Weekly Schedule
9:30am: Sunday School (read on more more on how this will look in 2022-2023)
10:30am: Church-wide fellowship time in the Worship Center
10:45am: Church-wide worship (this service is recorded/broadcast)
5:30-7:30: Starting August 21, ENGAGE is back and we're going reverting to our pre-COVID 2-hour block.
Dates to Know
(Adults, sign up to help here! As the semester goes on, we'll be adding more dates to this signup we'll be using for all non-ENGAGE Fall Semester events)
August 7, 4:30-6:30 (note the time change to accomodate the kids ministry event): Black Light Party @PHUMC. Dance into the new year with Parkway Hills! Refreshments will be served. Please bring canned goods to benefit MadCAAP. Note: We've received word that, as is expected for the start of the year, MadCAAP's reserves are low so a good turnout from us would make a huge difference for our community!
August 14, 5:30-7:30: Back to School Kickoff Meeting. Parents and youth are invited for our annual fellowship and sharing time as we start the new year together. Light dinner will be served.
August 21, 5:30-7:30: First ENGAGE Bible study of the year. ENGAGE is back for a new school year! We need help with dinner and volunteering for this weekly gathering. For details and signups specific to ENGAGE, click here. Note: to accomodate all we want to do and overlap fully with confirmation class, we're heading back to our old 2-hour time.
September 18, 5:30-7:30: Host home dinner night. For this special edition of ENGAGE we'll be splitting roughly by former confirmation class for a night of food, fellowship, and discussion about growing in our youth ministry. 8th and 9th grades will be together (home TBA); 10th grade and up will carpool to Geoff's house.
October 9-10: Fall Retreat. By popular request we're headed back to Roosevelt State Park and adding a night spent in God's glorious Creation. Final details TBA, but this will be a very affordable event.