>> November Meeting - Stay Tuned
Elections for KHCA officers are coming up next month. The two-year term positions are: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer
KHCA is also looking to bring in people to join or chair several committees including Land Use, Traffic and Safety, History, Communications, Environment and Beautification
We are always seeking to engage new volunteers to expand capacity and bring in fresh ideas. You can volunteer to be a member of any of these committees and also consider stepping in as the Chair / Co-Chair for committees that either has vacancies or would like new leadership.
The work required is not too time-consuming. Based on each committee’s activity, the Chair(s) are asked to submit a brief update to be shared in the newsletter/website to keep members informed. Committee chairs are encouraged to attend the ExCom Meetings held on the third Wednesday of every month. The committee chair(s) and members are also encouraged to share relevant information from Kensington Heights and surrounding areas including county projects that may be of interest to the KHCA community.
Have you lived here for a long time and think you have some great ideas to contribute? Moved in recently and looking to find a way to get more involved? Whatever your interest is – we need you – A LOT!
here to let us know soon if you are interested in any of those positions or getting involved in a committee. Don’t put it off – and don’t assume someone else will step up.
Your Civic Association needs YOU (and we guarantee you’ll like your fellow active members).