February 2, 2022  

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February Communion Offering:
Honduras Becas con Bendiciones
“Scholarships with Blessings”
For 17 years, Parkway Hills has sponsored school children in Honduras through Becas con Bendiciones (Scholarships with Blessings). Every year we receive thank-you letters and pictures and drawings from our sponsored children, many of whom we have supported throughout their schooling. The school year in Honduras begins in February and ends in November. Our sponsorships pay for required school uniforms, shoes, backpacks, school supplies, and during COVID restrictions, neighborhood wi-fi access so that children can continue their studies virtually. The children we sponsor live in the La Cofradia community of Danli, a city in southeastern Honduras. Becas works in coordination with La Cofradia Methodist Church, which provides Bible studies, food programs, etc., to support students and their families.

New every morning is your love, great God of light, and all day long you are working for good in our world. Stir up in us a desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors and all your creation, and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
PHUMC Women's Ministry Secret Galentine's SignUp

     Let's have some socially-distanced fun!  The new holiday, Galentine's Day, is officially February 13 so let's spread some love among us!  
     If you are interested in participating, you will be responsible for dropping off a Valentine themed surprise to a PHUMC Galentine between February 10th and February 13th.  There is a price suggestion of approximately $15-$20.  The gift should include a gift tag with your name.  The following info will allow us to pass along some of your preferences to your secret valentine: 
     The last day to sign up is February 6th and we will be randomizing the list of participants and sending out the secret Galentine names and responses on Feb 7th. Please let us know if you have any questions about this event!   With Love!  Tatia Kiser & Megan Mawhorter

Join us for a meal with your church and activities for all ages as we celebrate a God who is love.  Wednesday, February 16th at 5:45.  Activities to begin around 6:15.  A nursery will be provided.  You must RSVP by Sunday, February 13.

Use this form: https://forms.gle/ayk6JaBADRi1Kc2r5

Let's have a little fun with Super Bowl Sunday while doing good! 
How can you participate?  Bring in soup for MadCAAP by Sunday, February 13th.  Place your soup in the box for the team you think will win, then join us for a soup lunch immediately following worship Sunday, February 13th. During lunch we will see which team collected the most soup and that will be our guess for who will win the Super Bowl that night.  We may even have a little Super Bowl trivia during lunch!  To help us prepare, please click the link to RSVP by Friday, February 11. 

Youth Super Bowl party, 5:30 pm, Sunday, Feb.13.
Bring a snack to share!

Save the date: Service & Learning Day, Sat. Feb.26 
Volunteering in the community and lunch together followed by a visit to the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum and group discussion
In addition to our Engage nights, we need volunteers to make these special events happen. To sign up for Super Bowl or the Feb. 26 Service Day,  follow this link https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4CA5AA28ABFCC25-february

James Pickle "Crossed Over" from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts and was awarded the Arrow of Light. With James (Center) are his mother, Laura, his father (Cubmaster) Clayton, and sisters Abigail and (Cub Scout Wolf) Caroline.

Scouts BSA (Boy Scouts) at Parkway Hills
Some Stats to Brag About
     In March of 2008, PHUMC chartered the Pack with 5 boys and 6 Leaders. We chartered Troop 164 in January 2010, and we chartered Troop 19 in August 2019 as our first Girl Troop. Over the years PHUMC has had the largest Pack and second largest Troop in the State. When Covid 19 hit in 2020 there was a 30% loss in registrations for our units. Council wide there was a 50% loss. We have continued to recruit and our numbers are climbing again.Currently we have 164 registered Scouts with 62 leaders:
                 Pack 164 (Family Pack)  86 youth/22 leaders
                 Troop 19 (Girl Troop) 13 youth/10 leaders
                 Troop 164 (Boy Troop) 54 youth/18 leaders
                 Ship 782 (Co-ed) 11 youth/12 leaders
     Scouting has been a very successful ministry of the church and continues to grow. 
In 2021 Troop 164 had their biggest Eagle Class with 16 Eagle Scouts, bringing our 10 year total to 78 Eagle Scouts since 2011. In 2021 Troop 19 had it’s first Eagle Scout.  Katie Nothbohm was the first female Eagle Scout for the Andrew Jackson Council. Twenty-three new Scouts just crossed over from Pack 164 to Troop 164 (Boys) and Troop 19 (Girls) on January 24, 2022.
     We are very fortunate to have so many dedicated leaders that attend training and continue training throughout their Scouting experience.  We have more trained leaders in our units than surrounding units. Current PHUMC members involved in Scouting BSA:
                 Clayton Pickle, Cubmaster
                  Laura Pickle, Pack Treasurer/Committee
                  Matthew Kirk, Asst Scoutmaster
                  Wade Watts, Asst Scoutmaster
                  Rick Kolar, joined as a Den Leader and has served in many roles, eventually Scoutmaster in 2010
                  Chris Gibbs, Chartered Organization Representative since 2008

 Looking for a small group? See the list below.
Contact the leader listed for latest update for your group.                
Adult Sunday School Classes:
Room 108 Education Bldg. (Charles Guess, mdguesschar@aol.com)
Room 202 Education Bldg. (Wayne Johnson, kwjsr1942@gmail.com)
Room 203 Education Bldg./Zoom (Harry Gilmer, skye77@me.com)
Open Doors:
Room 201 Education Bldg. (Brandon Jones, brandoncurriejones@gmail.com)
Parlor, Education Bldg. (Dawn Flowers, dawn@parkwayhillsumc.org)
Adult Small Groups:
Men’s Group: Thursdays 7:30 am in Garden Room/Zoom (Ron Allison, rfajpa39@gmail.com)
Women’s Zoom Brunch:
10:00 Saturdays (Monique Henderson, moniqueconsults@aol.com)
Mondays 12:00-3:00,  Garden Room  (Cheryl Blacklidge, cblacklidge@hotmail.com)
2nd Saturday, every other month (Shelley Powers, shelleypowers@gmail.com)
Theology on Tap:
4th Tuesday of each month  (office, info@parkwayhillsumc.org)
Meeting This Week:
Men's Morning Group meets every Thursday morning at 7:30 am.
Join them tomorrow, January 13th, at PHUMC in The Garden Multipurpose Room,
via Zoom.
** PLEASE NOTE: there is a new meeting ID and Password! **
New Meeting ID: 823 5246 2635
New Password: 142295
Parkway Hills Women meet via Zoom every Saturday morning at 10 am.
Meeting ID: 328 170 485
Women of ALL ages are always welcome!

Prayer Quilt Ministry meets every Monday from Noon to 3:00. 
Join us in the Garden Multipurpose Room to create comforting quilts for children in distress. 
January, 2022
Income: $41,575.48
Expenses: $53,899.23
Stewardship Goal:  "Debt-Free in '23"
Mortgage Principal Balance: $179,738.87
(Only 11 remaining payments!)
January's Communion Offering supported Sunday Fund, Methodist Senior Services: $1,665.00
February Communion supports Becas con Bendiciones
To donate to Communion offering, text $any amount followed by the word Communion to 601-509-4735.            
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