Grand Valley State University

Highlight of UAS Meeting of October 28 and
Preview of ECS Meeting of November 4, 2022

In an effort to improve communication between ECS/UAS and faculty colleagues, the Executive Committee of the Senate (ECS) at its August 17, 2022, retreat reaffirmed a recommendation from August 12, 2021 that each week, a general message will be sent out to all faculty. This message will highlight the immediate past ECS/UAS meeting and give a preview of the upcoming ECS/UAS meeting. In particular, the highlight will summarize the key agenda items and provide context on the key votes; the pros and cons will be summarized and the key arguments for each highlighted. Herein are the highlights of the UAS meeting of October 28, 2022, and a preview of the ECS meeting of November 4, 2022. Meetings of the ECS are restricted to members of the ECS, their alternates, and others whom the ECS may invite, pursuant to SG Meetings of the UAS are open pursuant to SG 
Highlights of UAS Meeting of October 28, 2022
Chair’s Report:
  • Faculty forums on the evaluation of teaching were held via Zoom on Wednesday, 10/26, 10-11 and Thursday, 10/27, 2:30-3:30.
  • The 10th Annual Teach-In, titled, Power, Privilege, and Difficult Dialogues, will be held Wednesday 11/9 and Thursday 11/10 in a hybrid format. Faculty are encouraged to attend and inform their students to attend. 
Provost’s Report:
  • Provost Mili visited the Traverse City campus and explained that we are considering expanding our offerings in Traverse City.
Student Senate President’s Report:
  • The Executive Board positions have been filled.
  • Student Senate passed legislation on parking.
  • Members of the Student Senate Executive Board met with the President’s Council.
New Business
  • Stacie Behler was introduced to UAS. She is excited to be part of GVSU students’ journeys and to help tell their stories.
  • Elisa Ortega-Salazar shared the first annual report from the Employee Ombuds. This report is February-February. The full report can be accessed here.
  • The Equity and Inclusion Committee (EIC) Memo on Documenting Relationships was sent back to ECS for further discussion.
    The Co-leads of the Faculty Mentoring Implementation Team, from the Network of Advisors for Racial Equity, led a discussion on Inclusive Approaches to Faculty Mentoring. The overall goal is to empower faculty. Mentoring programs will be evaluated for success, inclusivity, visibility, clarity, and workload implications.
  • The Faculty Salary and Budget Committee (FSBC) Memo on Leadership, Succession Planning, and Membership was supported. 
For more details on the above items, please go here.
Preview of ECS Meeting of November 4, 2022
  • Review and Discussion of Student Senate Wages Legislation.
  • Faculty Personnel Policy Committee (FPPC) Memo on Consideration of OER as Advancement of Knowledge or Creative Expression.
  • Faculty Personnel Policy Committee (FPPC) Memo on Timeline for Full Professor.
  • Debrief of Faculty Forums on Evaluation of Teaching.
Please, feel free to reach out to your ECS or UAS representative from your College/University Libraries to provide input on any UAS agenda item that you may like to weigh in on. 
Thank you for your continuous interest in faculty governance.
Felix N. Ngassa
Chair of ECS/UAS 2022-2023
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