A Holi Reflection from Our Hindu Advisor
Namaste dear friends,
As we end this auspicious time of Holi, marked by a Festival of Colors, I wanted to send my warmest regards. Known as one of Lord Krishna’s favorite celebrations, playing with colored waters and colored powders is a time-honored tradition as we shift from Winter to Spring. Here at Tufts, the Tufts Association of South Asians (TASA) and the Hindu Students Council (HSC) hand out packets of rang (Sanskrit for color) and the Tufts Hindu Chaplaincy will hold a group discussion on the Amar Chitra Katha on Krishna.
Color play reminds me of the importance of leela (Sanksrit for play) in our lives. Especially in times such as these, play might be perceived as unproductive, petty or even a guilty pleasure. Between personal and academic responsibilities, it might appear that there is no time to play. Yet, in a well-read book in my collection Play, Dr. Stuart Brown writes, "play is as important as oxygen...The beneficial effects of getting just a little true play can spread through our lives, actually making us more productive and happier in everything we do." (1)
So what is play? It is an action that we are all built for, experiential and beautiful. Examples of play include making art, writing, acting, running in circles, rolling down a hill, singing, sharing jokes, and daydreaming. Play can even facilitate deep connections between strangers and cultivate healing. Play is a process, not a thing – a transformative force in our lives.
As we celebrate this time of Holi, usually celebrated around the full moon of March, let us be in wonder - seeing all of the beautiful colors, the multiplicities of frequencies, as varied as the frequencies of sound that are heard by our ears, and the many varieties of emotion that are felt by our hearts
In the cycles of the seasons, Massachusetts winters have been for me about stillness, reflection, cloistering and deepening in our Presence. In this sense, throwing our colors is a metaphor for opening the doors and windows to our soul. Expressions of all the emotions in safe and respectful ways awakens us to our senses and to each other. As we embrace Spring, let us remember to share our colors openly. May the fullness of life be shared with respect. May we trust the Universe as we turn to times of play.
Dhanyavaadah and best wishes,
Preeta Banerjee, PhD.
Hindu Advisor
(1) Brown, Stuart, and Christopher Vaughn. Play: How is Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul. Penguin Group, 2009.
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Contribute to Tufts' “Many Voices: A Community Display of Grief, Hope, and Action" Submissions due by Monday, April 5, Virtual Participation
This spring, students, staff, faculty, and alumni will create a collective vision of the future by designing individual squares about grief, hope, and action. Marking the one-year anniversary of our campus’ closure, this public art project will be visual and experiential. We invite you to decorate a paper square with reflections, quotes, drawings, and images of any kind that speak to one of these themes. We hope this project will be a testament to the ways that, even apart, we can create something beautiful together. Please sign up here to make your mark on this collective vision. See our website for more information here. If you have any questions, please reach out to program coordinator Shelby Carpenter. This project is sponsored by the University Chaplaincy and Tufts Hillel.
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Russell Lecture with Reverend Adam Russell Taylor Wednesday, April 7, 4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. ET
The Russell Lecture is the oldest lectureship at Tufts, and each year brings a distinguished lecturer to speak on a topic relating to spiritual life. This spring, we will host Rev. Adam Russell Taylor, president of Sojourners magazine and author of Mobilizing Hope: Faith-Inspired Activism for a Post Civil Rights Generation. Taylor also serves on the Global Advisory Board of Tearfund UK and is a member of the inaugural class of the Aspen Institute Civil Society Fellowship. We are glad and honored to host him virtually this spring. You can learn more on our website and register for the lecture below.
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Meet Me Where I Am: Creating Inclusive Community through Listening and Dialogue Training Friday, April 9, 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ET Saturday, April 10, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET
Meet Me Where I Am” is a weekend experience designed to combat the disconnection and lack of community so many of us have felt this past year. We invite you to bring your whole selves, your faith and/or philosophical perspectives, your life experiences, and your various identities. As we learn and grow together, we will uncover fundamentals of communication such as empathetic listening and conflict resolution, as well as providing strategies to better understand ourselves and others. In “Meet Me Where I Am,” we will pull from the wisdom of the room while also taking individual, reflective journeys into our own communication styles, our own relation- ships, and our own lives. You can register here.
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Congratulations to our 2021 Baccalaureate Ceremony Speaker
This year's Wendell Phillips Speaker is Atrey Bhargava. Atrey is graduating with a degree in International Relations and Economics. He is from Lucknow, India and is passionate about the intersection of economics, technology, and policy development. Through his years at Tufts, he has been the President of the Tufts Middle East Research Group, a member of the Tufts Debate Society, the Institute of Global Leadership, and 180 Degrees Non-Profit Consulting. He studied abroad at the Tufts-in-Oxford program during his junior year and is going to be working as an economic analyst after graduation. The University Chaplaincy is delighted to work with Atrey in uplifting his Wendell Phillips Address for the Class of 2021 as part of ths year's Baccalaureate Ceremony video, to be releasted on May 22, 2021.
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Religious and Philosophical Life Programs
You can find more information about our many weekly gatherings and student group meetings on our website. You can also find the Zoom links for all events and gatherings there. In this section, we feature a weekly gathering hosted by one of our chaplaincies or religious and philosophical student groups, and highlight events and offerings from our chaplaincies. You can always reach out to the chaplain listed for more information, or find details on our website. If you have an idea for how University Chaplaincy programming can better serve you, please contact program manager Nora Bond.
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Dr. Preeta Banerjee, Hindu Advisor
Hindu Student Council Meetings Tuesdays, 9 p.m. - 10 p.m. ET
The Hindu Students Council is an organization dedicated to the preservation and understanding of Hindu culture and ideology at Tufts. For the past few years, we have been bringing the campus together with various pujas and celebrations. Our purpose as an organization is to provide community to those interested in Hinduism and we aim to further our education in both the faith-based and societal aspects of Hinduism, and in development of our individual and collective voices. We do this by providing space for learning and growing through our events, our partnerships, our conversations, our connections, and our collective commitment to creating an inclusive community and educating ourselves. Please reach out to Hindu Advisor Preeta Banerjee with questions, or connect with our student leaders via our website. Join us any Tuesday, and see more of our gatherings on the University Chaplaincy website.
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Passover with Tufts Hillel Saturday, March 27 - Sunday, April 4
Passover Seder meals and services will be offered on campus, in small groups and virtually. Please find more information on the Hillel website. If you have any questions, concerns or require guidance on how to celebrate Passover on campus this year, please contact Rabbi Naftali Brawer.
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Holi with the Hindu Student Council (HSC) and Tufts Association of South Asians (TASA) Wednesday, March 31, 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. ET
Join the Hindu Student Council and TASA to celebrate Holi. Holi is the festival of colors and welcomes the joys of spring. For Hindus, it is a time of abundant celebration for nature's blessings and a symbolic reminder to turn over a new leaf. The celebration also has religious significance, as it symbolizes the victory of devotion and love over evil, through the killing of selfish King Hiranyakashyap and the saving of his son, Prahlad. HSC and TASA will be handing out individual rang packets at the Campus Center Patio.
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Good Friday Ecumenical Service Friday, April 2, 12:00 p.m - 1:00 p.m. ET
Like Christians all over the world, Tufts communities will come together on Good Friday to witness to Jesus' passion and to sit with the brokenness. This year, the Catholic and Protestant Chaplaincies know that so many of us are suffering. Let us be together. This service will be a time of prayer and song as we keep vigil and stay awake to the tombs in our world and the tombs in our hearts. Hosted by Catholic Chaplain Lynn Cooper and Protestant Chaplain Rev. Dan Bell. Join us on Zoom. All are welcome.
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Easter Sunday Mass Sunday, April 4, 5:00 p.m - 6:00 p.m. ET
Join the Catholic Community at Tufts as we gather to celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord and the promise of transformation in our world. All are welcome. And as always, come as you are. Join us on Zoom. Please email Catholic Chaplain Lynn Cooper with any questions.
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Easter Dinner with Catholic Community at Tufts (CCT) and Protestant Student Association (PSA) Sunday, April 4, 6:00 p.m - 7:00 p.m. ET
Join CCT and PSA for a joint celebration of Easter. The community will meet on Zoom at 6:00 p.m., in between CCT’s Mass (5:00 p.m.) and PSA’s worship service (7:00 p.m.), for an hour of food, conversation, and community. While this year looks different and gatherings cannot occur as per usual, all are invited to virtually celebrate and reflect on the meaning of Easter and share stories about Easter experiences throughout their lives. If you are interested in receiving a Grubhub gift card for this event, please contact Protestant Chaplain Rev. Dan Bell by 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 4.
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Easter with the Protestant Community Sunday, April 4, 7:00 p.m - 8:00 p.m. ET
All are warmly welcome to celebrate the Resurrection and new life in Christ this Easter as we gather for worship on the evening of Easter Sunday. Join the Protestant Students Association and Protestant Chaplain Rev. Dan Bell as we welcome the Rev. Brenda Bennett, Pastor of Community Baptist Church in Medford, as our guest preacher. Afterwards, please stick around for some time of fellowship. Join us on Zoom. Please email Protestant Chaplain Rev. Dan Bell with any questions.
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Paint Night with Ariel Tidhar Tuesday, April 6, 7:00 p.m - 9:00 p.m. ET
Join Israeli-American artist and designer for a special night painting handmade wooden hamsas crafted by Ariel in her Brooklyn, NY studio. Grab a friend or two, pick up supplies from Hillel, and paint together. Participants may either take materials to go or stay at Hillel to tune into the workshop by phone or laptop and paint in the building. Space is limited and will be capped at twenty, so sign up soon. Open to all Tufts undergraduate students. Presented by the Israeli Arts Fellowship. Sign up here.
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A Community Vigil for Mourning and Solidarity Recording now available
On Wednesday, March 24, members of the Tufts community came together for a virtual gathering to honor the lives of the eight people killed in Atlanta to anti-Asian violence, and convene as a community in mourning and solidarity. Co-sponsored by the President's Office, the Chief Diversity Officers, the Asian American Center, the University Chaplaincy, and the Bias Education and Resource Teams, the event was attended by about four hundred community members. Thank you to the students, staff, and chaplains who contributed to the gathering, as well as the community members who gathered to commemorate this moment together, and support our Asian and Pacific Islander communities. You can find the full recording here.
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Religion and Community: Growing Resilience Through Interfaith Peacebuilding
Thursday, April 1, 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. ET
Hosted by the Fletcher Initiative on Religion Law & Diplomacy, a virtual panel on the subject of religion and peacebuilding will create an opportunity for dialogue among local-level interfaith leaders from across the world. There will be time for panelists and students to share their motivations and work, and discuss the importance of local religious actors in building resilient communities. Resilient faith-led communities are those not only characterized by a high level of social cohesion, but also actively engage in key fields including public health and environmental awareness. These efforts must be augmented by, if not media-led, given the influential role ethical media coverage plays in promoting policies and practices that promote global peace. Register for the panel here.
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Visible, Invisible: A Lyric After the Trans Tipping Point
Thursday, April 1, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. ET
Presented by the Tufts LGBT Center, "Visible, Invisible" is a talk and discussion hosted by Jules Gill-Peterson, Associate Professor of English and Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies at the University of Pittsburgh and General Editor of Transgender Studies Quarterly. Seven years after TIME magazine's cover story proclaimed our arrival at the "trans tipping point," what have been the outcomes of trans visibility and invisibility? What have we gained and what have we lost? Which trans people benefit from visibility and which find themselves endangered by its many traps? In a lyrical, first person mode, this talk critically places us in the urgency of the present, the pessimism of anti-trans backlash, and our unclaimed opportunities from the perspective and feelings of trans women of color. Pre-register here.
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Call for Nominations: 2021 Oliver Chapman Award for Leadership and Community Service
Deadline: Thursday, April 15
The International Center and the Tufts International Club (“I-Club”) are seeking nominations for the 2021 Oliver Chapman Award for Leadership and Community Service. Established in the memory of Oliver Chapman, this annual award recognizes an outstanding senior for their positive contributions and impact on Tufts international students and the Tufts community through leadership and service to others. The recipient will be selected by a committee of student peers as well as International Center staff, and recognized in a virtual ceremony to be held in early May (time and date to be announced in the near future). Consider nominating a student; students, faculty, staff, and alumni are welcome to submit nominations. The form, along with more information, can be found here.
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Resources, Scholarships, and Opportunities
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Holocaust Remembrance Day; A Conversation with a Survivor and his Family Tuesday, April 6, 7:00 p.m. ET - 8:00 p.m. ET
The trauma associated with the Holocaust is not one dimensional, rather it has a unique and potent ability to continually impact the generational offspring of survivors. Children and grandchildren of survivors, too, have been greatly impacted by the atrocities perpetuated in the 1940’s. This year, the Cummings Hillel Program for Holocaust and Genocide Education is partnering with 3GDC – a non-profit that empowers third generation survivors in our nation’s capital by creating space to share common experiences and to elevate the voices of contemporary Jewish experiences – to host a memorialization event for Yom HaShoah by examining intergenerational trauma and story-telling. Please join Hillel in honoring the 76th anniversary of D’Day. Register here.
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Dalit Human Rights: A Conversation with Jyothi Raj
Wednesday, April 7, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET
Though “untouchability” has been illegal in India since 1950, the stigma and atrocities faced by communities formerly assigned that label have persisted. The most brutal effects of this are experienced by women who are often the target of sexual assault, violence, and even murder. This has been complicated by many non-Dalit political and religious groups who seek to leverage these issues for their own ends. This virtual conversation will focus on three key aspects that are essential for uplifting the voices of Dalit people themselves: spirituality, advocacy, and economics. The featured guest speaker is Jyothi Raj, a well-respected Dalit educator, spiritual leader, and activist for Adijans. Please register here, and note that the talk will also be recorded.
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Rathbun Activism Summit Monday, April 5 - Wednesday, April 7
The 2021 summit will feature keynote speakers, workshops, and panels geared towards student activism and organizing in the areas of climate change, environmental justice, social equity, and mass incarceration. The goal is to encourage students to reflect deeply on core values and explore ways in which to tackle the ethical challenges, difficult conversations, and situations in everyday life and community. Register here.
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2021 Interfaith Climate Summit: Healing, Helping and Building Resilience Sunday, April 11, 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ET
In the wake of the National Climate Assessment and United Nations report in 2018 on the projected serious consequences of unchecked climate change, interfaith leaders from the greater Boston area will come together with Communities Responding to Extreme Weather (CREW) to host the third annual interfaith summit on vulnerability and climate change on the afternoon of April 11, on Zoom. The event details are here and you can find the Zoom registration here.
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Apply to the Tufts Office of Campus Life (OCL) Deadline: Sunday, April 11
The Office for Campus Life is hiring Campus Center Managers, Information Booth Attendants, Event Staff, Event Staff Managers, and Office Assistants. The OCL would love for any interested student to apply. Applications opened on March 15 via Handshake and will remain open until April 11. Please contact the Office of Campus Life with any questions.
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Apply to be an Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) Program Assistant Deadline: Tuesday, April 13
The Program Assistant will support three directors with some executive assistant responsibilities along with supporting a variety of IFYC programs and projects. This position will require the ability to balance and prioritize multiple ongoing projects from multiple stakeholders. Apply here.
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Parnian's Haft-Seen on March 20th, 2021.
| Spotlight on: Nowruz
Contributed by Parnian Mokri, EG6
Nowruz shaad baad! (Happy Nowruz)!
"In Zoroastrian belief, Nowruz has been, either in fact or by intention, a celebration of early spring. Therefore, the new year starts at the very moment of the spring equinox.
My earliest memory of Nowruz is when my mom would wake me up half an hour before the spring equinox to dress up in my new clothes and shoes. As the youngest child, I had to turn all the lights on to welcome the spring. Then we would gather by the Haft-Seen spread for the exact moment of the equinox. I would be able to hear the whole neighborhood up waiting for the spring to begin, regardless of their age, religion, and ethnicity. The music that celebrates the start of Nowruz combines musical elements of all Iranian ethnicities.
Haft-Seen symbolizes life and reminds people of its simplicity and joys. The sprouts are the symbol of rebirth and growth, while the old wine symbolizes how aging elevates our character. Elaeagnus Angustifolia is the symbol of love in old Persian poetry. The apple symbolizes beauty while the garlic symbolizes health and medicine. Sumac, the symbol of sunrise, is next to Samanou (a sweet wheat pudding) that symbolizes strength and power.
The moment that the clocks tick into the new year, we eat sweets and roasted nuts. And then the phone calls begin, preludes to the visits that are regular over the next 12 days. Nowruz ends with 13-be-dar a day, on which we go picnicking. The entire celebration is a reminder that nature binds all people together. So today, I leave you with the warmth of the sun and all the beauties of the mother nature. May the sweetness of a simple pudding made with love wash away the bitter taste of struggles. Happy Spring! Happy Nowruz!"
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Upcoming Religious Celebrations and Observances
These events are drawn from the multifaith calendar maintained by the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life at Harvard Divinity School. To see more upcoming religious holidays and festivals, please follow the link to the Harvard Divinity School calendar. See below for a Tufts community member's personal excperience of an observance listed here.
Great Lent Ongoing through Friday, 4.30.2021 Tradition: Christianity-Orthodox In Orthodox churches, the first day of Lent marks the beginning of the Great Fast, the final six weeks of a 10-week period leading up to Holy Week and Easter (Pascha). In the churches that follow the Gregorian calendar, Lent is a six-week observance (40 days excluding Sundays) beginning with Ash Wednesday and culminating in Holy Week. It is a time of repentance and sacrifice in preparation for Easter.
Passover (Pesach) Ongoing through Sunday, 4.4.2021 Tradition: Judaism Commemorates the deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. It is celebrated for eight days with special prayers and symbolic foods at home, starting with the Seder, a ritual meal that re-enacts that ancient deliverance and emphasizes the freedom of the Jews under the guidance of God. The first two and the last two days are holidays. Begins at sundown, March 29; ends at sundown, April 4.
Holy Thursday/Maundy Thursday Thursday, 4.1.2021 Tradition: Christianity-Protestant, Christianity-Roman Catholic Commemorates the institution of the Lord's Supper/the Eucharist by Jesus prior to his arrest and execution. "Maundy" is derived from the Latin text of John 13:34, in which Jesus gives a mandatum novum ("new commandment"). The date observed by Protestants and Roman Catholics differs from the date observed by Orthodox Christians.
Good Friday Friday, 4.2.2021 Tradition: Christianity-Protestant, Christianity-Roman Catholic Commemorates the Passion of Jesus Christ, i.e., his death by crucifixion. Observed as Holy Friday by Orthodox Christians on a different date from the one observed by Protestants and Roman Catholics.
Easter Sunday Sunday, 4.4.2021 Tradition: Christianity-Protestant, Christianity-Roman Catholic Celebrates the resurrection from death of Jesus Christ. It is the oldest and most important festival in the Christian year and initiates the 50-day period culminating in Pentecost. Protestant and Roman Catholic Christians often observe Easter on a different date than Orthodox Christians.
Anniversary of the Founding of the Church Tuesday, 4.6.2021 Tradition: Latter Day Saints Annual World General Conference of the Church held on Saturday and Sunday closest to this date each year.
Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) Wednesday, 4.7.2021 Tradition: Judaism Memorializes the six million Jews who died as victims of the Nazis during World War II and emphasizes respect for human dignity. Its observance is not limited to Jews. Begins at sundown.
Ramadan Monday, 4.12 – Wednesday, 5.12.2021 Tradition: Islam The Holy Month of Ramadan is the month of fasting during which Muslims who are physically able do not eat or drink from the first sign of dawn until sunset in honor of the first revelations to the Prophet Muhammad. The evening meal is celebrated with family.
Vaisakhi Tuesday, 4.13.2021 Tradition: Sikhism Occurs on the first day of the solar year. It is primarily an agricultural festival, celebrating the harvest, and is especially important in North India. It is named after the month Vaisakh. For Sikhs, it is also the anniversary of the creation of the Khalsa (the "Brotherhood of the Pure") in 1699 by Guru Gobind Singh.
Vaisakhi Tuesday, 4.13.2021 Tradition: Hinduism Occurs on the first day of the solar year. It is primarily an agricultural festival, celebrating the harvest, and is especially important in North India. It is named after the month Vaisakh. For Sikhs, it is also the anniversary of the creation of the Khalsa (the "Brotherhood of the Pure") in 1699 by Guru Gobind Singh.
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Support the University Chaplaincy
Supporting dynamic programs at Tufts University in religious, spiritual, ethical, and cultural life is easy and vital to our work. To donate, please click on the button below. Thank you for your generosity.
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The University Chaplaincy is a dynamic hub supporting religious, spiritual, ethical, and cultural life for all members of the Tufts community. We provide pastoral care, support religious and philosophical communities, educate about spiritual and ethical issues in society and the world, and promote multifaith engagement.