| Shelley Laskin, Trustee Toronto District School Board Ward 8: Eglinton-Lawrence & Toronto-St Paul's 416-395-8787 Shelley.Laskin@tdsb.on.ca
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"Relationality in education means working through relationships. We connect through relationships, we form partnerships based on relationships. These relationships need to be carefully and deliberately developed and maintained."https://www.yourstoryourjourney.net/principle/relationality/
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In this Issue:- Indigenous Education Month
- Hindu Heritage Month
- Happy Diwali
- COVID-19 Vaccinations
- TPH Update
- OPSBA Support for Return to Regular Semesters & Mandating COVID-19 Vaccine
- Share Your Voice: Consultation on the new Specialized Schools and Programs Policy
- Student Census 2022
- Committee Meetings this Week
- Trustee Code of Conduct Consultations 2021
- Save the Date - Virtual Ward 8 Forum - PIAC/FSLCAC Elections and "Combatting Hate"
- New Invitations - Vaccine Survey for Parents/Caregivers; EcoFair Toronto; Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) Awards; Toronto-St Paul's Youth Council (CYC)
- Items From Last Week - Worth Repeating - Holocaust Education Week; Early French Immersion; School Council Training; Restarting School Immunization Programs; No Dogs Allowed on School Property
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Indigenous Education Month
November is Indigenous Education Month at the Toronto District School Board. It is important to centre First Nations, Métis and Inuit histories, contemporary realities and voices. For classrooms across the TDSB, this is an opportunity to learn from Indigenous perspectives on treaties, Indigenous leadership, achievements, resistance and creativity.
Truth and Reconciliation is a guiding principle at the TDSB. Throughout November, students, staff and community members will engage in meaningful opportunities to learn together about our shared histories and to build stronger relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples. The Urban Indigenous Education Centre (UIEC) will be hosting a number of events to support students and staff to learn from Indigenous people.
Please see the calendar of events for details and links to myPATH to register for each event. Follow @UIEC_TDSB on Twitter for updates on Indigenous Education Month at the TDSB.
- Treaties Recognition Week, November 1 - 5;
- International Inuit Day, November 7;
- Indigenous Veterans Day, November 8;
- Louis Riel Day, November 16.
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Hindu Heritage Month
The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is proud to recognize Hindu Heritage Month during the month of November as the Board of Trustees voted to pass a motion in April 2018 to mark this time. On December 8th, 2016, the Province of Ontario passed the Hindu Heritage Month Act by declaring that the month of November in each year is proclaimed as Hindu Heritage Month. November is an opportunity to celebrate the Hindu way of life, examine its impact and contributions to the world culture, and recognize values which promote compassion, tolerance, and inclusion.
The theme this year selected by the TDSB Hindu Heritage Month Volunteer Planning Committee is Sri Rama: Epitome of love, compassion, duty, and service. Read more about Sri Rama, who lived thousands of years ago, was the 7th avatar or reincarnation of Vishnu and see the winning images from our Hindu Heritage Month Poster Contest. We’re also delighted to share with you a video on the Ramayana. Please follow us on Twitter: @tdsb_HHM
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Happy Diwali
Diwali 2021 (Deepavali 2021) is on Thursday, November 4 in India. Diwali is derived from Sanskrit word Deepavali meaning 'Line of Lamps' and is the first of the "Festivals of Lights" celebrating the victory of good over evil and light over darkness. Each year over 1 billion people — Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, and some Buddhists celebrate these spiritual and joyous days. For those celebrating, during this time of COVID, wishing you a new year full of light.
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COVID-19 UpdateThe most important thing we can continue to do for ourselves and others, especially children who cannot yet be vaccinated is to get our shot.
Vaccine Opportunities This WeekThe TDSB will continue to help facilitate vaccination opportunities and clinics within our schools, together with local health partners as we have over recent months. This week's clinics are for those born in 2009 and earlier - no appointment is needed.
COVID-19 AdvisoriesCOVID-19 Advisories - This page provides a list of the active confirmed cases and resolved cases of COVID-19 among students and/or staff in TDSB schools. Please note that all schools where there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 will receive a letter from Toronto Public Health (TPH) to inform them about the possible exposure.
- As of October 29, 1,004 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Ontario's publicly funded schools in the past 14 days. This compares to 1,090 last Friday. Of those cases, 902 are students, 94 are staff, and eight are not identified. Two of the 4,844 schools in the province are currently closed.
- In the TDSB, as of October 29 at 4:45, there were 229 student cases and 34 staff cases with 188 cases resolved. No schools were closed.
Staff Vaccination StatusAs the pandemic continues to evolve, vaccination is one strategy we are using to keep our schools as safe as possible. And, while we recognize that vaccination is a personal decision, it must be balanced against TDSB’s obligations to protect the health and safety of employees and students because of the serious health threat COVID-19 presents. Individual actions can have a profound effect on others.
The Ministry of Education requires all school board staff who are not vaccinated to undergo regular rapid antigen testing, but the TDSB has taken the additional step of requiring all employees, trustees and other individuals who are in contact with staff or students, to be vaccinated by November 21, as a further precaution to keep our students and staff safe. The TDSB is currently in the process of implementing a Mandatory Vaccine Procedure for staff, trustees and other individuals who have direct contact with staff or students at a TDSB workplace.
As of November 2, staff who have not disclosed their vaccination status, will be on leave. To clarify, TDSB is not suspending non-compliant employees without pay. Rather, these employees have chosen to make themselves unavailable to work by not complying with the Procedure and therefore they will not be paid. Out of respect for the privacy of individual staff, schools will not be naming these staff or identifying the reason behind their absence and we appreciate your understanding. Staff who remain unvaccinated or partially vaccinated will continue to conduct twice-weekly rapid antigen testing, which has now been increased to three times per week by the Ministry of Education effective November 10, 2021.
We will continue to work with staff who are unvaccinated to support them in this process while ensuring any unnecessary impact to service to students, staff and community members. The TDSB has a number of strategies in place to support schools and we do not expect this to have a significant impact on our student community. We are doing everything we can to keep our schools safe and limit the spread of COVID-19.
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OPSBA Support for Return to Regular Semesters & Mandating COVID-19 Vaccine
On Tuesday, the COVID-19 Science Advisory Table released a report detailing strategies for increasing COVID-19 vaccine uptake in children and youth. These include leveraging recommendations from trusted sources; tailoring messaging and experience to children, youth, and their parents/caregivers through individual and population-based approaches; and ensuring special considerations for reaching at-risk and racialized communities.
And on Thursday, Minister Lecce announced a series of new measures he says will help keep students and staff safe at school.
OPSBA President Cathy Abraham responded to the Ministry announcement in an open letter, making a request for a return to more normal timetabling and reiterating the Association’s desire to have COVID-19 added to the list of designated diseases in Ontario Regulation 261/13 Designated Diseases under the Immunization of School Pupils Act, which Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Kieran Moore has said is unlikely to happen anytime soon. Here is the full letter.
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Toronto Public Health Update
TPH Information:
- Call Toronto Public Health 416-338-7600 8:30 am to 8:00 pm / 7 days a week
- Text the word VACCINE to 1-833-750-0888 to be connected with resources including appointment bookings & information on vaccines
- Follow TPH on Instagram/Twitter (@TOpublichealth)
- Visit toronto.ca/covid19
- Vaccine Clinics in Toronto
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Share Your Voice: Consultation on the new Specialized Schools and Programs Policy
Students from across the TDSB are welcomed into a variety of specialized programs including arts-focused schools, specialized programs in math, science and technology, CyberArts and International Baccalaureate. These specialized programs and schools are part of our commitment to ensure students have opportunity and variety in their school experiences.
We want to ensure that more students have access to these programs and opportunities and that the process to apply is consistent and fair. To do that, we have drafted a new policy – the Specialized Schools and Programs policy. This new policy, which is currently in draft, will outline clearer and more consistent admission procedures, practices and timelines, which are different from those in regular schools. This policy, along with the revised Optional Attendance Policy will play an integral part of the Secondary Program Review that will be happening over the next several years. We will be continuing to engage all community stakeholders in this important future work.
We want to hear your voice to help shape this draft policy into something meaningful and relevant. You’re invited join our online consultations to learn more, ask questions and share your feedback:
- Thursday, November 18, 2021, 7:00-9:00 pm – Public Consultation Webinar
- Monday, November 22, 2021, 1:00-3:00 pm – Public Consultation Webinar
- Monday, November 22, 2021, 7:00-9:00 pm – Public Consultation Webinar
- If you are unable to register online and participating by phone, please call 416-395-3626 to pre-register
- If you require an interpreter on November 18 or 22, please complete this google form by Friday, November 12 at 3:00pm
- Included on the policy consultation website is a link to a feedback survey which will be live from November 1, 2021 and December 17, 2021.
- If you require a paper copy of the survey, please contact your child’s school after November 8. A paper version will be sent home with your child within a few days along with an envelope for its confidential return to the school.
This feedback will be used to inform the draft policy, which will then be presented to Trustees for review at the Governance and Policy Committee in Winter 2022. If passed, it will be presented to the full Board of Trustees in Winter 2022. If approved, it would be in place for the student application process for the 2022-23 school year.
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Student Census 2022
The fourth round of the TDSB Student Census is scheduled for the spring of 2022. The TDSB Student Census is a confidential and voluntary survey that asks important identity-based questions as well as questions about experiences inside and outside of school. Students in grades 4 to 12 complete the census themselves, while parents complete the census for students in kindergarten to grade 3.
Since 2006, TDSB schools have been collecting identity-based data through the Student Census to identify and remove systemic barriers which may limit student achievement and well-being. Since 2018, this work has been encouraged for all school boards in Ontario under the Provincial Anti-Racism Act. In 2023, this work will be mandated for all school boards.
By gathering this important information through our Student Census every 4 to 5 years, school communities are able to determine what is working well in our system, where change is required, and where supports should be focused. This data can be instrumental in highlighting the various forms of systemic oppression and complex issues of human rights that impact students and families in the TDSB.
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Committee Meetings This Week
November 2 - Finance, Budget & Enrolment Committee 4:30pm - Agenda- 5.1. Contract Awards, Operations
- 5.2. Contract Awards, Facilities
- 6. Hodgson Middle School Relocation to 529 Vaughan Road During Construction of Addition and Renovation
- 7. Update on Pandemic Funding and Costs
- 8. 2022-23 Ministry of Education Budget Consultation
- 9. 2022-23 Operating Budget Communications: Overview of Communication Supports
- 10. Vice-principal Allocation Process Review
- 11. School Banking Update
- 12. Section 37 and Section 45 Funding For Schools
November 3 - Planning & Priorities Committee 4:30pm - Agenda - 6.1. Community Access Agreement: Ossington/Old Orchard Junior Public School, 380 Ossington Avenue
- 6.2. Shared Facilities Agreement: Brookside Public School and Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Catholic School Brookside
- 6.3. Brockton Stadium: Lease Agreement Alliance of Portuguese Clubs and Associations of Ontario
- 6.4. Church Street Junior Public School: Parking Lease Agreement Conseil Scolaire Viamonde
- 6.5. Golden Mile: 1920 Eglinton Avenue East, Potential Elementary School
- 7.2. French-as-a-Second-Language: Update
- 7.3. Making School Buildings and Sites More Accessible
- 7.4. Service Excellence 2021 Annual Report
- 7.5. Administrative Space Review: Revised Timelines
- 7.6. Transportation Organizational Review
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Trustee Code of Conduct Consultations 2021
Last week, the Ontario Public School Boards' Association (OPSBA) sent in its submission to the Minister of Education on the Trustee Code of Conduct Consultation and will send the same response to the online survey and regulatory proposal. The content was supported by input from the Policy Development Work Team and the feedback expressed at the trustee/school board association stakeholder meeting.
From the letter - "Regarding this current consultation, we do question whether this is the optimal time for this type of consultation, and what prompted the Ministry to do this at a time when school boards and trustees are still managing a variety of additional requirements related to the pandemic... It is important to note that many of the new proposed components of a Code of Conduct policy, are already considered in our template document. We have been doing this work amidst the pandemic and have been ensuring our schools continue to be safe places to learn and work."
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Save the Date - Virtual Ward 8 Forum - PIAC/FSLCAC Elections and "Combatting Hate"Thursday, November 18 from 6:30-8:30
At the Ward Forum from 6:30-7:00 we will be holding elections for both our representative and alternate of the Parent Involvement Advisory Committee (PIAC) and an alternate for the French as a Second Language Community Advisory Committee (FSLCAC). These are critical positions to ensure our Ward is well represented and are 2-year terms.
- The purpose of the Parent Involvement Advisory Committee (PIAC) is to support, encourage and enhance parent engagement at the board level in order to improve student achievement and wellbeing. O. Reg. 330/10, s. 6.
- The French as a Second Language Advisory Committee (FSLCAC) is a parent advisory committee of the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) to support parents and to be their voice on French programs at the Board.
If you are interested, please complete the Nomination Form. The deadline to submit the Nomination Form is: Friday, November 12, 2021 at 12 noon. A list of candidates and their bios will be posted on November 15, 2021 on the Trustee's page at: https://www.tdsb.on.ca/ward8/.
From 7:00 - 8:30 we will host a session for parents and caregivers on "Combatting Online Hate" - program description:
- The internet and social media are confusing and everchanging spaces for parents, guardians and caregivers to understand! This presentation will explore how young people use social media, the challenges they face, and how hateful content manifests online. We will explore resources which will help you support young people in becoming responsible digital citizens and managing difficult situations online. Bring your questions and concerns and connect with others to work towards supportive and empathetic strategies to guide your children through the online world.
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Vaccine Survey for Parents/Caregivers
Team Toronto is preparing to vaccinate children aged five to 11, once the vaccine is approved for this age group and the Ministry of Health provides the vaccine. To assist in planning, Team Toronto is proactively conducting outreach and education sessions, including hosting town halls, to build vaccine confidence and assist in planning for vaccine distribution.
Toronto Public Health is preparing to vaccinate children between the ages of 5 to 11 once the vaccine is approved for this age group and the Ministry of Health provides the vaccine. To assist us in planning, Toronto Public Health is requesting information from parents and guardians of children between the ages of 5 to 11 to help us understand parents' intent to vaccinate their children and how they would prefer to have their children receive their COVID-19 vaccine.
As a parent or guardian of a child between the ages of 5 to 11, please complete this short survey: https://chkmkt.com/ParentSurvey. The survey will remain open until November 7, 2021.
The COVID-19 vaccine is the best protection against serious illness, hospitalization and death. Recent local data shows that compared to those who are fully vaccinated, those who are unvaccinated are four times more likely to get COVID-19, five times more likely to be hospitalized, and 42 times more likely to be admitted to ICU.
Vaccination reduces community spread of COVID-19 and receiving two doses of the vaccine will reduce the chance that a child will unknowingly pass the virus to their classmates or loved ones, such as grandparents or friends who can get seriously ill. While awaiting a vaccine for younger children, adults, caregivers and youth 12 years of age and older are urged to get vaccinated if they have not already done so, to continue to protect all children.
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EcoFair Toronto
November 4-7. With the slogan “The green new decade is underway!” the 2021 EcoFair Toronto will be a mix of webinars, movies, games, bike rides (in person), and more to inform and inspire greener and more sustainable choices in our communities and daily lives. The event also showcases our exhibitors, environmental non-profits and environmentally-friendly businesses to celebrate their success and inspire everyone to join them in taking action. Take a look at our schedule and what will happen each day:
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Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) Awards
The TDSB would like to honour the creative ways in which Gender Sexuality Alliances (GSAs) across the Toronto District School Board(TDSB) have supported 2SLGBTQ+ students throughout the pandemic. Apply now to the Director's Gender and Sexuality Alliance Awards.
TDSB GSAs have provided unwavering support to 2SLGBTQ+ students during this pandemic. To help ensure that support continues and expands, this fall/winter eight prizes of $1,000 each will be awarded to GSAs from across the TDSB that operated during the 2019-20 and 2020-21 academic school year. Then in the spring of 2022, another four prizes also valuing $1,000, will be awarded. The application deadline is Friday, December 3, 2021 at 4 p.m. Please send applications to GSAAwards@tdsb.on.ca.
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Toronto-St Paul's Youth Council (CYC)
The Constituency Youth Council is a volunteer opportunity for youth aged 14 to 26 running from September to June that allows youth to have their voice heard on policy issues facing Canada. By getting involved in the CYC youth will learn about Canada’s political process, develop leadership skills and most importantly, be involved in our community.
Projects undertaken by past CYCs have ranged from events that focus on Women, Gender and Economic Equity in the Workforce Virtual Event, an Environmental Town Hall and more. Past councils have consistently tackled important issues such as climate change, gender equality, and youth employment. This year’s council will have the chance to build on these discussions and take on projects that will positively impact our community.
If you are a youth or know of a youth looking to get involved in their community, connect with us directly at carolyn.bennett@parl.gc.ca.
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Holocaust Education Week
The 2021 Holocaust Education Week is November 1-7. Join the Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre for the official launch on November 1 at 7:30 PM. This year, the Neuberger will explore the timely theme of Holocaust Distortion, Myths, and Misinformation. In the wake of rising antisemitism, it is more important than ever that we counter the lies and myths that fuel hatred of Jews, while safeguarding the memory of the Holocaust.
Programs will feature an in-depth look at the insidious Holocaust iconography found in video game culture, a Dialogue for Descendants symposium, ongoing Zoom group presentations with Neuberger survivor speakers, and a moving Kristallnacht commemoration with a sneak peek at the plans for UJA’s powerful new Toronto Holocaust Museum.
All programs are hosted virtually throughout the month of November and are free of charge. Learn more about HEW 2021 and see the full program lineup at holocausteducationweek.com.
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Early French Immersion
Students who will be entering Junior Kindergarten and Senior Kindergarten in 2022 will be eligible to apply to the Early French Immersion program during the November 2021 application period. Moving forward (2023), the only entry point for Early French Immersion will be Junior Kindergarten. The application to the Early French Immersion program will remain an online process managed by the Central French Department and will take place during the month of November. All information and the online application are available at www.tdsb.on.ca/french website or click on Early French Immersion. Early French Immersion: Applications must be completed online between November 1 and November 26.
French Immersion Virtual Web Chat Information Sessions for families interested in the application and placement process for the Early French Immersion program (JK and SK Entry for September 2022 only) will be held in November 2021. Please note: To participate in a live scheduled web chat, please visit this web page and a link will be available to join on the dates/times as outlined.
- November 8, 2021 - 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
- November 15, 2021 - 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
- November 23, 2021 - 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
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School Council Training 2021-22
Welcome to School Council! We are here to support you. For more information please contact your Community Support Worker (CSW). Find these events with more information and links on the tdsbHUB.ca calendar.
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Virtual Drop-Ins
Our Professional Support Services team offers weekly virtual drop-in times where you can connect directly with a staff member to help answer questions and provide support to help you and your child. The drop-ins are beginning this week.
➡️Tuesdays 10-11 am
➡️Wednesdays 7-8 pm (Complex Needs)
➡️Thursdays 7-8 pm
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Restarting School Immunization Program Clinics
Have a child in grade 7 & above attending in-person learning? Toronto Public Health is restarting its publicly funded school vaccination program to protect students in grades 7 and up from hepatitis B, human papillomavirus and meningococcal disease. Starting September 14, students can receive these vaccinations by appointment only at city-run immunization sites. You can now book their appointment here http://tphbookings.ca.
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Respect the Rules - No Dogs Allowed on School Grounds
Dogs are not allowed on school property at any time. Many people are surprised to learn that City of Toronto By-Laws and TDSB Policy prohibit dogs (leashed or unleashed) being on school property.
As children begin to go back to school, please respect children’s play spaces. And please do not verbally abuse TDSB caretaking staff - I am hearing that when caretakers onsite try and inform dog owners, they are met with threats and intimidation.
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School Year Calendar 2021-2022- Board-wide PA Day - November 19, 2021
- The last day before the Winter Break is December 17, 2021
- First day back from Winter Break is January 3, 2022
- The last day of class for elementary students is June 30, 2022
- The last day of class for secondary students is June 29, 2022
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