Dear Explorers,
After a long and dreary winter, we're excited that summer has finally arrived. And with it comes the first issue of Field Notes, our special e-newsletter where we'll be sending you updates about WINGS Fellows, upcoming events and event expedition opportunities.
WINGS Junior Council is up and running, advancing our mission and work with young professionals, and raising funds as a collective to sponsor a Women of Discovery Award. See below for more details and to get involved.
I'd also like to introduce a special campaign that we have for the summer: until July 31, when you give a gift to WINGS, you'll get exclusive merch as a thank you. The funds we raise go directly to supporting incredible women scientists and explorers who are on the frontlines of the fight to save our planet.
That includes women like Gaelin Rosenwaks, who recently returned from an expedition to the Republic of Palau where she studied and documented how local coral reefs and their algae have already adapted to conditions that are similar to the predicted global ocean conditions that the entire region is expected to face in the future.
Scroll down to read more about the inspiring women your donations help support, whether they're in India, Tanzania or the North Pole.
I'll see you on the trail, at the destination, and beyond,