June 7, 2018

Sunday Services

Sunday, June 10: Service at 9:15 and 11:15 a.m.

Community Sunday 

-Rev. Bill Sinkford and Rev. Thomas Disrud

Each of us is a work in process, on a journey of faith. The church, if it is doing its job, helps us keep our moral compass calibrated. The church also helps us mark the milestones on our path.
We will gather at both 9:15 and 11:15 to celebrate the our traditional Flower Communion. Join us after each service in Buchan Reception Hall for ice cream and music, and to celebrate the symbolic “burning of the mortgage” that frees the church from debt on the Buchan building.

Bill's Blog

Saturday evening we will celebrate Cathy Cartwright-Chow’s 15 year ministry here at First Unitarian and her 30 years' service to Unitarian Universalist congregations. We will send her off into retirement from full time work, to her son’s wedding in Malaysia and to welcome her first grandchild. This is another major milestone for the church. If you have not yet done so, please let us know that you can join us for the celebration.
Many of you already have heard the news that Cassandra Scheffman has been selected as our new Director of Religious Education. Cassandra is so well qualified, with a Masters Degree in Education, and so knowledgeable about the church, having worked in Adult Programs, the Learning Community and Social Justice...Continued

Changes Are Coming!

Thanks to our Ramp It Up! auction earnings, there will be construction in our Sanctuary throughout much of the summer to make our chancel accessible. We won’t be able to hold services in the Sanctuary during this time, so our usual summer schedule must change.
Construction will begin next week. Starting on June 17, services will be held in Eliot Chapel, at both 9:15 and at 11:15 a.m. each Sunday.  Social hour will continue to be held in Fuller Hall after each service.

Cathy Cartwright-Chow Celebration

Saturday, June 9, 5–8 p.m.
It's almost time! Come celebrate Cathy Cartwright-Chow’s retirement on Saturday, June 9, from 5–8 p.m. in our Buchan Reception Hall.  If you wish to help out in any way, stop by the RE table on Sunday morning or contact cathysretirement@firstunitarianportland.org. Click here for more information.

Teachers for 201819

We currently are looking to place 11 teachers in the Learning Community for the upcoming year. Yes. It is a commitment. Yes. You will receive as much from the kids as they receive from you. Yes. You have tons of support. We hope you say “Yes!” Please contact Rev. Mary Gear for more information.

Upcoming Events

This Sunday

Soul Box Project to Combat Gun Violence

Sunday, June 10
The Peace Action Group is hosting origami Soul Box making between services and after the second service in Buchan. All ages encouraged!

Flower Communion

Sunday, June 10, 9:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.
Please bring a small bouquet of flowers to add to our communal baskets.
This service will be multigenerational, with music, movement, and words to appeal to all ages.  

2018 "Ramp It Up" Auction Success! 

Thanks to the generous donors and participants of this year's auction, we raised more than $46,000, including $1,832 from the Alliance pie and plant sales, $1,430 from the auction raffle, as well as $4,300 from sponsors.
This is the last Sunday (June 10) to come down to Fuller Hall during coffee hour to pay for and pick-up items won at the Auction (including auction raffle items which have not all been picked up)! 
Construction on the Sanctuary will begin soon, so stay tuned for details, as services will be held in Eliot Chapel, at both 9:15 and 11:15 a.m. each Sunday until our “Ramp It Up” project is complete. 

Facts and Myths about Immigration Law

Sunday, June 10, 12:30 p.m.
Location: WHUUF, 8470 SW Oleson Road. 
Presented by immigrant law attorney Sarah Loftin, co-sponsored by West Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (WHUUF) and First Unitarian Portland. Soup and bread lunch at 12 noon. No fee, but donations gratefully accepted.
Join immigrant justice activists for an informative and lively conversation with Ms. Loftin, whose local practice has focused on the needs of undocumented immigrants. Her stories help to clarify the issues and create a human picture of the current debate.

This Week

Join the Movement! Oregon Poor People’s Campaign

Tuesday Teach-Ins Continue
Tuesday, June 12, 4:30-7 p.m. in Eliot Chapel
National Poor People's Campaign Weekly Livestream Teach-In and Local Discussion
Theme: EVERYBODY'S GOT THE RIGHT TO LIVE: Education, Living Wage Jobs, Income, Housing
Livestream Teach-Ins are presented by the national Poor People’s Campaign. The teach-ins are designed to create opportunities for deeper education on the issues at the heart of this campaign and to build power among our community, bringing us together through deeper discussion and reflection.
For more information, visit www.poorpeoplescampaign.org and Oregon PPC on Facebook
Questions? Contact Rev. Connie Yost, cyost@uuma.org
Action Days in Salem June 11 and 18
Oregon Poor People’s Campaign will be in Salem on Monday, June 11 for the fifth of six weeks of direct action in state capitols all across the country. While there, we will demand a conversation around the theme for Week 5: Everybody's Got the Right to Live: Education, Living Wage Jobs, Income, Housing.
If you are planning to join us for any part or the whole day, please check out the schedule and RSVP here to receive more details. (Please be particularly attentive to the carpool link and support those without access to transportation if you are able.)
If you are planning to participate in Nonviolent Moral Fusion Direct Action and/or are able to offer logistical support on Monday, please click here to fill out this form as well.
We will be back in Salem on Monday, June 18 to kick off Week Six and demand an end to the distorted narrative of scarcity. Rev. Bill Sinkford will participate. More details are forthcoming.
On the June 18, we will also send off a full delegation of ten people to Washington D.C.! The team will build strategy for the multi-year campaign, take part in and support the massive, national culminating day of action on Saturday, June 23, and re-build Resurrection City 50 years after it was originally erected on the Washington Mall. If you haven't already supported the team and are able, please do so here.


Portland Pride Parade

Sunday, June 17
Join our Unitarian Universalist Pride Parade contingent! We’ll meet in front of Eliot Chapel at 12:15 p.m., following our 11:15 a.m. service and move together to the staging area at NW 9th & NW Davis.
We are positioned #151 of 180 entries. Find us by our yellow "Standing on the Side of Love" banner. A car will be in the parade for folx with accessibility needs. If you want to go earlier, our Social Justice Program Director Dana Buhl will leave from church at 11 a.m.
Questions? Alison Richter netslug@hotmail.com

June's Art Wall

June Art Wall. Gia Whitlock's paintings are featured in June.
Inspired by nature, the curves in her images weave unrelated shapes and concepts into a tapestry.
She says her work is made of happiness and fruit shapes. Come and enjoy! See more here.


Adult Programs recently announced they will no longer hold their annual book sale.  In response to several requests, however, our bookstore will continue to sell a small collection of used books on the landing next to the bookstore provided congregants bring good books for us to offer.
So, bring quality fiction in good condition to the bookstore any Sunday.  Pleaseno children’s books, non-fiction, or any other category of books.  We just don’t have the space or person-power to manage anything else.  Thank you for helping us to provide this ongoing resource for our congregants.  Books are always just $1 each.  Come choose a great read.

Program Events

Adult Programs, Learning Community, Music & Arts, Social Justice 

An Evening of Pie & Poetry

Thursday, June 14, 6:30–8:30 p.m. in Buchan Reception Hall.
While enjoying a slice of pie, you can hear First Unitarian poets read from the best of their year’s work.
Donations appreciated (suggested $5) or a book of poetry as a donation to the church libraries.

Learning Community

June 3 was the Last Day of Our School Year

July 8 we will begin an eight-week summer program for children 10 years and younger. 

Learning Community Teachers Needed for 201819

The essential qualities of a good Learning Community teacher are a love of children, a sense of wonder about life, empathy and the ability to listen, and a willingness to share who you are more than what you know. Above all, teachers are mentors and companions for the children on their spiritual path. One of the best ways to learn about what it means to be a practicing Unitarian Universalist is by spending time with young people on the journey.
Each year more than 50 people commit themselves to teaching in our Sunday program for Children and Youth. Everyone is paired up with a co-teacher, lessons are well spelled out, and resources are plentiful.
Prerequisites include at least a six-month attendance at First Unitarian Portland, an interview, and a background check.
If you are interested, please reply to Cathy Cartwright-Chow or Rev. Mary Gear for an application or more information.

Nursery and Childcare Available

We always have childcare for our wee ones on Sunday mornings.


A weekly email goes out to all families registered in the Learning Community. It has descriptions of the upcoming Sunday classes as well as events and announcements. Be sure to check it out!
The Learning Community sends out:
  • An explanation of specific programming for the upcoming Sunday
  • An invitation for classes to light the chalice on Sunday morning
  • An invitation from Pingg.com to join us at an upcoming social event
Be sure they're going to your inbox! 

Social Justice

Thank You

The Committee for Hunger and Homelessness thanks you for the outpouring of generosity of gifts and help you've given the winter shelter.  We sincerely couldn't have done it without your help.  The shelter closed April 30, until winter months return.  A reminder: we still have families at the 13 Salmon Family Center in the lower level of our Buchan Building.  Donna Richards webbed@msn.com.

Supplies Needed

  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Deodorant
  • Toothbrush/paste
  • Soap
  • Razors
  • Baby wipes
  • Baby formula
Please leave supplies in Fuller Hall cupboards by the kitchen.
Contact Donna at webbed@msn.com

Get Involved

Make a difference in the First Unitarian Portland community

Social Hour Helpers Needed Sunday Mornings

With two services continuing through the summer, we need a few more beverage service helpers and subs on Sundays in Fuller Hall. Choose one Sunday each month, either 8 a.m.–10:50 a.m. or 10:45 a.m.–1 p.m., with time to attend service in between.  Please contact Emily at 541-408-1516 or ewh1960@gmail.com. Training provided by experienced volunteers.

Attention LiveStream Viewers

Do you regularly watch First Unitarian’s Sunday services in real time on Sunday mornings?  Are you adept at sending and receiving text messages?
Our Sunday morning sound and video technicians could use help from a couple of techy types out in cyberland to let them know when there is a livestream glitch while the service is being streamed.  Please email the church office (office@firstunitarianportland.org) if you’re interested in volunteering for this important job.  We need you!

Help Wanted!

A team of volunteers has formed to address the unrelentingly vigorous weeds in the beds around our church campus and we need more help! As the summer progresses, projects will be planned to control weed growth and highlight our native plants. If you would like to spend a couple of hours with the team, please contact Marti Yoder at marti.yoder@gmail.com and have your name added to the notification list. More hands are needed to make this light work.

Seeking Sunday Welcoming Volunteers

If you like to greet people and make them feel welcome, this volunteer opportunity is for you: become a Welcome Desk or Newcomer Table host before or after a Sunday service.
This is a great way to connect with congregation members and newcomers. Contact Membership Chair Ed McClaran or call 971-279-2778.

Sunday Drivers Needed

Can you provide an occasional ride to Sunday services for a neighbor? Do you, or someone you know, need help getting to church?
Our First Unitarian Neighborhood Connections rideshare program helps match riders with drivers in Portland and Lake Oswego, and is organized by ZIP code. To learn more, contact Leslie Comnes, 503-236-2963.

Seeking Ushers

Here's a great volunteer opportunity: Become an usher and connect more deeply to members of our congregation. Won't you join our team? Contact usher coordinator Dev Dion or call 503-805-5899. Thank you.

In the Community

Community milestones, joys, and sorrows
Ryc Williamson died June 1, surrounded by his family, music, and love. He was diagnosed with cancer a little over a year ago and tried to live life as fully as he was able in the last few months. Ryc was a part of our music program for many years. Our choir pieces are dedicated to him this morning. We hold his wife Mona and his family at this time of loss.
Member Viktor Dolejs died on May 26 of a heart attack while rafting on the John Day River with friends. He was 78 years old. A memorial service was held for Viktor earlier this month. We hold his wife Linda and his children Martina and Peter at this time.
Roxanne and Mike Malter are happy to announce that their daughter, Natalie Malter, will be ordained as a UU minister on Sunday, June 10, at Mt. Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church in Walnut Creek, California, where she has been serving as the intern minister this past year. Throughout her middle and high school years, Natalie attended First Unitarian and participated in the high school YRUU program. She was also a teacher in the Learning Community. Natalie received her Master of Divinity degree from Harvard University and will be returning to Harvard this August to begin work on a doctorate in Religious Studies.

Leadership News

Board of Trustees—Results of the 2018 Annual Vote

Thank you to all members of First Unitarian who return completed ballots to approve the Church’s operating budget and elect members to our Board of Trustees, Nominating Committee, and the independent Foundation Board of Stewards. Details on the results of the Annual Vote are in Moderator Randy Russell’s May letter, along with other important Board-related updates.
A summary of the results of our 2018 Annual Congregational survey, along with notes and presentation materials from the Board’s May 6, 2018 congregant forum, are now posted on the Board’s Communications Committee page. 
The Board will hold its last meeting of the year on June 7, at 6 p.m.  As always, please check out the Board's main webpage for the latest time/location for all Board-related events. 

Represent First Unitarian in the UU Democratic Process: Be a General Assembly Delegate

The UUA Outreach Group is accepting applications from those who wish to be a First Unitarian Portland delegate to the 2018 Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations General Assembly (GA) to be held in Kansas City, MO on June 2024. Delegates can participate in person in Kansas City or remotely here in Portland. Financial support is available for delegates. All voting members are eligible to be a delegate.
For more information about delegate selection and responsibilities, and to obtain an application, stop by the UUA Outreach Group table in Fuller Hall or go online here.

Naming First Unitarian Foundation in Your Will or Estate Plan

Help assure the long-term sustainability of this beloved congregation by including First Unitarian Portland in your will or estate plan.
Please fill out our Intent Form, or for more information, visit our website.

Other News

Sunday Attendance

1st Service: 226
2nd Service: 319
Musicians: 32
Total: 577
Livestream: 82
Grand Total: 659

Yarn Donations Needed

The UU Knitters, who meet at the church on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month to work on projects for the benefit of the community, is getting low on donated yarn.  We are looking for yarn of any typewool, cotton, and synthetics.  Please bring donations to the church office, and staff will get them to the right place.  Thank you! 

Add to Our Media Collection

Taken any nice photos of First Unitarian Portland or its events? Send them our way to help build our media collection! Sending us your photos gives us permission to publish and/or use images for publications, website content, and social media. If you'd like to limit your permission, just let us know. Please email your photos to photos@firstunitarianportland.org or click here.

Ongoing Groups

The following church groups meet on a regular schedule during our program year (approximately September through May or June). Many groups meet on an irregular basis. If you are unsure about a particular group's schedule, please contact the individual listed.

Africa Connections

This church social justice group supports advocacy and outreach work in communities in Kenya and Zimbabwe that have been deeply impacted by HIV AIDS. We do this through support of the IMANI Project, Zimbabwe Artists Project, and Quilts for Empowerment. Questions? Email Annie Bennett.

The Alliance 

The Alliance meets September through May, usually on the first Wednesday of the month, for a luncheon, business meeting, and program. Visit the Alliance web page. Questions? Email Alliance.

Animal Ministry Group

Normally meets on the fourth Sunday, 12:45 p.m., A303. Visit the Animal Ministry web page for special meeting times. Questions? 503-520-9012.

Caregiver Support Group

We usually meet the fourth Sunday of the month September through May. We do not meet during the summer and will resume September 23, 2018.
We gather to provide support, inspiration, and information relevant to those caring for a loved one. Email facilitator Helena Lee.

Children's Mosaic Restoration Group

First Monday, 45:30 p.m., Channing Room. Questions? Leslie Pohl-Kosbau, 503-245-6087. More info on the Children's Mosaic at First Unitarian Portland Facebook page. 

Committee on Hunger & Homelessness (COHHO)

Meets monthly September through May on the third Sunday at 12:30 p.m. in A303, the Fireside Room, or visit our table in Fuller Hall on the second and fourth Sundays. Questions? Email co-chairs Mary Andrews and Ellen Vanderslice.

Community for Earth (CFE)

The Community for Earth (CFE) is again selling the eco-friendly and community supportive Chinook book—each with its own app ($25)—and individual apps ($15). Use of the wide variety of coupons frequently more than covers the cost of the Chinook book and/or app. Buy yours today in our Beacon Bookstore. Cash sales at the CFE table. Questions? Susan Weinstein at 360-440-0564.

Contemplative Practice Group

Second and fourth Tuesdays, 6:30–8 p.m., A301. Offers a regular opportunity for building community through silent meditation, mindfulness poetry, and deep discussion on church themes. Questions? Ron Walker.

Economic Justice Action Group (EJAG)

The Economic Justice Action Group (EJAG) educates and advocates on issues of economic justice. Watch for our speaker, book, and movie events. Stop by our table for the latest information on fair trade, health care, democracy, and inequality and its dimensions. We meet the third Sunday of every month, September to June, at 9 a.m. in the Fireside Room. Contact: Michael Wade for more information.

Ending the New Jim CrowHealing the Justice System

Usually, monthly on the fourth Tuesday, 6:30–8 p.m., B302. Questions? Kathryn Scotten.

Good Times Committee

Join with fellow congregants for social gatherings—from happy hour to hikes, from dinners to plays. Learn more and sign up with Good Times during social hour on Sundays. Questions? Laura Gadley, 847-525-8700.

Immigrant Justice Action Group (IJAG)

We offer quarterly educational meetings on topics of relevance to the congregation, focused on issues/needs of immigrant and refugee communities. Through the IJAG Google group, recommended actions are disseminated. Contact Wendy here.
See our webpage for more info.

LGBTQIA Pride Group

Find out the latest social events by picking up a flyer at our Pride Table in Fuller Hall for our monthly movie game night, monthly PDX roller skating, potlucks, and any projects being planned. Visit our Facebook page: First Unitarian Pride, Portland, OR for all of our events and the LGBTQIA events we are supporting in the Portland area.

Meditation Group

Wednesday Night Meditation Group continues every Wednesday, 7–8:30 p.m, Eliot Chapel. Beginners welcomed. Questions? Mary Ann Harman.

Monthly Grief Group

Grief is a common thread that connects many of us in our community. This drop-in group will hold compassionate organic space for listening, learning, and resources to live with the many forms of grief and caregiving. The group meets the third Sunday of each month from 1:152:45 p.m. in room B304 of the Buchan building. Facilitated by Rev. Rick Freeman and Sophia Douglas.

Parents of Teens Support Group, 1–2 p.m.

Second and fourth Sundays 
Connect with parents of teens to talk and share parenting topics and the joys and challenges of navigating life as parents, with the guidance of a lay minister. We are an open group. Childcare provided.

Peace Action Group

Monthly on the second Saturday, 10 a.m.–12 p.m., Channing Room. Questions? Tess Beistel, Terri Shofner, Brianna Bragg.

Quilts of Love Group

Monthly on the third Thursday, 12–1:30 p.m., B310. Sew-in is on the first Thursday at Modern Domestic, 1408 NE Alberta St., from 10:30 a.m.3:30 p.m. This group creates quilts for families served by Portland Homeless Family Solutions as they transition from the shelter to a permanent home. More. Questions? Anna Thorn, 503-720-1984. 

SPECTRUM: LGBTQIA Spirituality Discussion Group

An ongoing discussion group for LGBTQIA-identified folx. Meets second and fourth Thursdays, 7–9 p.m. Join in exploring spirituality through a rainbow lens. Contact Intern Minister Crystal Zerfoss with questions at czerfoss@firstunitarianportland.org.

Sunday Morning T'ai Chi Chih

Sunday morning T'ai Chi Chih, 8:159 a.m.; check the sign board in the Buchan building for meeting locations. Questions? Email Adult Programs.

UU Knitting Group

The knitting circle meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month during the church year. Questions? Susan Pryor, 503-894-9945.

UU Men's Community

Third Saturday, 9 a.m., Channing Room. An open group where men of all ages can share life experiences, learn from each other, develop friendships, support one another, and have fun. Questions? Don Liedel, 503-319-8934; more info here.

UU Movie Group

Meets on the fourth Sunday of the month over a potluck meal at members’ homes. For more information, contact Nancy Panitch, 503-318-0776, or Ellie Kirkham, 971-544-7003. More info at the Good Times table in Fuller Hall.

UU Poetry Group

Twice monthly, on the second and fourth Thursdays, 7 p.m., Channing Room. Questions? Albert Starr.

UUA Outreach Group

Monthly on the last Wednesday at 7 p.m., usually in B310, but check the sign board when entering. Questions? Ken Wheeler.
If your interest lies in the larger picture of UU ministry, join us! Bill Pryor, 503-894-9945. We'd love to hear from you. 

Women’s Circles

I: First and third Mondays at 7 p.m. Questions? Tess Beistel, 503-257-2042.
II: Second and fourth Mondays at 7 p.m. Questions? Kim, 503-869-1486.
III: First and third Wednesdays from 10–11:30 a.m. Questions? Dorothy Lewis, 503-292-1337.
IV: Twice a month on Wednesday evenings. We are looking for participants of all ages for supportive sharing and discussion about such topics as parenting and spirituality. Questions? Amy, 503-241-5451.
Spiritual Circle: Second and fourth Thursdays, 7–8:30 p.m. Questions? Sylvia Hart Landsberg.
To update your contact information with First Unitarian Portland, click here.

Do You Have an Item for E-news or the Sunday Bulletin?

If you have an item you’d like published in our weekly Front Steps (eNews) or the Sunday Bulletin, please submit it to:
This email address gets to all the right people. Deadline for submissions is noon on Wednesday. Because space is limited in our Sunday Bulletin, we’re unable to run articles for more than a week or two in advance, depending on the number of submissions. Articles may need to be shortened if space is tight. 
Sunday Livestream
Join us LIVE from your computer or smartphone on Sunday at 9:15 & 11:15 a.m.
Music Notes
Our June shared plate recipient is Outside In, a non-profit that helps homeless youth and other marginalized people move toward improved health and self-sufficiency. Approximately 40% of the youth that come to Outside In each year identify as LGBTQ. June's plate collection for LGBTQ services will be matched one-to-one, thanks to a generous donor. 
As Outside In celebrates its 50th anniversary, First Unitarian is proud to remain in our relationship since its inception.  
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