need drivers/chaperones by Sunday, February 20 for this event to happen!
Sign up here,
or contact Geoff for more info.
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Welcome, Jean!!We welcome Jean Dunn to the kitchen! Table fellowship is a key piece of Christian practice. We give thanks that Jean has answered the call to step into our kitchen and aid our church with fellowship and outreach events. Jean spent two days last week cleaning out and organizing the kitchen in the worship center. Thank you, Jean, because that was a chore!!!
We invite you to welcome Jean to the position of Kitchen Coordinator and share your dreams and ideas with her over how we may continue the ancient practice of table fellowship and how we might welcome new faces to the table! If you feel called to aid with our fellowship and outreach events, please let Jean know.
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| Meeting This Week:
Handbells meet in the Choir Room every Thursday 9-10 am. Join us!
Men's Morning Group meets every Thursday morning at 7:30 am. Join them tomorrow, January 13th, at PHUMC in The Garden Multipurpose Room, or via Zoom. ** PLEASE NOTE: there is a new meeting ID and Password! ** New Meeting ID: 823 5246 2635 New Password: 142295
Parkway Hills Women meet via Zoom every Saturday morning at 10 am. Meeting ID: 328 170 485 Password: PHUMCLADY Women of ALL ages are always welcome!
Prayer Quilt Ministry meets every Monday from Noon to 3:00.
Join us in the Garden Multipurpose Room to create comforting quilts for children in distress.
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The Way We Stream Worship Is Changing!
Beginning, Sunday, Feb. 27 visit parkwayhillsumc.online.church to watch and participate in worship on your desktop or mobile device browser. You may create an account to more fully interact if you choose. You will still be able to access worship via Facebook Live and YouTube. This easier accessibility is made possible with your tithes and offerings. For more information, please contact Geoff.
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January, 2022
Income: $41,575.48
Expenses: $53,899.23
Stewardship Goal: "Debt-Free in '23"
Mortgage Principal Balance: $179,738.87
(Only 11 remaining payments!)
February Communion: $1,027.00
February Communion supports Becas con Bendiciones
To donate to Communion offering, text $any amount followed by the word Communion to 601-509-4735.
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