Look what you did!
Look what you did!

Dear Friend of ACCES,
Here we are, almost at the middle of July, with COVID restrictions being loosened as our economies re-start and things begin to return to some kind of normalcy. We at ACCES hope that you have stayed safe and healthy throughout the pandemic, and that you continue to do so during the transition back to business as usual, whenever that happens.
ACCES also wants to thank you for you sticking with us through these incredibly difficult and uncertain times. You've actively participated in two fundraising campaigns since March to help us ensure that no student is left behind, and ACCES is pleased to report that we have met all of our commitments to them thus far. That's impressive, and we want you to know it didn't go unnoticed!
From all of our students, Asante Sana!
Sponsor a Student

Look at What You Did!

Although ACCES didn't win this year, we send congratulations to the winner of the 2020 Great Canadian Giving Challenge: Sistering – A Woman’s Place, from Toronto!
But most importantly, you were part of something extraordinary:
The 2020 giving challenge helped raise a total of $27,576,578 for charities—that is 92% more than last year! You deserve to be congratulated for taking part in this momentous accomplishment! 

See what your donations achieved in 2019

As you know, COVID-19 made our usual AGM in June impossible, so we were required to postpone until a later date this year. But we still wanted to share what happened in 2019, thanks to your generous donations. If you didn't get to see it live, make sure you check out this video report from our President and Executive Director. Click here to view on Facebook.

2020 Tax Receipts

The official tax receipt for all of your donations made directly to ACCES  throughout this year will be issued at the end of the taxation year and sent to you by the end of January of the following year (2021). We are happy to send receipts at any time of course, for the current year or previous tax years. If you need one right away, just let us know. Cick here to email the office, and be sure to give us your full name, address, and telephone number so we can look you up quickly.

Meet Winny Kongani

She’s the first born in a family of 9 and so far, is the only one of her siblings that has been able to complete secondary school. She comes from a very humble family; her father having passed on while she was still in primary level. 
Winny says, “I’m a partial orphan with an unreliable source of income, because my father who was the breadwinner in our family died and left us with our mother who is a peasant farmer.”
Life has not been good to Winny since her dad died. Thankfully, a well-wisher saw Winny’s potential and sponsored her from class four up to form two, otherwise she may not have even been able to attend primary school. Unfortunately, her sponsor also passed on before she finished and she only continued to survive in school because of her excellent academic performance, even at times being allowed to sit for exams without attending lessons. As a result, most of her siblings dropped out of school, but she pressed on with a singular determination to succeed
After successfully completing high school, joining University was the next uphill task. Since her mother could not afford University fees, she was forced to join a middle level college instead. She was able to secure an opportunity to get enrolled through fundraising from church members, but it still wasn't enough for a full year. So even though she was devastated at the possibility of having to drop out before the end of her first year, she engaged herself in looking for other ways to fund her education. It was at this point that her friend introduced her to ACCES
She was thankful but nervous at the same time when she applied for a scholarship award. She says that “my prayers were answered when I was finally selected, and my hopes have been rekindled. ACCES is my steppingstone.”
Winny is now very optimistic about completing her diploma course and continuing with her plans for a degree program later in her life
She’s grateful for your donations and treasures your generous support.
“Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them to become what they are capable of becoming.” - Goethe
ACCES alleviates poverty through education 
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