July 20, 2022  

Welcome      Grow       Serve      Celebrate

Last Sunday we continued our "Come to the Water" worship series with a story about a boat, disciples, waves, fear and faith. I hope to see you this month as we remind ourselves of the waters that name us and claim us. If your summer plans do not allow you to be present in person, remember, you can always engage in worship and give online. May we all come to the water.

July 24: Rev. Haven Boyd preaching Acts 8:26-39 “Baptized in Water”
July 31: John 4:4-26 “Stay Hydrated”

My family and I will be on vacation July 18-25. In the event of a pastoral emergency, please call the church office and Linda will pass on the information to the appropriate place.  
Attention Senior/Retired PHUMC folks: this event is especially planned for you. Jean will have the food ready; David has the entertainment lined up. All we need is for you to sit back, visit and enjoy music provided by Mr. Duncan Goff for a great time!  Click here for lunch reservation or call the church office at 601-856-2733 by July 24.
Why #BeUMC?
LaToya Redd-Thompson, Lay Leader for the Mississippi Annual Conference, addressed the delegates about what lay leadership has accomplished this year and why she's passionate about #BeUMC. To see her Laity Address, watch here. Start the video at 27.50 minutes to hear her message.
Visit parkwayhillsumc.org/summer to see all we have planned, check for any updates, and register for events.
Thank you to all who gave to our June communion offering to support the Habitat for Humanity 2022 Women Build. To date, you have given $882 of our $1000 sponsorship. Our sponsorship will assist the McIntyre family in purchasing a safe, decent, affordable home with a zero interest, thirty-year mortgage. Saturday, August 13 from 7:45 until noon, we will go help build to make this home a reality! We have 5 people signed up so far to work. We need an additional 5 to 7 volunteers to cover this shift. Volunteers must be 16 years of age or older.Those under 18 must have a signed waiver from their parent/guardian to participate. Signup with Pastor Dawn or let her know if you have any questions.

PHUMC Youth helped Bill Flynn reorganize the wood shop in the basement for the Bunk Bed Ministry on their most recent Summer Engage Wednesday.

We're headed to Geyser Falls on Saturday, July 23. Deadline to register is Noon Tomorrow Thursday, July 21. Cost is $40. You can pay on the Vanco Mobile App or online.

Our annual "Can't Wait 'Til Christmas" Party is on Sunday July 31 from 5:30 to 7:30. Dust off your Christmas clothes and bring a snack  to share.

Sunday's Mission Moment

featured  Blessing of the Quilts. These quilts will go to children in distress, distributed by Catholic Charities and Southern Christian Services. Our PHUMC Prayer Quilt Ministry has created 70 quilts since July 2021.
Pastor Dawn also shared a thank-you letter from  Becas con Bendiciones (Scholarships with Blessings) to whom PHUMC provided eleven scholarships for Honduran students.
In June and July PHUMC provided 15 $30 Kroger gift cards through its Good Samaritan Ministry to community members who requested assistance.
Your gifts make a difference! Thank you.

Bill Flynn talks to Youth about the PHUMC Bunk Bed Ministry. Youth later joined him in the basement to organize the wood shop.
          Meeting This Week:    
Handbells meet in the choir room on Thursday 9-10 am.  
Men's Morning Group meets every Thursday morning at 7:30 am.
Join them at PHUMC in The Garden Multipurpose Room,
via Zoom.
   **New Meeting ID: 823 5246 2635
     New Password: 142295
Parkway Hills Women meet via Zoom every Saturday morning at 10 am.
Meeting ID: 848 7196 9988 (note new meeting id number)
Women of ALL ages are always welcome!

Youth Trip to Geyser Falls on Saturday

Renew Sunday School Class will not meet in July.

Sunday Kids' 1st-4th Grades Party at Reunion Beach 2-4 pm

Choir Practice at 6:00  this Sunday. 

Prayer Quilt Ministry Mondays, from Noon to 3:00. 
Join us in the Garden Multipurpose Room to create comforting quilts for children in distress. 

Year to Date, June 2022
Income: $281,364.45
Expenses: $335,470.21
Stewardship Goal:  "Debt-Free in '23"
Mortgage Principal Balance as of July 5: $80,464,91
(Only 5 remaining payments!)      
July's offering supports our youth summer trip of service and spiritual formation as well as our ongoing youth ministry program.                      Offering to date: $676.00   
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