B N I M ' S   M O N T H L Y    |   M A R C H   2 0 2 3
(From top left to bottom right): Beena Ramaswami, Fiona Bhuyan, Hannah Gray, Katie Nichols
I N S P I R I N G   D E S I G N   S E R I E S
Interviews with BNIM Women in Design
In our daily work, we often look to our colleagues and collaborators as we seek out and share inspiration. Our team members at BNIM approach our projects and initiatives with collective care, each bringing expertise, talents, and passions to create the best outcomes and a better practice. In honor of Women’s History Month over the month of March, we are excited to share the stories from several individuals at BNIM who inspire and energize our firm each day.
For this Inspiring Design series, we connect with Beena Ramaswami, Fiona Bhuyan, Hannah Gray, and Katie Nichols to learn more about their pathways to architecture and design, their thoughts on the future, and how their work is positively transforming our communities, environment, and profession.
M O N T H L Y   M I N D F U L   U P D A T E
Girl Scouts Camp Tongawood
P R O J E C T   F E A T U R E 
The Girl Scouts Camp Tongawood is envisioned as a regional hub for STEAM learning that will offer a variety of immersive indoor and outdoor educational experiences that inspire, challenge, and empower girls. BNIM is currently working with the Girl Scouts of Northeast Kansas Northwest Missouri to support this vision by designing buildings and environments as teaching tools integrated with nature at the 76-acre camp. The new STEAM Learning Center, Lodge, and Year-Round Cabins will be designed targeting Net Zero Energy by incorporating high performance building envelope strategies, efficient HVAC systems, and opportunities for renewable solar systems. The design also includes a Wetland Outdoor Learning Pavilion and a nature-based wastewater treatment system, creating new opportunities to expand the camp’s current outdoor applied learning activities focused on life sciences and technology. 
B N I M   P E O P L E  +  C U L T U R E 
BNIM Pacific Studio Director, Jamie Intervalo, who serves as AIA San Diego Vice President and Chair of the Women in Architecture (WIA) Committee, is helping initiate a rebranding of WIA to encourage diverse participation, representation, and collaboration toward a more equitable future for all. Now known as the WE-in-Architecture (WE-A) Committee, the group will continue to focus on issues related to equity and inclusion in the Architectural, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry, while also inviting participation from engineering and contractor partners to represent the diverse staff and leadership within these disciplines. 
"The AEC process where architects sit across from contractors and owners providing information instead of collaboration is outdated. As architects, engineers, and contractors our worlds are more integrated and diverse than ever before. The rebranded WE-A committee represents a new brand for a knowledge community that discusses thought leadership issues that affect equity, diversity, and inclusion issues across all our disciplines in our built environment – an effort that will take all hands, voices, and faces at the table.” – Jamie Intervalo, AIA LEED AP BD+C, BNIM Pacific Studio Director

mindful - As a perfect mirror reflection of the letters bnim, mindful is this place for communication, where we reflect upon projects, people and events to share beyond the firm’s walls.
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