B N I M ' S   M O N T H L Y    |    S E P T E M B E R   2 0 2 3
The Power of Mentorship
Architecture student and BNIM intern, Miguel Perez shares the meaningful impact of mentorship on his academic and professional journey, both during his internship with BNIM and in his time at Kansas State University and involvement in National Organization of Minority Architecture Students (NOMAS).

"Mentorship is a two-way street, a dynamic exchange of knowledge, support, and inspiration. It's about giving back to the community that has shaped us while continuing to learn and grow ourselves. Through mentorship, we can break down barriers, foster diversity, and empower the next generation of architects. It's a journey worth embarking on—one that I am grateful to have experienced and will continue to embrace in the future."  M I G U E L   P E R E Z 

M O N T H L Y   M I N D F U L   U P D A T E
T H A N K   Y O U   T O   O U R   B N I M   I N T E R N S ! 
It was a great summer at BNIM with our excellent student interns who joined us in our Kansas City, Des Moines, and San Diego offices. This talented group of emerging professionals were immersed in the project initiatives of our studio teams, learning, collaborating, sharing their knowledge, skills, and ideas to positively shape design and our daily practice. Thank you to Anne, Emily, Isaac, Kenath, Miguel, Raeleigh, Sophi, and Stuart for all of your contributions at BNIM!

 M O R E
R E C E N T   P U B L I C A T I O N S
Featured on pages 20-23 of the Fall 2023 issue of Iowa Architect, the article "Handled with Care: A Monumental Move for University of Iowa’s Stanley Museum of Art" by Anna Aversing, Assoc. AIA, describes how BNIM’s design of the Stanley Museum of Art addresses resiliency and accessibility issues that the art museum faced after the extensive flooding of the campus 14 years ago. The article highlights key strategies that the design team implemented to ensure that, in case of another catastrophic flooding event, the museum’s collection will remain safe and dry, while engaging the campus and community in arts education and exploration.
mindful - As a perfect mirror reflection of the letters bnimmindful is this place for communication, where we reflect upon projects, people and events to share beyond the firm’s walls. 
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