New and exciting activities in the
McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences
2024 Robert M. Walker Distinguished Lecture Series
Next week! Note the new locations.
Institute Scientist
Southwest Research Institute
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Recent News from MacCenter Fellows
Presolar Grains Book to Be Published
Presolar Grains in Extra-Terrestrial Materials: Probing Stars with Stardust, edited by MCSS fellow Sachiko Amari, is scheduled to be published by Elsevier in March 2025. It presents the latest research on presolar grains and their stellar sources in a cohesive resource for bringing researchers in cosmochemistry, astrophysics, and astronomy up to speed on state-of-the-art developments, analysis, and future implications.
Beginning with a historical perspective on the study of presolar grains, the book then reviews the properties and features of a variety of presolar grains, including silicon carbide, graphite, diamonds, oxides, and silicates. It also includes techniques for analyzing presolar grains in the lab, and covers the stars that are considered sources of presolar grains, such as asymptotic giant branch (AGB)
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stars, supernovae, novae, and born-again AGB stars. Condensation calculations in various types of stars and minerals observed and/or expected in the stellar atmospheres and presolar grains are also presented.
Many members of MCSS, both past and present, were involved in the creation of this book. Tyrone Daulton presents the study of presolar diamonds. Katharina Lodders and Bruce Fegley, Jr. describe the grain formation in the stellar outflow and ejecta as well as the basics of condensation calculations. Amari reports presolar graphite grains in meteorites with Manavi Jadhav, an MCSS alumna. Other alumni include Larry Nittler and Rhonda Stroud, who write about presolar oxides, and Pierre Haenecour, who describes presolar silicates.
This book will provide the means for students and researchers to learn about presolar grains with a wealth of information and current references to further explore this field.
Probing Neutron Star Crusts with Artificial Neural Networks
A paper co-authored by Associate Professor Maria Piarulli has been selected for a highlight on the DOE website.
MacCenter Fellows in the News
Geophysical and Environmental Applications of Imaging Radar Systems
Imaging Seminar
Roger Michaelides
Friday, October 11
8:30am, Green Hall, Rodin Auditorium L0120
Achieving the Science of the Extreme Universe Through Developments in Gamma-Ray Instrumentation and Telescopes
Space Sciences/Astrophysics Seminar
Regina Caputo
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
Friday, October 11
11:00am, Compton 241
Unearthing the Hidden Curriculum in Earth Science
EEPS Brown Bag
Claire Masteller and Maggie Limbeck
Friday, October 11
12:00pm, Rudolph 301
Lucy: The First to the Trojans
Robert M. Walker Distinguished Colloquium
Harold Levison
Southwest Research Institute
Wednesday, October 16
4:00pm, Knight Center 220
Refreshments: 3:15pm, O'Donnell Lounge
| Traveling with Lucy on the First Ever
Mission to the Trojan Asteroids!
Robert M. Walker Distinguished Lecture
Harold Levison
Southwest Research Institute
Thursday, October 17
7:00pm, McDonnell Hall, 162
A Multi-messenger Hunt
for Galactic PeVatrons
Space Sciences/Astrophysics Seminar
Shuo Zhang
Michigan State University
Friday, October 18
9:00am, Compton 241
St. Louis Astronomical Society October Meeting
Pamela Gay
Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Friday, October 18
7:30pm, McDonnell 162
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Compiled and edited by Alison Verbeck. Please send any contributions to
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