Grand Valley State University

Highlight of ECS Meeting of February 10 and
Preview of ECS Meeting of February 17, 2023

In an effort to improve communication between ECS/UAS and faculty colleagues, the Executive Committee of the Senate (ECS) at its August 17, 2022, retreat reaffirmed a recommendation from August 12, 2021 that each week, a general message will be sent out to all faculty. This message will highlight the immediate past ECS/UAS meeting and give a preview of the upcoming ECS/UAS meeting. In particular, the highlight will summarize the key agenda items and provide context on the key votes; the pros and cons will be summarized and the key arguments for each highlighted. Herein are the highlights of the ECS meeting of February 10, and a preview of the ECS meeting of February 17. Meetings of the ECS are restricted to members of the ECS, their alternates, and others whom the ECS may invite, pursuant to SG Meetings of the UAS are open pursuant to SG
Highlights of ECS Meeting of February 10, 2023
Chair’s Report:
  • The devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria and to a limited extent Lebanon and Egypt has affected, directly or indirectly, many of our faculty/staff/students. Some of our faculty colleagues, Dr. Feryal Alayont, Dr. Giray Aslim, Dr. Fatma Pir Cakmak, Dr. Atilla Ozgur Cakmak, Dr. Filiz Dogru, Dr. Figen Mekik, Dr. Mehmet Sozen, with ancestry from Turkey, have written requesting support to the earthquake relief in Turkey. The GVSU Turkish faculty members’ fundraiser can be accessed by going here.
  • The theme of the 2022-23 UAS Newsletter is Lakers Ready for Equity and Sustainability. The deadline to submit an article to Chair Ngassa is March 15.
Provost’s Report:
  • It is important to sit with our emotions surrounding the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
  • Provost Mili attended the Higher Education Summit for Climate Change, where universities shared what they are doing in terms of climate change.
  • When asked about the Academic Technology Advisory Committee, it was clarified that ATAC has a different role from the University Technology Council, and both are needed.
Student Senate President’s Report:
  • The Constitutional Taskforce is meeting to propose new language for governing documents.
  • Student Senate will attend the United Student Government Conference.
  • The State of the Student Body will be on February 16 at 5 pm in the Pere Marquette room in the Kirkhof Center.
New Business:
  • Lisa Haynes presented on the Laker Lines.
  • The FARES Taskforce is working on drafting policy for the apportionment of seats on ECS.
  • The Student Senate Credit/No-Credit policy would move the deadline to choose to take a class for credit/no-credit to the 75% tuition refund deadline. This was supported with recommendation to UAS.
  • The Proposal to Amend SG 2.05.2 recommended removing the statement that new minors that consist solely of existing courses can be created by a program change request. These should go through NPC so they can be adequately resourced. This was supported with recommendation to UAS.
  • The discussion on faculty/staff departures indicated that each division is looking at data and deciding what to do about departures. These discussions are important and should be a regular part of shared governance moving forward.
  • The topic for the ECS winter forums will be faculty workload. Tentative dates are March 14 and 15. More information and a link to sign up to attend the virtual forums will be shared soon.
For more details on the above items, please go here.
Preview of ECS Meeting of February 17, 2023
  • Discussions on UAS/EIC Involvement with the Teach-In
  • Faculty Personnel Policy Committee (FPPC) Memo on FPPC Membership Update
  • FPPC Memo on Modification to SG 3.07.C
  • Laker Impression of Faculty Teaching Management Committee (LIFT-MC) Memo on Review and Feedback on Modifying Open-ended Questions on LIFT Forms
  • LIFT-MC Memo on Review and Feedback on Monitoring Response Rates
  • Graduate Council (GC) Memo on Independent Study Compensation
  • General Education Committee (GEC) Memo on Creation of Subcommittees for Curriculum and Assessment
Please, feel free to reach out to your ECS representative from your College/University Libraries to provide input on any ECS agenda item that you may like to weigh in on.
Thank you for your continuous interest in faculty governance.
Felix N. Ngassa
Chair of ECS/UAS 2022-2023
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