Dear Denisonian‚
Once again, spring is upon us. This year, along with the thawing ground and the first spring blooms, we are greeted with a thawing of COVID restrictions and the first signs of “normalcy” many of us have seen in two years.
Like this thaw, my time on the Alumni Council as the Denison Pride Representative has warmed and renewed my Denison experience. My years on The Hill as a barely out queer young adult during the era of Matthew Shepherd and on-campus bullying were not easy. My post-graduation involvement was limited to regular donations to the Annual Fund and keeping up with a couple of close friends and professors. And, of course, attending every Nina West show I could even though I moved to New Jersey.
That all changed when I was invited to the Denison Pride 30th reunion. As a student, I was a member of Outlook (the school’s LGBTQ+ group) but never knew of Denison Pride, the alumni group. I attended the group’s reunion, learned of the rich history upon which my own on-campus queer experience was built, and much to my surprise and delight, how far things have progressed for current students. For example, Outlook is now a sought-after partner to host on-campus events, and there are non-gendered dorm options available.
Soon after the event, I was approached to become the Denison Pride Representative to the Alumni Council. I was hesitant, but they convinced me to give it a try. The position and the experiences it has provided both on campus and in Denison Pride Steering Committee meetings have proven some of the most remarkable of my adult life. It has forever changed my relationship with Denison. I am further able to support what is going well for the campus LGBTQIA+ community, advocate for change where necessary, and spread the word about both. I have come to know an impressive and diverse group of Denisonians.
As someone who was never a “joiner” and never “rah-rah Denison,” I highly encourage you to plug back in and experience the university through an event or visit. The perfect opportunity to give back to campus and your local community is right around the corner.
In April, the Alumni Council will host a volunteer effort called DU Good. Log your volunteer hours at a Denison-hosted site near you or DU it on your own. Either way, giving back feels as good as the warm spring sun!
Rebecca Glick ’03
Constituent Representative, Denison Pride