Medical Respite/Recuperative Care News
A Quarterly Newsletter for Members of the Respite Care Providers' Network
May 26, 2021
NIMRC Resource Highlights
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New Publication: Medical Respite Literature Review: An Update on the Evidence for Medical Respite Care
As medical respite/recuperative care has grown, the research exploring the impact of medical respite has also expanded, indicating the need for an updated literature review.
Medical Respite Literature Review: An Update on the Evidence for Medical Respite Care provides a comprehensive review of published research from 2010–2020. This literature review identified 45 unique publications covering a variety of outcomes and themes regarding medical respite/recuperative care. Although a large part of the research continues to focus on the cost-effectiveness of medical respite/recuperative care, it has also expanded to look more closely at additional outcomes, such as connection to community care and services, consumers' experiences and perspectives, and interventions specific to medical respite/recuperative care. The literature review also includes descriptions of medical respite/recuperative care programs and medical profiles of consumers who engaged with medical respite/recuperative care. Overall, the findings from this review support the need for continued expansion of medical respite/recuperative care, as well as demonstrating the positive impact of medical respite/recuperative care across communities.
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National Health Care for the Homeless Council Conference & Symposium Recap
We were so glad to “see” many of you at our national conference and medical respite/recuperative care Pre-Conference Institute (PCI). There were over 90 attendees at the PCI, demonstrating the substantial growth and interest in medical respite/recuperative care. We had some fantastic presentations from our community, including implementing diversity, equity, and inclusion and harm reduction practices; reducing stigmatizing language; and incorporating mental health services within the respite/recuperative care setting. NHCHC Senior Policy Director Barbara DiPietro also gave us an update on the landscape and policy movement in medical respite/recuperative care. We were so grateful to have Janice Tufte begin our day by sharing her consumer perspective and grounding our work in medical respite/recuperative care.
Additionally, the full conference included two virtual site tours of medical respite/recuperative care programs: Bethlehem Haven in Pittsburgh, PA, and Circle the City in Phoenix, AZ.
Those who registered and attended the conference will have access to recordings of all sessions until early August.
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| Word cloud generated by Pre-Conference Institute attendees
describing medical respite/recuperative care
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Hello RCPN Members,
It was wonderful sharing virtual space with many of you this month during our National HCH Conference. After canceling our 2020 conference and navigating a global pandemic for more than a year, we were thrilled to have an opportunity to connect, learn, share, and support each other in this work.
As we approach the one-year anniversary of the launch of the National Institute for Medical Respite Care, I want to share a few highlights from this first year of our Institute. First and foremost, this initiative brought with it a new Medical Respite/Recuperative Care team at the Council. In the short time that we’ve had Caitlin Synovec (Medical Respite Manager) and Stephen Wilder (Medical Respite Coordinator), they have expanded the depth and breadth of our medical respite/recuperative care resources, support, and expertise. They are essential to our work and we are proud to have them on staff. We have cultivated new local, state, and national partnerships that have elevated the profile of medical respite/recuperative care and the RCPN across the country. We are at the table with hospital associations, health care plans, and state Medicaid staff as they discuss integration and expansion of medical respite/recuperative care services. We are also introducing new organizations and foundations to the work of medical respite/recuperative care programs. These connections have led to exciting and innovative projects including a two-year project funded by the CDC Foundation that supports nine medical respite/recuperative care programs in their COVID-19 response.
This summer, I will celebrate nine years with the National Health Care for the Homeless Council. While all nine years have brought joy and challenge, nothing has compared to this last year. I’ve known for a long time the warmth, generosity, creativity, and tenacity of the medical respite/recuperative care community, but seeing programs respond so quickly and thoughtfully to the COVID-19 pandemic has been inspiring. We launched NIMRC with the goal of expanding medical respite/recuperative care nationally and we couldn’t have done that without your incredible work. We are grateful for your support and partnership, and I am grateful to stand side-by-side with you in this movement to end homelessness.
In solidarity,
Julia Dobbins, MSW
Director of Medical Respite
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| Respite Kudos & Accomplishments
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Congratulations to Andre Harris, RN at Homeward Bound of Marin – Transition to Wellness Medical Respite Program, the recipient of the 2021 Willie J. Mackey National Medical Respite Award. Andre was honored at the virtual 2021 National Health Care for the Homeless Conference.
From Andre’s nominator: “Over the years, Andre, a steady fixture of our medical respite, has worked with hundreds of hospital personnel and created respectful working relationships everywhere. He has balanced all of this while working compassionately and effectively with patients who are discharged to his care. Andre is a problem solver and an inspirer of hope. He is an unsung, steady hero among all essential workers.”
Andre’s acceptance of his award can be viewed here.
Thank you, Andre, for all that you have done for medical respite/recuperative care!
If you would like to highlight your program or a respite/recuperative care provider in the next RCPN newsletter, please email Caitlin Synovec at csynovec@nhchc.org.
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Several programs were highlighted in the news over the past several months, with recognition of the respite/recuperative care programs’ impact and growth in their communities.
If you have a news story recognizing a medical respite/recuperative care program, please share them with us by emailing Caitlin at CSynovec@nhchc.org.
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Activities & Opportunities
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Medical Respite/Recuperative Care DirectoryWe’ve updated our directory form to better capture what is happening within medical respite/recuperative care programs and the services they provide. This information supports our advocacy work and resource development. We’re asking all programs to update your profile information to ensure accuracy!
Please complete the new medical respite/recuperative directory form here.
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Review the 2021 Draft of Standards for Medical Respite Programs
The Standards for Medical Respite Programs serve as a framework to help medical respite/recuperative care programs operate safely, effectively, and seamlessly with local health care systems, and to promote program development and growth. To continue to reflect best practices, the Standards are revised every five years; input from consumers, medical respite/recuperative care providers and staff, and RCPN members is critical.
We are requesting feedback from medical respite/recuperative care providers, program directors, and staff for our 2021 Draft of Standards for Medical Respite Programs. Since this review may take some time, those who fully complete the survey will receive a $50 Amazon gift card as a thank you for your time!
The survey can be completed here.
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Save the Date- The Respite Care Providers' Network Business and All-Member Meeting will be on Tuesday, June 15th at 12:00 p.m. CT. This will include an overview of RCPN activities, as well as initiatives for the upcoming year. We will also host a robust conversation on establishing models of medical respite/recuperative care and resources for partnering with managed care organizations. Register here.
- Clinical Issues in Medical Respite/Recuperative Care Webinar Series will be occurring Wednesday, July 7th, 14th, and 21st, at 1:00 p.m. CT. This series will include addressing activities of daily living (ADL), chronic conditions, and managing incontinence within medical respite/recuperative care. Each of the webinars will be accompanied by a clinical guidelines publication. Register for the series here.
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| Respite Care Providers' Network Information
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- If you are not already a member, please join the Respite Care Providers' Network (RCPN). The mission of RCPN is to improve the health status of individuals who are homeless by supporting programs that provide medical respite and related services. Follow this link for more information and to join the RCPN.
- Is your medical respite/recuperative care program profile in the NIMRC directory up to date? Complete this program profile form to update your information, and view the directory here.
- Does your program need technical assistance? Please contact Julia, Caitlin, or Stephen to request a TA meeting to help address your program’s needs!
- Additional resources for medical respite/recuperative care can be found at www.NIMRC.org.
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