A View from the Board
The following is the latest in a series of monthly messages from the RVR Master Association Board, called “A View From the Board.” The messages summarize recent Board decisions and discussions, and are designed to bring RVR homeowners up to date on issues important to the community.


The Ranch House is now at the peak of its busiest season: summer. More of you, as expected, are using the facility than during any other time of the year. With Covid-related public health restrictions as relaxed as they’ve been in a long time, the atmosphere feels close to “normal” again.

After much soul searching, the Board has concluded that “normal” is no longer good enough. We are embarking on a much-needed journey we hope will produce far greater customer satisfaction among homeowners.

This month’s “View From the Board” will focus our efforts to build a customer service-based culture, as well as two other topics: the upcoming Annual Meeting & Golf Update, and the 2021 Board election.

Building a “Customer Satisfaction” Culture

RVR’s culture is not formally defined. Over many years, the culture at the Ranch House has evolved, based on shared beliefs and values, as well as Board input and management leadership.

The culture is evident in our decision-making process and in the services we provide. What is our highest priority: containing costs or delivering quality services and experiences? How do we balance those seemingly conflicting priorities?

Through a series of conversations with homeowners over the past year, we now realize our focus has shifted too far in one direction. When making decisions, we too often think of cost, or convenience to staff – before considering customer satisfaction.

We believe we have it backwards. Customer satisfaction is seldom given the priority it deserves, and in juggling priorities, it needs a stronger voice at the table and in decision making.

As a result, the Board is working with General Manager Sterling Page to bring about a more customer-centric culture at RVR. In this new culture, employees should consider customer satisfaction in every decision they make, and every interaction and communication they have with homeowners.

This is a big change from where we are today. And, it is long overdue.

Our management team is excited and enthusiastic about taking on this challenge. You’ll be hearing more from Sterling in the weeks and months ahead about his plans. He’ll be sharing with you his vision for changes needed in the Ranch House culture.

We’ll discuss much more about this move toward a “customer satisfaction” culture at our upcoming Annual Meeting. Which brings us to our next topic.

Annual Meeting & Golf Update set for July 21

The Annual Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 21. It will begin immediately following the regular monthly Board meeting. Please mark that evening on your calendar, and plan to join us for a review of the last 12 months at RVR, as well as an update on the rapidly unfolding golf course situation that potentially affects your property values.

We’d like to think the meeting itself is enough reason to attend. If you need additional incentive, come and enjoy some wine and cheese while the Board concludes its regular business, then step into the Annual Meeting and hear about what we’ve done over the past year.

The Annual Meeting, like all of our meetings, is open to every RVR property owner. We will share accomplishments and successes since last summer, as well as opportunities for improvement over the next 12 months.

Because of the threat to our community of development on the golf course, we are devoting about half of the meeting to addressing the owner’s new focus on taking your voice away in matters that affect all property owners within RVR.

Oh, and we will announce the results of our 2021 Board election. Which brings us to our final topic.

Board Election Underway; Please Vote

Earlier this week, we sent you, by e-mail, instructions on how to access your ballot and vote electronically in this year’s RVR Executive Board election. You should have received that e-mail by now. If you haven’t, please contact Member Services Manager Kendra Ford at csm@rvrcommunity.com, and she’ll re-send the e-mail to you.

Every summer, several RVR Master Association Board members’ terms expire. This year, it’s Board member RJ Spurrier and Board Co-President Cathy Cooney. Cathy has chosen not to seek re-election. RJ wants another term on the Board.

We have three excellent candidates for two available seats. In addition to RJ, homeowners Michael Banbury and Clarence Blackwell are seeking three-year terms on the Board.

The Board represents you in its governance of the community. It is responsible for oversight of our RVR management team, but its most important function is preserving your property values.

Your vote will determine the makeup of the Board for the next 12 months. Please take a minute to thoughtfully review each candidate’s statement of interest, and make your decision based on how you think they would best represent your interests.

The voting deadline is Friday, July 16. The two elected candidates will be installed at the July 21 monthly Board meeting.


If you have questions about our move to a more customer-focused culture, the Annual Meeting, the 2021 Board election, or any other matters concerning our community, please contact us at: boardofdirectors@rvrcommunity.com

The next RVRMA Board meeting is Wednesday, July 21, at 5:30 pm. For the first time in more than a year, the meeting will be held in person, in the Ranch House upstairs Board room. Immediately following the Board meeting, we will hold our Annual Meeting. The location of the Annual Meeting will be announced later, depending on the anticipated attendance. Hope to see you at one or both of those meetings.

On behalf of your volunteer RVRMA Board,

Cathy Cooney & Gary Lesser

Board Co-Presidents

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