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2nd Annual Charity Streaming Event to Support the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation

Saturday, May 1 from 8 pm to 11 pm, Eastern Time
Calling all gamers! Patrick Kanouse, a writer and role-playing game master, along with High Shelf Gaming, the Death Die Club, and Two Brothers Gaming, will host the 2nd Annual Charity Stream Event in support of the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation (CCF) on Saturday, May 1 from 8 pm to 11 pm, Eastern Time. He will run the Classic Traveller adventure – Angle of Incidence – using Mongoose Publishing’s Traveller, Second Edition, on Astral. You can attend and watch the event by going to the High Shelf Gaming Twitch channel,, on your computer, phone, or tablet.
High Shelf Gaming on Twitch
What is this streaming charity event? A group of people are going to play a game much like Dungeons & Dragons, live over the Internet for people to watch. Traveller is a science fiction game that takes place in the far future. As the game is streaming, Mr. Kanouse will be asking for donations to the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation and tracking the progress much like a telethon. Viewers and donors can win prizes that help folks play role-playing games – things like dice, gift certificates and other goodies – along with having an effect on the game as it is happening. Anyone can watch and donate!

“My goal is to raise awareness of carcinoid and neuroendocrine cancer so that others don’t have to go through what my wife experienced before her diagnosis – five years of suffering ever more frequent, debilitating pain,” explains Mr. Kanouse. “It was heartbreaking to watch and to not know what was going on. Together we can ensure that CCF continues to educate the public and the medical community about these rare diseases so that people are diagnosed properly and quickly.”
To support the Charity Streaming Event and the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation, click here:
CCF gratefully acknowledges the hosts for the event, High Shelf Gaming, Death Die Club, Two Brothers Gaming and the sponsors.


The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation's educational, awareness and advocacy activities are made possible by your contributions. These crucial activities lead towards early detection, improving the quality of life for cancer survivors, and ultimately to a cure. The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All contributions to The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
                                                           Thank you for your support!
Carcinoid Cancer Foundation
118 North Bedford Road, Suite 100
Mount Kisco, NY 10549
Phone: 1-888-722-3132
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