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Flower Ceremony & Youth Bridging Ritual
Flower Ceremony & Youth Bridging Ritual
Thursday, June 6, 2024

Sunday, June 9

Sunday Worship at 10:30 a.m. 
Starting June 23, our worship service will be at 10:15 a.m. 
Childcare is available during our worship service for children six months to 3 years old (in the nursery.)
Social Hour: Buchan Reception Hall after the service

Garden of Faith

Rev. Alison Miller, Senior Minister
Welcome to our annual multigenerational Flower Ceremony, where we proclaim what it means and what it takes to build our beloved community. This year, we will also honor the transition of our high school seniors to young adulthood in a Bridging Ritual.
Come one, come all to this festive celebration!
Celebrate Flower Communion this Sunday! 
We invite all congregants to be a part of this beautiful tradition by contributing a small bouquet to our communal baskets. Your bouquet, free of thorns, will add to the collective beauty of our celebration. After the service, we welcome all attendees to select a flower from the collection, symbolizing our shared experience.
Flower Communion is a unique celebration within the Unitarian Universalist tradition. First Unitarian has been hosting this multigenerational ceremony for over a century, in alignment with Unitarian Universalist congregations worldwide. This tradition symbolizes the diversity and beauty of humanity.

Happening This Sunday

End-of-Program Year Sweet Treat Celebration! ðŸŽ‰
Sunday, June 9, after the service
Location: Buchan Reception Hall 

Join us for this delightful celebration! It's the perfect way to cap off the program year with many sweet treats, including delicious mini bundt cakes and great company.
Bring your family and friends, and make it a day to remember!

Music Ministry Transition Update
Sunday, June 9, at 12:30 p.m.
Location: Eliot Chapel

With a transition happening in the leadership of our Music Ministry we want to make a space for questions and to talk about initial next steps in the process. Join church leadership this Sunday, June 9, in the Eliot Chapel after the service at 12:30 p.m. 

Featured News

First Unitarian Foundation Celebrates New Legacy Society Members
The Foundation Board would like to recognize and thank the twenty-one members of the congregation who joined the Legacy Society this spring when they informed us that they included First Unitarian in their will or estate plan. The membership in the First Unitarian’s Legacy Society now totals 119 congregants.
  • Marty Anderson
  • Cleve Abbe & Trish Brown
  • Marilynne Eichinger
  • Ronnie-Gail Emden
  • Ethel Gullette
  • Nancy Hagensick
  • Nancy Harrison
  • David Livermore & Laura Jones
  • Rick & Maxine Lathrop
  • John Hutzler & Teri Martin
  • Steve & Shannon Planchon
  • Harriet Shaklee
  • Karen Shawcross
  • Julia Spence
  • Bill Bateman & Rodolfo Troya
Foundation Bequests Received Since 2020 Total $844,000
Since January 2020, the Foundation received bequests of $844,000 that have ranged from $2,500 to $486,000 in value. We gratefully acknowledge the following individuals from whom bequests have been received: Joyce & Ed Easton; Esther Gwinnell; Cheryl Macy; Barbara Miller; Deborah Ogden; Palmer “Ted” Olson; Arnie Pickar; Dorothy Pope; Roberta Rice-Lechner; Donna Richards; Rev. Bob Schaibly; John Van Buren; Helen Warbington; and Sarah P. Young.
We also thank the following individuals who have made financial gifts to the Foundation in the last year: Sarabelle Hitchner; Judith Pullan; and Melissa Rockefeller.
If you have questions or want more information, please email us at:
NEW! — Attention All Young Adults: It's Time to Connect! 
Are you a young adult looking to make new friends, explore your interests, and get involved with your community? Well, listen up because we've got some exciting news for you! 
A Diverse Group of Young Adults Comes Together 
Recently, a group of inclusive, diverse young adults gathered to discuss ways to connect, engage, and sustain their community. The energy was electric as they shared their interests, ideas, and aspirations.
Weekly Meetups All Summer Long 
The group has decided to meet every week throughout the summer to explore how they can connect with each other and the greater First U Community. From fun social events to thought-provoking discussions, there's something for everyone.
Join the Movement 
If you're a young adult who wants to be part of this dynamic and inclusive community, we invite you to join us after the Sunday service at 12:15 in Channing Room A 101. Starting June 16, 2024, and running through August, these weekly meetups are the perfect opportunity to make new friends, discover new interests, and make your mark on the world. 
Stay Connected 
For more information on the Young Adults group and how you can get involved, email Jen. Or drop by on Sunday. We’re excited to welcome you into this vibrant community and help you make the most of your young adult experience. So, what are you waiting for? Join the Young Adults group, and let's create something amazing together! 

Upcoming Classes, Events & Gatherings

Enjoyed coming to gatherings at First Unitarian Portland? Consider contributing to sustaining our community. Your support goes a long way in fostering meaningful connections. Thank you!

Keep the Momentum Going with UU the Vote!

Thank you, First U letter writers, for your dedication to the UU the Vote campaign! Our goal is 10,000 letters, and we're almost halfway there! Let’s keep the momentum going through the summer!
Since March 17, we have:
  • Distributed 4,930 letters
  • Received 1,420 letters back for the October mail drop.
Note: Please return your finished letters as soon as possible to avoid a September bottleneck. Aim to get as many letters back by June 9.
Look for the blue tablecloth during Fellowship Hour every Sunday throughout the summer. This Sunday, drop your completed letters at the information desk across from Eliot Chapel, on your way to the sweet treat celebration in Buchan. Tuesday morning sessions will resume in September. Let's make a big impact with UU the Vote!

Learning Community

Learn more about the Learning Community.

Learning Community E-News

Join Our Vibrant Teacher Community!

Rev. Leah Ongiri, Acting Director of Lifespan Faith Formation & Family Ministries
Starting June 23rd, our worship service will move to 10:15 a.m.!
We’ve assembled a wonderful team of teachers and leaders for the next program year, but we have a couple more open opportunities. Maybe you’ve been considering getting involved? I’d love to hear from you for a no-obligation conversation...continue reading.

Social Justice Program

Learn more about the Social Justice Action Groups.

Third Act Oregon Presents: An Evening with Bill McKibben

Friday, July 5, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Location: Eliot Chapel
Don’t miss this rare evening with one of the world’s most beloved and important environmentalists and global thinkers. Mingle with Third Act Oregon volunteers and climate activists from all over the state after the main presentation.
Following the event, enjoy light refreshments in the First Unitarian's beautiful, air-conditioned Buchan Reception Hall.
Shower Project Needs Clothes & Snacks 
The Shower Project is going well, and our guests appreciate the service, especially the clothing donations. We urgently need the items listed below to ensure we can continue providing for our guests. Your donations of these specific items will make a big difference in the lives of those we serve. Thank you for your support!
  • Men's boxer briefs M/L
  • Men's and women's used shorts and jeans sizes M/L
  • Disposable razors
  • Single-serving, microwaveable snacks like mac and cheese, oatmeal, ramen
  • Snacks like protein bars
Items can be left in the COHHO bins in Fuller Hall.

In the Community

A memorial service will be held for longtime member Andrew Wheeler on Tuesday, June 11, at 3 pm in the Eliot Chapel. Andrew died on April 25 at the age of 93.
Member Martha Westgate died on May 31 at the age of 89. Martha and her late husband John were longtime church members  and she was a founding member of the 7th Principle Group which is now called Community for Earth. Martha was a retired pediatric nurse and a lifelong environmentalist. She lived with Alzheimer's disease for the last decade of her life but her generous spirit was not diminished by the disease. A memorial service is planned for Martha in the weeks ahead. 
Gary Mack Boelling, father of member John Boelling, died on June 1 in Port Townsend, Washington, at the age of 87. He was living with cancer and did not recover after taking a bad fall a few days before he died. Mack was a dedicated member of the Quimper UU Fellowship in his retirement, including helping to build their new sanctuary. He was a career family doctor in Astoria and Arizona and left a tremendous legacy of care and community service. He and his wife Barbara helped found Quimper Village, a cooperative 55 and older housing community in Port Townsend. John and his wife Cynthia were able to be at Mack’s side before his passing. They and their daughter Greta, who was also close to her grandpa, appreciate being held in our thoughts.
We hold two of our new members, Reed and Shelley Drew. Reed’s mother, Nancy Drew, died on May 22 at age 89 in Sequim, (pronounced Squim) Washington, where she had made her home for 30 years. Nancy was an elementary school teacher for many years and enjoyed an active retirement, including singing in the St. Luke's Episcopal Church choir, participating in the church Altar Guild, and volunteering with the Friends of Sequim Library book sale. Nancy’s husband Dallas passed away last year. She is survived by two sons, Reed and Kress, and many beloved relatives, friends, and neighbors.
Member Don Liedel was hospitalized recently with pneumonia. He has been making a steady recovery and hopes to go home soon.

Community News

First Unitarian Annual Meeting Vote Results 2024

John Bishop, Board Secretary
The voting members of our congregation were asked in May to consider the candidates recommended by the Nominating Committee to fill vacant seats on our Board of Trustees and the Church’s Nominating Committee.  They were also asked to consider two candidates recommended to serve as Board Stewards for our church’s Foundation, a separate non-profit corporation whose sole purpose is to benefit First Unitarian Church of Portland.  Finally, the Annual Meeting packet also asked voting members to approve the operating budget proposed by the Executive Team and approved by the Board for the fiscal year 2024-25.
A total of 456 voting members submitted ballots that met the Church’s quorum requirements.  Not all who submitted ballots cast a vote for every candidate and/or the budget proposal. All candidates recommended for the Board, the Nominating Committee, and the Foundation positions were elected, and the proposed budget was approved. The voting results were as follows:
  • Robert Bonner – 451 votes 
  • Linda Craig – 453 votes
  • David Livermore – 453 votes
  • Harriet Shaklee – 454 votes
  • Christa Copeland - 452
  • Ingrid Gjestvang - 454
  • Alison Richter -  450
  • Yes –  433
  • No – 9
  • Abstain  – 2
  • Cindy Cumfer  – 435
  • Dev Dion – 431
Thank you to all Church members who participated in the election and to all those who volunteered to serve in these positions and have now been elected. 
HOW TO — Book for the 2024/2025 Church Year 
Social Justice Action Groups: Starting June 9, email us at  to schedule meetings and events, or email John Rosette.
Social Hour Sunday Tabling: Sign up for Fuller/Buchan Reception tabling on Sundays by emailing John Rosette.

Say it with flowers! 

Do you have a birth in the family, graduation, an anniversary, a memorial, or other milestones to share?
You can acknowledge it to the entire congregation by sponsoring a floral bouquet. As we connect with friends, say it with flowers on the Chancel.
Questions? Contact Marsha.

Art for Social Justice

The Speaking of Justice Editorial Team offers weekly art to deepen our connection to social justice work and build the Beloved Community.
Curated by Ethel, Speaking of Justice Editorial Team

Recurring Workshops, Classes & Gatherings

Check out our church calendar for more info!
— Visit a more comprehensive list of our Ongoing Groups.
Beloved Community of Color: Every second Thursday evening and fourth Saturday morning of the month. Email for more info.
Caregivers Support Group: Open to Newcomers. Fourth Sunday of each month at 9 a.m. via Zoom.
Care and Action for Reproductive Dignity (CARD): We meet on the third Sunday of each month. From 12:15 – 1:45 in Fireside.
First Connections: We meet monthly on the third Sunday for all new and returning folks! And it is a terrific way to meet new folks just coming into the community. Bring a brown bag lunch. Questions? Email Pat.
First Steps: Every first Sunday of the month at Noon // Location: Channing Room. Discover additional insights into life at First Unitarian Portland, avenues for connection, and delve deeper into Unitarian Universalism. Questions? Email Jen Thomas.
Friday Vesper Services: from 5 - 5:40 p.m. via Zoom.
Gather for quiet prayer, reflection, meditation, and music. 
Immigrant Justice Action Group (IJAG): Contact Laurie for meeting info.
  • Lunch Gathering at Elephants
    Monday, June 24 at 12:30 p.m. || Location: Elephants Delicatessen S. Corbett
Labyrinth: Most second Sundays of the month in Buchan Reception Hall. Check the Church Calendar. 
Loving Kindness Meditation: Attend via Zoom on Mondays from 8 - 8:30 p.m.
Mental Health Caregivers Group: Second Wednesday every month via Zoom 7 - 8:30 p.m. Email them for more the link.
Sojourners: Lollygagging Our Way To The Inevitable: Sojourners and Sojourners 2 are two separate groups that meet for two hours in person at First Unitarian. Members support each other through the aging journey by engaging in facilitated discussion and activities, sharing personal stories and concerns, inspiring individual growth, and promoting friendship through social activities. All are welcome, but both groups are limited in size; no drop-ins, please. || Email Lucy with questions.
THIS SUNDAY — "T” Time: A Trans, Nonbinary, and Gender-Expansive, Exclusive Gathering: Meet on the second and fourth Sundays in Channing Room at noon.
UU the Vote: Join Us For Community and Letter Writing 
The blue tablecloth will be available every Sunday until October. Letters can be dropped off and picked up at the church office.
Letter Writing Schedule:
Women's Circle II: Meets most second and fourth Mondays of the month. Email Kim.
Got something for Front Steps? Send in your church-related submission for our weekly publication. Use "Front Steps" as the subject line and submit here. Deadline: Tuesdays at noon.

Events Calendar | Ongoing GroupsUpdate Records

Livestream Schedule
Sanctuary Service – 10:30 a.m.
In-Person & Livestream
Friday Vespers – 5 - 5:40 p.m.
via Zoom 

June Shared Plate
For the month of June, we are sharing our plate offering with Street Books. Street Books is a bicycle-powered, mobile library serving people living outside and at the margins in Portland.
Since 2011, Street Books has provided books, reading glasses, and other survival supplies to create relationships and a community of mutual care. They strive to empower people on the streets through access to literature and to create a community of support for people living outside through a shared love of books. 
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