AI in Action: One Student’s Journey to Smarter Sustainability Policy |
When Ashley Cotsman arrived as a freshman at Georgia Tech, she didn’t know how to code. Now, the fourth-year public policy student is leading a research project on AI and decarbonization technologies.
| New Faces of the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts |
Jasmine Brown, academic program manager I in the School of Public Policy
- Stephan Beaulieu, financial manager I in the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
- Laura Rouse-Hoyle, academic program manager II in the School of Public Policy
- Ryan VanSickle, academic & research IT support in the IAC dean's office
| Try Our New Featured Alumni Page! |
Faculty and Staff Award Nominations Close Soon |
Nominate yourself or a colleague for a Center for Teaching and Learning faculty teaching award! Packets are reviewed by a committee of past recipients, and winners are announced during the campus faculty and staff honors event. The nomination deadline has been extended to Friday, Feb. 14.
Nominations are also open for the annual Institute Staff Awards, which celebrate outstanding staff members across the Institute. Nominations close Sunday, Feb. 16.
Haizheng Li (Economics) organized the 16th International Symposium on Human Capital and Labor Markets, held in Beijing in December. The keynote speaker was Petra E. Todd, Edmund J. and Louise W. Kahn Term Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Pennsylvania.
Cassidy Sugimoto (Public Policy) presented on the state of women's studies and the importance of solidarity at the 40-year celebration of the Korean Association of Women's Studies.
Lawrence Rubin (International Affairs) served as a panelist at the Africa & Middle East Space Conference in Rabat, Morocco, discussing "Space Security and Safety Implications for Emerging Nations."
Casey Wichman (Economics) presented his paper "Winters of Discontent" at the University of Maryland. Wichman also gave a seminar on his research, titled "Efficiency, Equity, and Cost-Recovery Tradeoffs in Municipal Water Pricing," at the Environmental Protection Agency's National Center for Environmental Economics.
Richard Utz (Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts)
The Hechinger Report
Joycelyn Wilson (Literature, Media, and Communication)
The Washington Post
Alberto Fuentes (International Affairs)
Sustainable Business Magazine
Marilyn A. Brown (Public Policy)
Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Workshops |
These virtual workshops will provide an overview of reappointment, promotion, and tenure (RPT) processes and guidance to tenure-track faculty members, especially those who are preparing to submit their dossier for review next academic year.
Faculty, school chairs, school RPT chairs, and RPT administrators are invited to attend. The virtual workshops will be recorded and posted on the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts website after each session (campus or VPN connection required).
Please register to receive a calendar invitation, including the videoconference link. Virtual workshop dates and times:
Promotion to Associate Professor and Tenure
Tuesday, Feb. 18
11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Promotion to Full Professor
Tuesday, Feb. 25
11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Critical Review
Thursday, Feb. 27
11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Friday, Feb. 14, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Georgian Ballroom, Biltmore
The 2025 recipient is María Corina Machado, a prominent Venezuelan political leader, industrial engineer, and human rights advocate. RSVPs have closed, but limited space is still available at the luncheon and symposium. Email to inquire.
Friday, Feb. 14, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Exhibition Hall
Join us for our 20th annual Shadow Day, a premier recruitment event for the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts. Guests will be visiting our buildings and classes and interacting with faculty and staff. If you see our visitors, please feel free to welcome them and share what you love about the College. Thanks to all who are jumping in and helping with this event!
We'll also have a cool Valentine's Day display for photos ("I Heart GT Liberal Arts"). Please stop by Exhibition Hall between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. if you want to grab a photo. Please contact Elizabeth Miller if you have any questions about the event.
| Check out DramaTech's latest production, Edith Can Shoot Things and Hit Them by A. Rey Pamatmat. Performances at 8 p.m. on Feb. 14 and 15, and Feb. 20, 21, and 22.
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