Our volunteers donated 20,000 hours!
Our volunteers donated 20,000 hours!

Celebrating Citizenship With Oath Ceremonies and New Classes

LVCA Former Student Imane at the Monticello Naturalization Oath Ceremony. "I'm happy to be here, happy to be a United States Citizen...Thank you, America" 
This Fourth of July, Literacy Volunteers once again commemorated America's Independence Day at the annual Naturalization Oath Ceremony at Monticello. We celebrated 74 new citizens, including former and current LVCA students, as they took their citizenship oath.
"I'm so happy right now! I could cry. Thank you," wrote a former student.  It is an honor to be a part of our students' path to citizenship, and we thank you for the support you provide Literacy Volunteers to help us fulfill our mission.
We are excited to continue this mission and announce the next semester of citizenship classes! Classes are open to anyone in the community who is within two years of applying for U.S. citizenship. 
  • Classes are free
  • Classes use Intermediate level English
  • Classes start on September 16th with both in-person and Zoom options

    To find out more about how to sign up for citizenship classes, what we offer, and times for the classes, please follow this link.

Mini Program Update

Our fiscal year closed on June 30, and we're still compiling all of our data (thank you, Maureen!). Be on the lookout for the full impact report in early fall; however, we wanted to share a few meaningful numbers with our supporters. In FY 24: 
  • We served 409 students, which is a 10% increase from FY23
  • 276 tutors volunteered their time, a 10% increase from FY23
  • Volunteers donated more than 20,000 hours; this includes volunteering through tutoring, Wordplay, the front desk, and more!
  • Our students earned more than 2,000 achievements!
Of course, numbers never show the full picture. Every tutoring session builds a relationship and language skills. As one tutor said in our annual survey, "It has been rewarding to see how far my student has come, both in her English language skills and her confidence and independence."
Each student, each volunteer, each achievement has a story. Together, with all of those volunteer hours, they create a truly life-changing experience. We thank every one of our volunteers and supporters for their work. Read below to learn more about one tutor who has over 1000 volunteer hours!
Joyce (right) and her student

Tutor Milestones: Joyce MacDonald

As we were compiling data, we realized that a few of our tutors are reaching truly impressive milestones. One such tutor, Joyce MacDonald, just reached 950 volunteer hours; however, this does not even include volunteer hours before fiscal year 2020. Since Joyce started volunteering in 2014, it's safe to say that she has donated well over 1,000 hours of service. She has worked with 8 different students, led a basic-level group, and volunteered in our library. 
Her perserverance is an exemplar for all of our tutors, especially those just starting out. Joyce wrote of starting her time here at LVCA:
"As a recent widow, I wasn’t sure how to live my life; I thought I’d try tutoring. The first several sessions were rocky. It was winter and my student often didn’t come or didn’t call to let me know. I was quite overprepared and started with a lot of insecurity.  
"Without a teaching background, tutoring has been very challenging for me and has been difficult to know how to help my students function in an English-speaking environment. All the variables—speaking, reading, writing and navigating this world are overwhelming. The triumphs, though, are spectacular. 
"Somewhere along the way, I’ve learned that I really like teaching grammar, as frustrating and annoying as English is. However, the most rewarding part is the emotional connection. How else would I meet and get to know people from all over the world who have had both difficult and triumphant lives? Their cultures, traditions, and, sometimes, values are so different from anything I’ve known. I’ve loved them all and have learned much more from them than I’ve ever taught (or tried to teach) them."

Upcoming Trainings

Our waiting list grows exponentially during the summer. If you or someone you know is interested in helping shrink our waitlist, please consider signing up for our upcoming information session. This session will provide an overview of what we do and tutor expectations. We are always happy to answer any questions people might have, too. Just reach out at (434) 977-3838 or by email.

Information Session:

Thursday, August 8
10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. or 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m., Zoom
Click here to register.
Training Sessions:
Saturday, August 24
9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 
Jefferson School City Center
Click here to register.

Saturday, September 28
9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 
Jefferson School City Center
Click here to register.

Visit literacyforall.org/tutors for more information. 

Joy of Writing: Save the Date!

The 2024 Joy of Writing is currently at the publisher and about to be shipped to our office! We cannot wait to share this beautiful anthology with you. To preview the table of contents, please follow this link
As always, we will hold a celebratory potluck where students will read their stories. This event is always a truly joyous occassion. 
The event will take place on Tuesday, August 27, at 5:30 p.m. at Church of Our Saviour, 1165 Rio Rd E, Charlottesville. We hope you can join us! 
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