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Chumacero-Polanco, E., Yang, J., Chagdes, J.R. (2020) “Effect of Ankle-Pivot Misalignment and Upward Ankle Vertical Displacement on Stability and Equilibrium Location for an Ankle-Hip Model of Balance on a Balance Board,” Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 15(2).
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Chamberlin, J.P., Corti, L.G., Sommers, A.D. (2020) “Water condensation and droplet shedding behavior on silica nanospring coated finned tubes,” 8th International Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Conference, West Lafayette. Accepted.
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Shockly, M., Duong, N., Ma, J., Lei, S., Jahan, M.P., Sundaram, M. (2019) “Numerical Investigation of the Effects of Operating Parameters in the Vibration Assisted Nano Impact Machining of Single Crystalline Silicon by Loose Abrasive using Molecular Dynamics Simulation,” Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Volume 43, Part B, Pages 1219.
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Campbell, K.L., Sidebottom, M.A., Atkinson, C.C., Babuska, T.F., Kolavonic, C.A., Boulden, B.J., Junk, C.P., Krick, B.A. (2019) “Ultralow Wear PTFE‐Based Polymer Composites – The Role of Water and Tribochemistry,” Macromolecules. 52, 5268−5277. DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.9b00316.
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Atkinson, C.A., Sidebottom, M.A., Babuska, T.F., Grejtak, T., Campbell, K.L., Junk, C.P., Burch, H.E., Krick, B.A. (2019) “Nanomechanics of Ultralow Wear PTFE‐Based Composites: Microstructure and Mechanics of Filler Particles,” Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers. STLE Annual Meeting, May 22, 2019, Nashville, TN.
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