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Keeping you engaged and informed
Ward 11 Weekly Update header
Week of April 10, 2016 
International Day of Pink (Message from Director Malloy)
The International Day of Pink is a day of action, born when a youth in a high school in Cambridge, Nova Scotia was bullied because he wore a pink shirt to school. His fellow students decided to stand up to bullying; and hundreds of students came to school wearing pink to show support for diversity and stopping discrimination, gender-based bullying, homophobia and transphobia.We encourage staff and students to not only wear pink in support of diversity, but to also hold events and activities that will engage their community and challenge gender stereotypes. Around the world discrimination continues to be the leading source of conflict. Discrimination includes ableism, ageism, classism, heterosexism, homophobia, racism, sexism, transphobia, among many other forms. Stereotypes (ideas) may lead to prejudices (attitudes/feelings) which may lead to discrimination (actions) and affect how we work, study and treat one another; they create barriers, bullying, harassment, hate and violence.The International Day of Pink is more than just a symbol of a shared belief in celebrating diversity – it's also a commitment to being open-minded, understanding of differences and to learning to respect each other. Please remember to wear Pink.

Greeting from the National School Boards Association Conference 2016 
My colleagues Trustee Gerri Gershon, Superintendent Kathleen Garner and I are at NSBA presenting two sessions on behalf of the TDSB - "Oh No, Not Another Controvery..." and "Facing Success... Programs that go Beyond Academics". The program book can be found here.
If you have an iPad and are interested in the details of the program, NSBA has an app! You can download it here - It has the schedule, session descriptions and locations, access handouts, exhibitors, and more…once our sessions begin, the presentations and the resources used for them will be posted here
The Keynote speaker on Saturday moring was Dan Rather - he began by stating proudly he was a product of public schools and gave credit to all his teachers - by name - he then thanked all of us involved in education and expressed disappointment that public education wasn't being focused on more in the presidential election. Interestingly, he then challenged legislators and educators in the US to look in the mirror - to look at PISA results and the importance of early education and equity in those countries where students are experiencing success as opposed to emphasizing high-stakes testing. Kathleen, Gerri and I smiled thinking he set us up perfectly for our presentations! There was another excellent presentation on achieving equitable outcomes Saturday afternoon and this morning the session I attended was "Raising the Bar for All: Successful Gifted Programming for Students of All Races, Ethnicities, and Socioeconomic Groups". This morning I attended a session on Policy Development and heard today's keynote Robin Roberts - who also stated proudly she was a product of public schools. What stayed with me? "Dream Big/Focus Small" and "Make Your Mess Your Message". After our session on Controversy (which was well attended and well received), I went to an interesting session on Board Self-Assessment. I look forward to more sessions and the closing keynote Tony Robbins tomorrow - I will continue to tweet hashtag #NSBAConf.

Celebrate Jewish Heritage Month at the TDSB Tikkun Olam Social Justice Fair - May 25, 2016
May is Jewish Heritage Month in TDSB. In 2016, the celebrations will highlight Tikkun Olam, a classical Jewish concept that has become, “synonymous with the notion of social action, good character development, and the pursuit of social justice which is integral to the Jewish paradigm and concept of our responsibility in the world.” (learn more about Tikkun Olam here). On Wednesday, May 25th (a Board meeting night), Trustees and senior staff will have a chance to see how this concept is being turned into action, and sample some Jewish-themed snacks, at the TDSB Tikkun Olam Social Justice Fair, in the 5050 cafeteria from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Students from schools around TDSB will be on hand with displays and presentations, eager to share information about the many ways they are working to improve the world around them.  Please see the poster for detailson how your school can participate. For more information, please contact Shari Schwartz-Maltz, Media & Issues Manager at

Next Steps on Learning Centres
In last week's Update, I provided information on Learning Centres LC)... we are in the early design stage of LC, but we are following a vison that we believe will have a very positive outcome for our schools and for student learning and achievement levels. To work effectively through this change process, the Director is taking very intentional steps and will be working further on refining our approach with the senior management team, school administrators and teaching, learning and instructional leadership teams. Immediate next steps include: 
  • Continue to review all central departments and staff to determine how they can support the Learning Centre model.
  • Determine the geographic location and boundaries of Learning Centres. 
  • Create protocols, roles and responsibilities, accountability relationships, expectations, and work locations within the Learning Centres. 
  • Assign superintendents and administrative supports for the Learning Centres. 
  • Finalize the recruitment of Learning Coaches and assign them to the Learning Centres.
  • Further consultation with staff on implementation.
  • Clarify how system-wide programs will be organized.
  • Determine system standards and training for all positions of leadership to create a "Leadership for Learning Culture".
  • Keep employees and communities informed of the progress we are making with these important changes.
Common Q&As FYI
Q: Will LC’s be physical buildings or virtual centres? A: That has not been decided at this point in the design stage.
Q: Will LC’s have a governance or policy making role? A: No. The Board will continue to have a central governance and policy-making function through the Board of Trustees supported by a central, albeit smaller, administration.
Q: What will be the role of Central Coordinating Principals in the LC model? A: They will continue to provide a central coordinating function, but they will also be connected to LC’s to provide additional teaching and learning supports. 
More next week...

Special Education Reorganization to Improve Service Delivery (from Director Malloy)
The Special Education department has heard from staff and communities about ways to improve services to students with special learning needs.The following organizational changes and processes will enhance service delivery to schools, improve communication with parents/guardians and caregivers, and bring resources closer to schools through the Learning Centres:
  • Increasing the number of school-based consultants;
  • Changing our Behaviour Resource Support Team (teacher/Child and Youth Worker) to ensure easier access to principals;
  • Increasing support of Special Education staffing in our EdVance Programs;
  • Enhancing consultant capacity to support the use of Assistive Technology to support direct service to students;
  • Implementing plans to ensure greater success of students who will return to a regular classroom setting; and
  • There will be Superintendent of Education support at each learning centre to assist the coordination of the Special Education portfolio.
Staff will continue to work with schools and communities in order to improve services to our students with special learning needs.

An Inspirational Article
If you have a few minutes,  please take time to read What Defines a Good School by David Gamberg Education Week March 29, 2016. "...So, what truly defines a school? For me, the exchange between child and adult is at the heart of it. That exchange may be subtle or vigorous—not rigorous. Rigor, which shares roots with the Latin rigor mortis, implies severity, rigidity, and stiffness—all connotations that restrict the learner and the learning process—while vigor implies energy and dynamism. Yes, words matter. The best learning occurs when both teacher and student are in pursuit of a deeper understanding. It is a quest that is based on love, one that is filled with authentic, joyful, challenging, and impactful experiences. A school is a place of respect and wonder..." 

HOLD THE DATES for Future Ward Forums
If you have any suggestions for topics you would like explored at Ward Forums, please send me an e-mail.Thanks!
Worth Repeating...
Applications for Parents Reaching Out Grants 2016-17 Now Open - Grant applications for the 2016-17 school year are now open and will be accepted until May 29, 2016. In the 2015-16 school year, the province funded more than 2,200 projects that helped identify barriers to parent engagement and found local solutions to help more parents be engaged in their children's learning. For more information, click on     
NOTE - Change of Date - Presentation by Jennifer Kolari, Wednesday, May 25, 7-8pm at Oakwood CI, 991 St Clair  Av - Oakwood Collegiate invites all parents to attend a Parent Presentation by Jennifer Kolari. This presentation will show parents the importance of communication in the parent-teen relationship and is for parents and teens. Her Website is: Light refreshments will be provided. Chilcare available if requested at
2015-2016 is Hodgson’s 100th Anniversary year! Hold May 13-14, 2016 - Hodgson's 100th anniversary celebration is scheduled for Friday, May 13, 2016 and Saturday, May 14, 2016. There will be more information coming about this event, but we wanted to make sure that you marked the dates on your calendar. #Hodgson100th (100th Anniversary Committee Chair). 
TDSB Parent Conference 2016: Parents as Partners - April 16, 2016 The Parent Involvement Advisory Committee (PIAC), Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC), Mental Health and Well-Being Parent Partnership Committee and Model Schools for Inner Cities’ Parent Academies are partnering to bring one INCLUSIVE conference on Saturday, April 16, 2016. Please click
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