April 13, 2022  

Welcome      Grow       Serve      Celebrate

Holy Week and Easter Edition

We have many opportunities to walk through Holy Week and Easter Celebrations. Mark these dates and invite a friend. 

Don't forget to make your Maundy Thursday reservations by 3:00 today!
Make a reservation here.

Service with Dinner begins at 5:45. Nursery provided.

Prayer Service will begin in the Worship Center at Noon. Lunch will follow.

Saturday bring your fresh flowers for the Easter Cross!

Deliver your cut flowers from your garden or your local market to the church kitchen between 10:00 and 11:00 am on Saturday. We would love for you to stay and help decorate the cross.

Easter Sunday Worship 
April 17 @ 10:45: Come and celebrate
the Risen Christ as a church family!

Continue the Easter Celebration! Sunday April 24: Worship on the Lawn with guest worship leader Abbye West Pates. Bring a chair. Potluck lunch to follow. We will provide ham, chicken nuggets for the kids, brad and drinks. You bring a side or dessert. 

Our PHUMC Kids will plant this year's zinnia seeds. 

"Their light still shines."

Deadline is fast approaching! Be sure to get your info in by Wednesday, April 13 today by 2:00 pm for Easter Candles to shine in memory or honor of your loved ones. Click here to order.

On Palm Sunday the PHUMC Quilt Ministry presented new quilts to be given to community children in distress.
Meeting This Week:    
Handbells meet in the Choir Room every Thursday 9-10 am. Join us!
Choir practice No practice this Sunday evening; enjoy your Easter.
Men's Morning Group meets every Thursday morning at 7:30 am.
Join them at PHUMC in The Garden Multipurpose Room,
via Zoom.
                 ** PLEASE NOTE: there is a new meeting ID and Password!                                                **New Meeting ID: 823 5246 2635
     New Password: 142295
Parkway Hills Women meet via Zoom every Saturday morning at 10 am.
Meeting ID: 328 170 485
Women of ALL ages are always welcome!

Prayer Quilt Ministry meet every Monday,  from Noon to 3:00. 
Join us in the Garden Multipurpose Room to create comforting quilts for children in distress. 

Year to Date, March 2022
Income: $138,086.68
Expenses: $154,307.40
Stewardship Goal:  "Debt-Free in '23"
Mortgage Principal Balance: $146,794.82
(Only 9 remaining payments!)
               April Communion Offering: $1310.00 
Gifts have been received for Boy Scout Troop 164       in memory of Rick Kolar. 
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