Fall 2017: Top Stories from the Department

Lead story

Jansen Family Emerging Scholars

In the Spring 2017, Patrick Jansen (BSME 2015) helped to establish the Jansen Family Emerging Scholar Program based on his experiences as an undergraduate student. He saw opportunities for the program to develop stronger relationships between upper and lower classman, establish a common space in the department for students to study, network, and socialize, and provide increased opportunities for students to interact with faculty and staff outside of the normal classroom setting. MORE>>

Mechanical Engr. Faculty and Staff News

CEDAR Research Group Continues to Grow

The Clemson Engineering Design Applications and Research group has grown to four full time faculty members, and 25 graduate students. Earlier this year CEDAR hosted 30 PhD students for two weeks to learn about design research methods. This NSF sponsored project brought together a diverse group from all over the country to study at Clemson. CEDAR continues to expand our understanding of how we design and develop tools to improve processes. There are currently nine courses in design taught by CEDAR professors. CEDAR also has 11 alumni currently working in academia. CEDAR is always looking to partner with companies on new projects. Contact Dr. Summers for more information: jsummer@clemson.edu

Mechanical Engineering faculty member creates fund

Clemson alumnus and Senior Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering Todd Schweisinger, Ph.D., P.E. is dedicated to Clemson University and our students. He has made the decision to preserve most of his income to reach a substantial goal—to create a multi-million-dollar bequest to our beloved Clemson. With careful financial planning, Schweisinger is confident that his goal will become a reality. He hopes that his gift will fund tuition for students in perpetuity, giving deserving students a chance to have the incredible experiences he enjoyed as a Clemson student. MORE>>

Mechanical Engr. Student News

Creative Inquiry Team Wins Award

The Creative Inquiry team led by Dr. Rodrigo Martinez-Duarte received and third place and an honorable mention at the Student Poster Session of the Spring Meeting of the Electro Chemical Society in New Orleans Louisiana. MORE>>

Mechanical Engr. Education

ME4020 Capstone Design Projects and Jury members needed for Spring

The Mechanical Engineering student body keeps increasing – we are now the largest engineering degree program in the State! We expect this Spring to have about 160 students in the capstone design course ME4020. This course is the culmination of the students’ education at the undergraduate level, and for the past 60 years, industry projects were solicited and used to give teams of students challenging and interesting real problems to work on.Because of that increase in students, we are asking for help identifying projects from Industry. MORE>>

Clemson Career Workshop Summer 2017 – Intro to Engineering

This summer, 30 underrepresented high school students from across the state of South Carolina and even some parts of North Carolina participated in the Clemson Career Workshop. The summer residential workshop combined learning opportunities with sessions on college preparation and life skills that increase the likelihood of success for a diverse population of eventual underclassmen. MORE>>
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