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Terry Swecker, Michaela Kristula, and Joseph Taboada were each among the first graduating class from the new veterinary college 40 years ago in 1984, and each pursued a long career on the academic side of veterinary medicine.
| LeRoith replaces retiring director Terry Swecker, once her faculty advisor when she was a student at the veterinary college.
The recently graduated Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Class of 2024 reflects on the grueling yet rewarding path that molded them into veterinarians. What began as an exciting, if daunting, first day of classes (during the COVID-19 pandemic) turned into a profound four-year transformation.
Starting from humble beginnings in converted sheep barns, Valerie Campbell and Nancy Hall, who graduated from the first class of the veterinary college in 1984, built a successful veterinary practice in Northern Virginia.
Don Nichols, the only math major in the first class of the veterinary college, merged his puzzle-solving skills and love for animals into a 30-year federal pathology career.
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Swecker, one of the first graduates of the veterinary college, stepped down as hospital director on May 10 and retires from Virginia Tech on June 30.
A recently published paper on a kinase and its importance in triggering cellular responses caps more than 12 years of research for the veterinary college's Coy Allen.
In a perspective piece for the journal Science, Virginia Tech’s Audrey Ruple and Courtney Sexton write that factors that affect dogs' end-of-life outcomes could be significant for the humans that share their environments.
Augusta O'Reilly, a Veterinary Licensed Clinical Social Worker supports the humans behind our pets and champions different cultural practices for euthanasia and cremation, making her a valuable asset to our community.
Emily Falls, an Anatomical Pathology Technician since 2017, values working with passionate colleagues, finds inspiration in her youngest daughter's resilience, and emphasizes the educational significance of necropsy in veterinary practice.
Cody Campbell '23 is a DVM student on the Food Animal track. He has a background in Dairy Science and Animal and Poultry Sciences from his studies at Virginia Tech. Cody loves cooking, is inspired by his sister Kaitlyn, and dreams of visiting all 50 states with his Australian Shepherd, Slate.
Pamela Wykes Armstrong '84, an alumna and owner of Damascus Veterinary Hospital, shares how her education laid the foundation for her success, the sense of community among alumni, and her passion for continuous learning and mentoring future veterinarians.
| The Equine Medical Center will host an Open House on Saturday, June 29, featuring live demonstrations and complimentary refreshments.
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