Summer Sunday School
Let's get the most common question out of the way first: yes, youth Sunday School continues during the summer! This is a great, low impact chance to start the day and week examining Scripture in a conversational, non-sermon setting, so grab that coffee and join us!
June: We'll be walking through the same themes and texts as both VBS and our June sermon series, giving our students a chance to come into Pastor Dawn's sermons primed to listen having already heard multiple angles on these important texts.
June 4: Healing, Luke 13:10-17
June 11: Forgiveness, Matthew 18:21-35
June 18: Prayer, Luke 11:1-13
June 25: Rest, Exodus 16, 20:8-11, 23:10-12
July: We love when our students ask questions, so we're giving them another direct opportunity: during July we'll look at requested texts from our youth. Students can let Geoff know or drop them off in our question box on the youth floor. We have just two rules for submissions: it has to be a text rather than a topical question ("I don't understand Exodus 15" instead of "what about heaven?"); and you have to be present for your submission to be addressed, so if you write down your question make sure to include your name. So get those questions in and join us first thing every Sunday in July!