Dear friends and colleagues,
Louisiana has the most vulnerable coastline of any state in the U.S. Importantly, Louisiana is also the only state with a master plan for protecting its coast.
With more than $8 billion of federal investment in the pipeline for coastal restoration and urban water management, thousands of jobs will soon be created in these industries in Southeast Louisiana.
Philanthropic investment can leverage these billions of federal dollars to ensure they do more than fortify our coast. Philanthropy can help connect marginalized communities to these jobs, so that we are building social resilience at the same time that we build environmental resilience. And, government watchdogging and advocacy will be especially essential to ensure that these dollars are not diverted to other state interests.
Unfortunately, in 2012, just 5.3 percent of total grant-giving by foundations in the Southeast Louisiana Super Region went to environmental causes. In contrast, national foundations gave 7.1 percent of all their nationwide grants to environmental causes.
Our new infographic highlights philanthropic giving to environmental causes, and demonstrates the critical role philanthropy will play in maximizing the opportunities associated with the development of the water management industry in Southeast Louisiana.
Check it out at:
Bringing you the data you need to make informed decisions,
The Data Center team
Caroline Heffernan, Dabne Whitemore, Keisha Smith, Allison Plyer, and Bernardo Espinosa