(published March 11, 2025)
All 4-H Club and Countywide Project Leaders, 4-H Event/Activity Chairpersons or Organizers: Contribute to the articles posted monthly by completing a short form and uploading your article or photos using link: https://forms.gle/xwa8JP9c49qDMAHq5
NOTE: Articles for the current monthly newsletter, must be submitting by 2 pm. on the Monday before. Newsletter is published on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Any photos submitted with youth, must be identified for photo release.
From the Desk of the Educator |
What a month February was, and March is roaring in like a lion! From fishing in the dark to round robin project check-ins, I have been absolutely LOVING the chance to meet our incredible youth and dedicated adult leaders. It’s inspiring to hear how you are taking our county 4-H program to the next level and to soak in all of your fantastic ideas for more ways to engage and grow.
With that excitement, you’ll see a few calls to action as we move forward on the ideas you have shared! Older youth – I want to hear from YOU! I can’t build a great program without your input, so be sure to fill out the form below. (Parents, I’d love your help encouraging them to participate – please and thank you!)
Adult leaders – you have shared some incredible opportunities for growth and support, and I want to keep that momentum going. Whether it’s a call, email, or text, I am here to listen and brainstorm solutions with you. Keep those ideas coming!
Thank you all for being so welcoming, supportive, and dedicated! Let’s keep Making the Best Better, Together!
- Thanks, Abi, 4-H Educator - Ozaukee County 4-H
Become a Chaperone for Ozaukee County 4-H Summer Camp |
Looking for a fun way to support local youth? Volunteer as a chaperone for Ozaukee County 4-H Summer Camp, July 7 -9, 2025! Chaperones help ensure a safe, memorable experience by supervising campers, promoting 4-H values, and assisting with activities.
Why Chaperone? Help create lifelong memories for Ozaukee County 4-H youth while spending time in a scenic camp setting.
What to Expect
All chaperones receive training on safety and 4-H policies, complete a background check, and work closely with teen counselors. If you’re eager to help, visit the Ozaukee County 4-H Summer Camp webpage or contact Abi Quinlan, 4-H Program Educator, at abi.quinlan@wisc.edu or 414-335-6008 for details.
Join us in creating an unforgettable summer for our 4-H youth!
Your Voice Matters: Help Shape the Future of Ozaukee County 4-H! |
Are you in 9th grade or above and involved in Ozaukee County 4-H? We want to hear from YOU!
As an older youth in our program, your experiences and ideas are essential in shaping the future of 4-H in our county. We’re conducting a short survey to better understand what’s working well, what could be improved, and what new opportunities you’d like to see in 4-H.
This is your chance to:
✅ Share what you love about 4-H
✅ Identify areas that need improvement
✅ Suggest new programs or activities
✅ Help us make 4-H more engaging and meaningful for older youth
Your feedback will help create a strong foundation for future programming, ensuring that 4-H continues to provide valuable learning experiences, leadership opportunities, and fun activities that meet your interests.
Take the survey today and help shape the future of Ozaukee County 4-H!
Click here for the survey
Thank you for being an important part of our 4-H community—we can’t wait to hear your thoughts!
Leaders Association Budget Requests |
Budget Requests: Due May 1
If you or your 4-H project, group or committee need to request funds from Ozaukee County 4-H Leaders Association for the 2025-2026 4-H fiscal year (July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2025), a budget form is required to be submitted.
Please submit budget forms via email to Kaitlin at the Extension office at kaitlin.felton@wisc.edu AND treasurer@oz4hleaders.org or mail/drop off at the Extension Office (121 W. Main Street, PO Box 994, Port Washington, WI 53074) by May 1st deadline
The budget request form can be found under the 'Leaders Association' section of the Forms page on the website.
Any questions, please contact Jess Vento, Leaders Association Treasurer, at treasurer@oz4hleaders.org
- Submitted by Jess Vento, Leaders Association Treasurer
NEW! Fairgrounds Reservations are going DIGITAL! |
Effective immediately, 4-H leaders must submit this Google Form to reserve the Ozaukee County Fairgrounds space for upcoming events. Once you’ve submitted the form, county staff will review it and either approve your requested date(s) or, if unavailable, propose alternatives.
Please note:
Primary Contact: Melissa Alexander remains your main point of contact for reservations at the OC Fairgrounds.
Mandatory Form Submission: Events will not be approved unless submitted through this new system.
Previously Approved Events: Any previously approved events remain valid, but all new reservations must follow the updated process.
Need Help?: If you encounter issues using the form, please contact Abi Quinlan (abi.quinlan@wisc.edu/414-335-6008) for assistance.
Thank you for your cooperation as we streamline the reservation process and continue to provide smooth scheduling for all 4-H activities.
2025 Pinewood Derby: Volunteers! |
Volunteers are still needed! We are seeking volunteers for the remaining Pinewood Derby events:
Physics Day: Saturday, March 15th from 10:00 am - 12:00 Noon. Volunteer sign-up link: Physics Day Volunteers
Race Day: Sunday, March 16th 12:00-3:00 pm. Volunteer sign-up link: PWD Race Day Volunteers
Contact Sue Dowe at sadowe1966@gmail.com for questions or more information.
- Submitted by Sue Dowe, 4-H Pinewood Derby Volunteer Coordinator
March Leader Association Meeting Invite |
You are invited to attend the Ozaukee County 4-H Leaders Association meeting on March 20 from 7:30-9:00 pm. at the Ozaukee Masonic Lodge 17, 504 W. Grand Ave., Port Washington.
The Ozaukee County 4-H Leaders Association members encompass Ozaukee County 4-H members, volunteers, leaders, and families. We work together to expand and enrich the 4-H Experience in the Ozaukee County 4-H Program. Together we plan countywide 4-H activities, events, and fundraisers.
Leaders Association Board will submit a meeting agenda that will be posted on the Leaders page of the website.
We look forward to seeing you at the March meeting!
2025 Animal Science Virtual Education Series |
Mark your calendar for an upcoming Animal Science Virtual Education Session. Bernie O’Rourke, Extension Youth Livestock Specialist, hosts webinars through April from 6:30-7:30 p.m. This is available for all youth grades 3-13.
Register for all events!
March 18, 2025 – Management for your animal project
This session will identify tips and tricks related to management of your animal project. Biosecurity standards are the best practices in raising animal, this meeting will stimulate thoughts on how to minimize disease spread. Dr. Gretchen May from DATCP, Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, will be the speaker.
More information will be forthcoming.
April 17, 2025 – Charcuterie Boards
Jessica Brown, Heather Hunt and Joshua Brantley will walk us through how to create Charcuterie boards. These speakers have a wealth of background in meat & food science and are excited to share ideas.
More information will be forthcoming.
Please have the Educational Verification Form printed before the session begins. You can write down thoughts throughout the session. Complete the form and turn it into your county fair and/or livestock committee to verify your participation. These activities can serve as “county educational credits/points.”
For questions related to the Zoom, contact Bernie O’Rourke, UW- Madison Animal & Dairy Science, Extension Youth Livestock Specialist, at borourke2@wisc.edu
Soon Spring will be right around the corner and it'll be time for the “Jelly Bean Jamboree“ on April 5th! This event was formally known as Project Bunny and Bunny Breakfast.
Jelly Bean Jamboree is sponsored by the Ozaukee County 4-H Leaders Association and is open to youth ages 10 and under. So invite your friends to attend!
Set up takes place on Friday April 4th, the event is on Saturday April 5 at Circle B Recreation. It’s a great time for our amazing 4-H youth and adults to show off their talents and what 4-H is all about to our communities. Please take the time to put this on your calendar and sign up to help.
HELP WANTED! Service hours will be given. Please volunteer and sign-up today: Jelly Bean Jamboree Volunteer Sign-Up
- Submitted by Sue Karolczek, 4-H Jelly Bean Jamboree Volunteer Coordinator
4-H Leaders Association Fundraiser: Spring Edition |
The Ozaukee County 4-H Leaders Association Spring fundraiser is outlined below and currently all companies are accepting orders.
Kwik Trip Gift Cards: $25 gift cards and (5) Ultimate Car Wash Gift Cards for $36/each. Contact your club's general leader for more information and to order.
Flower Power: Spring season offerings like flower bulb kits and garden plants are available. Order directly from website: http://OzaukeeCounty4H.fpfundraising.com Orders will be accepted thru May 15th. Be sure to list your 4-H Club in the online cart to receive credit for the purchase. (ie: Jay Road, Town & Country). Online orders ship directly to the address indicated on the order and incur a shipping fee of $6.99 per order regardless of the size of the order. Orders are shipped out in the order they are received and Wisconsin orders will not start shipping until early April.
That's My Pan: Personalized baking dishes, cake pans, lids and more! 4-H log-in: www.thatsmypan.biz/frwi10030 Again as in the past, we need as a group to have a minimum of 10 or more items to ship them as one order to Brenda's address. If someone needs it for a gift and wants to ensure they have it in time, they will select the process to have it sent directly to them with and additional shipping fee. You can select as indicated below the “Not Local” link at the top of the page and you will have it sent directly to you or the address you would like it delivered to but you will pay an additional shipping fee. If you are interested in placing an order and DO NOT WANT to pay the additional shipping fee, you may place the order, it will sit in our queue until we as a group have a total of 10 or more items, once the limit is reached the orders will be placed. You would then be notified upon receipt to make arrangements to pickup your order. All of the group orders will be sent to Brenda Mueller's home. It is recommended that you pay with credit card, if that is not an option for you, please contact Brenda Mueller directly for other options.
These are all Wisconsin based companies and it offers the Ozaukee County 4-H Leaders Association a variety of great items to raise funds for both your 4-H Club and the Leaders Association!
If you have any questions, please contact 4-H Volunteer, Brenda Mueller at 920-980-9250 or dmueller84@wi.rr.com
- Submitted by Brenda Mueller, 4-H Volunteer, Leaders Association Fundraiser Chair
4-H Leaders Association Board: Adult and Youth Leaders Needed! |
Are you passionate about positive youth development and eager to shape the future of Ozaukee County 4-H? The Ozaukee County 4-H Leaders Association is seeking adult and youth board members to help enhance the 4-H experience for local youth.
Who We Are
We’re a team of 4-H members and volunteers dedicated to expanding and enriching 4-H opportunities throughout Ozaukee County. By joining the board, you’ll work with a group of community-minded individuals to plan countywide events, activities, and fundraisers.
What We Do
We support and organize events like open houses, summer pool parties, and the Winter Dance—while also raising funds for scholarships, insurance coverage, and reduced costs for 4-H summer camp. Every dollar we raise helps keep these transformative experiences within reach for all.
Why Join?
Your leadership will directly benefit local youth as you gain hands-on experience in event planning, fundraising, and collaboration. You’ll play a key role in guiding our mission and shaping day-to-day operations that make Ozaukee County 4-H thrive.
Ready to Volunteer?
Applications are due this fall. For more details, please reach out to Debbie Poull at president@oz4hleaders.org. Don’t miss this chance to make a lasting impact on our 4-H community!
Reminders & Mark Your Calendars!
Rolling Skating with Knellsville 4-H Club: March 11th. Join Knellsville 4-H Club for a Roller Skating Party on Tuesday, March 11 from 6:00-8:00 pm. at the Ozaukee Skateland in Cedarburg. Cost is $8/person which includes skate rentals. Special thank you shout-out to the Ozaukee County 4-H Foundation who will be giving out a free popcorn and soda to 4-H members in attendance! Questions, please contact Becky, Knellsville 4-H Club General Leader, at roden.becky@gmail.com
Area Animal Science Days: June 13 in Pierce County; June 30 in Calumet County. More information and registration details will be posted on the Area Animal Science Days website when released!
Adults must be approved volunteers to be actively leading projects or working with 4-H youth. If you are not a current approved volunteer this year, please complete your enrollment, screening or trainings NOW. Questions about your enrollment or status? Log into your 4HOnline account to check status OR call the Extension office at 262-284-8288.
Harbinger Newsletter Published Monthly. The 4-H Harbinger newsletter will be published monthly on the second Tuesday of each month. Please adjust your 4-H club, group, and project announcement schedules as needed.
Ozaukee County 4-H Dance Review |
The 2025 4-H Dance brought 4-H families and friends together from across the county for a fun night! This year was no different! The DJ did a fantastic job keeping everyone on the dance floor and even takes requests and plays music everyone likes. Miss Ozaukee 4-H Rebecca G. and Ozaukee County Fairest of the Fair Anna P. got everyone out on the dance floor for many of the favorite 4-H songs.
The winners of the Younger Member Dance-off were Ryann B. and Roman S. Older Dance-off winners were Jacqueline P. and Fritz H. Limbo winners were Gracelyn M., Byron M., Adelyn A., and Abigail H. These youth went home with a 4-H goodie bag.
Thank you to those who supported the concession stand. Those proceeds support 4-H Camp.
Thank you to the great group of 4-H members, leaders and parents that volunteered to work in the concession stand. Thank you to all that came early to set up tables and chairs and those that stayed late to lend a hand in taking down tables and chairs, sweeping floor and cleaning up concession stand. Many hands, means more fun for all!
A big Thank-You goes out to the Ozaukee 4-H Leaders Association for funding our DJ allowing the dance to be free admission.
I'm open to comments or join me on the committee. Contact Dorothy Parchim at (262) 370-4745 or e-mail rondorpar@yahoo.com.
- Submitted by Dorothy Parchim, 4-H Dance Volunteer Coordinator
Left (L to R): Miss Ozaukee 4-H Rebecca G., Younger Member Dance-off Ryann B. and Roman S., Fairest Anna P.
Top Right (L to R): Miss Ozaukee 4-H Rebecca G., Older Dance-off Fritz H. and Jacqueline P., Fairest Anna P.
Bottom Right (L to R): Miss Ozaukee 4-H Rebecca G., Limbo- Adelyn A., Abigail H., Byron M., Gracelyn M., Fairest Anna P.
In Other News from Partners |
County Fair Judging Schedule Change |
There are some significant changes in the 2025 4-H Youth Judging Schedule. All projects entered in Departments Y-10 Animal & Vet Science, Y-13 Cats, Y-14 Plant & Soil Science, Y-15 Flowers & Houseplants and Y-16 Natural Sciences will be judged on Thursday, July 24, 2025. This is a change, as these projects are typically judged on the Friday before Fair. Please note this important change. This includes projects entered in Vet Science, Pet Project, Cavy Project, Self Determined Animal Sciences, Crops, Vegetables, Fruit, Herbs, Horticulture, Self Determined Plant & Soil Sciences, Houseplants, Flowers, Home Grounds, Astronomy, Fishing, Insects, Trees/Forestry, Wildflowers/Native Plants, Wildlife & Environmental Ecology, Recycling, Archery & All Shooting Sports, Adventures, Reptiles, Birds, Motor Adventures, Taxidermy, Weather, Science-Wisconsin Agriculture, Self Determined Environmental Education and Bees.
Click here to view the 2025 Judging Schedules: https://www.ozaukeecountyfair.com/judging-schedule
- Submitted by Jody Brzezinski, Ozaukee County Fair Board Secretary
Lindenwood 4-H Clubhouse - Lindenwood Community Center Fundraiser |
The Lindenwood 4-H Club is part of the upcoming event to support their "clubhouse" on Friday, April 11th. This fun, family-friendly evening includes food and entertainment with Lindenwood 4-H facilitating the Silent Auction at the event.
What is it? The annual Freistadt Heritage Fundraiser is a fun, family event with silent auction items, tasty dessert treats and plenty of goodwill, raffles, and entertainment.
- What is the purpose/cause? All proceeds benefit Lindenwood Community Center.
- Where is it? Circle B Recreation Center
- When is it? Friday, April 11, 2025
What time is it? Doors open at 5pm. Dinner is at 6pm. Entertainment admission only is at 6:30pm.
- Cost? Dinner is catered by Dave Salkowski. Dinner tickets are $25 for adults, children 4-12 are $10. Entertainment only (without dinner) tickets are $5 after 6:30pm. Homemade desserts for purchase.
To reserve your ticket, email your request to FreistadtHeritageFoundation@gmail.com or contact Carol Boehlke at boehlkerandc@hotmail.com by Monday, April 1.
- Interested in donating a raffle item for the silent auction? Please deliver to Boehlke Hardware by Monday, April 1.
- Submitted by Jody Brzezinski, Co-General Leader, Lindenwood 4-H Club
4-H Calendar & Meeting Reservations |
Reminder that the online 4-H calendar is the best way to stay on top of the many countywide activities going on throughout the 4-H year. Bookmark it here!
Fairgrounds building reservations must be made through the marketing coordinator, Melissa Alexander, at malexander@ozaukeecounty.gov using 4-H FG Reservation Request form.
- Administration Center building reservations must be made through the Extension office by contacting Kaitlin, support staff, at the Extension office at 262-284-8288 or kaitlin.felton@wisc.edu
Dates, times, and locations will be added to the online calendar as they are received.
Abi Quinlan, 4-H Educator
Extension Ozaukee County
121 W. Main St.
Port Washington, WI 53074
To help us serve you, please call for an appointment when coming to the Extension office.
An EEO/AA employer, the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title VI, Title IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act requirements.
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