Dear De La Salle Community:
Mary Gates, the mother of Bill Gates, once said in a speech, “Each one of us has to start out with his or her own definition of success, and when we have these specific expectations of ourselves, we're more likely to live up to them. Ultimately, it's not what you get or even what you give. It's what you become.” As another school year takes shape and we look toward 60 years of Spartans in three short years, that quote resonates.
Indeed, what our men become has always been our relentless pursuit: to form Men. Men of Faith. Men of Integrity. Men of Scholarship. And while our young men go on to college and careers, we care more about the type of men they become than the name of their college or the profession they choose (or that sometimes chooses them). We know we have done our part when a young man is able to follow the path that God is calling them to, and live out the words of our Founder.
Get your tickets now for De La Salle’s Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony on Sunday, October 23. They cost $40 for adults and $15 for children aged 5 through 12. This is your chance to honor some truly great De La Salle legends like Major League Soccer star Chris Wondolowski, football and track phenome Atari Callen, and CIF state basketball champion A.J. Kuhle. We will also be recognizing our very own swimming and diving coach, Steve Guthrie, and De La Salle’s first lacrosse head coach, Robert O’Meara.
De La Salle High School, in conjunction with College Board, offers Advanced Placement (AP) programs that present college-level curricula and examinations to high school students. American colleges and universities often grant placement and course credit to students who obtain high scores on the examinations.
If your son is taking an AP class, it is expected that he sign up for the AP test, which will take place in the first two weeks of May. You will need to pay for each individual test that your son takes. Your son will also need to register for their AP classroom with their teacher. Please note while signing up whether or not your son is taking Physics 1 or Physics C, also Calculus AB or Calculus BC. To avoid a late fee, registration and payment for AP testing are due by October 7, 2022.
It's California Scholarship Federation (CSF) application time again. Students must apply every semester. The application form is online only and must be submitted no later than Thursday, September 16 at 3 p.m.
De La Salle High School administration, faculty, and staff would like to thank all the parents that attended our Back-to-School Night on Thursday, September 1. It was great to see so many of you on campus!
Sophomore families, save the date! Join us for the Sophomore Liturgy and Brunch on Sunday, September 25th. Mass will begin at 9:30 a.m. in the Hofmann Center and brunch will follow immediately in the Quad. This event is free of charge. Please register by September 9 so that we can plan accordingly. We look forward to seeing your family at this wonderful event.
| Applications for the Class of 2027 became available last Thursday, September 1, so help us spread the word.
There are three events that future Spartans should have on their radar. Things kick off with the Spartan for a Day shadow program, which begins Thursday, September 22, and runs through November 18. This is followed by One Night Only, a behind-the-scenes visual and performing arts interactive workshop, especially for prospective Spartan students. Lastly, interested middle school families can attend De La Salle's annual Open House on Sunday, November 6.
For more information, visit the De La Salle Admissions web page. If you have questions, please contact the Admissions Office at
September is here and Spartan Athletics is in full swing. Varsity Water Polo is off to a winning start, after a 15-7 victory over St. Ignatius. The boys will now focus on preparing for two EBAL matches next Tuesday and Thursday. Our cross-country team did great at its first UCSB Gaucho Invitational. Trey Caldwell '25 finished in 2nd place. His time was #24 all-time for the course. The team finished 4th overall. In golf news, De La Salle's Jaden Dumdumaya '24 beat out a collegiate field this past weekend to become the youngest winner of the California State Fair Amateur in its 98-year history! Lastly, after a close game against Serra last week, Varsity Football is getting ready to play St. Francis at home this Friday at 7:30 p.m. We hope you will come out and cheer them on.
For all of your athletic schedules and general information, please visit our website at, or download the DLS Spartans app through the Apple Store or Google Play.
Online tuition payments are now being handled by Blackbaud Tuition Management. If you have not enrolled, please do so as soon as possible. Tuition payments are due on the 5th or the 15th of each month, depending on which payment option you chose in Blackbaud Tuition Management.
You should be receiving emails from Blackbaud Tuition Management regarding your account, selecting payment methods, and how you can manage your account. Check your spam if you are not seeing these messages. If you have any questions about the new payment platform, please contact Kathy Resch at
Campus Ministry has some new people, following the retirement of Roger and Mary Hassett. Mr. Andrew Berkes has transitioned over from the Religious Studies Department after spending fifteen years in the classroom. He is now responsible for retreats, liturgies, and other prayer experiences. Ms. Maile Shelley, a new face to De La Salle, will focus on service and justice work, including our immersion program.
Campus Ministry has also established a new space on campus, where students can come to rest, recharge, get candy, and engage in good conversation. It is called Parmenie - named after the place where St. John Baptist de la Salle went to rest, recharge, and have good conversation (but probably not good candy). It is located in the bottom of the 400-wing. In addition, Fr. LaSalle has moved his office over to the first floor of the Brothers’ Residence. Through Campus Ministry’s expansion, we hope to continue to expand the spiritual work that we do here at De La Salle.
This is a 1883 painting of St. John Baptist de La Salle. Photo taken by Lorie Shelley, mother of Maile Shelley (pictured in the bottom middle).
Throughout the school year, Co-Directors of College Counseling, Mrs. Esther Lopez-Arias and Mrs. Lisa Sciacca provide an overview of all the steps that need to be taken for successful selection, application, and acceptance to colleges and universities. Please don’t miss it! Email questions to Esther Lopez-Arias (for students with last names A-K) or Janet Appel (for students with last names L-Z).
There are a lot of college related activities happening over the next couple of months, including SAT and ACT testing, Senior College Application Info Night, College Financial Aid Night, and college visits. For more information and exact dates, click the button below.
Congratulations to the 456 students who made the De La Salle Honor Roll for the second semester of the 2021-22 school year. High Honors were awarded to 317 students who earned a 3.75-grade point average or higher, and Honors were awarded to 139 students who earned a 3.50-3.74 grade point average. Click on the button below to view the list of 2021-22 Semester 2 De La Salle Honor Roll.
Please join us for our next parent Association Meeting on Monday, September 19, 2022. Parent Social will start at 6:30 p.m. in the Library courtyard and the meeting will start at 7 pm in the Library. Scott Drain, Director of Student Support Services, is our 15-minute speaker. All are welcome!
Right now we have several volunteer opportunities that are open, including Hospitality, Table & Chair Set Up, and support for the Sophomore Liturgy and Brunch on September 25. If you are interested in either of these roles, please contact Valerie Nagel-Monaldo, President of the Parent Association, at
One of the best ways to show your Spartan pride is with great spirit wear! As you know, we have lots of options at our on-campus Spartan Store and at, and we appreciate how many of you rock your Spartan gear already.
We are always open to new ideas and will endeavor to produce properly approved items for your team or club. However, we do want to take a moment to highlight that we adhere to strict De La Salle brand guidelines. In an effort to maintain consistent school branding, our logos are trademarked and cannot be used on any items (even personal items), without De La Salle Cabinet approval (CA Registration Nos. 02020084, 02020085, 02020086, 02020087). As such, the school will not give out its logos to individuals and it is unlikely that we will grant approval for items that we cannot produce ourselves.
Concord's Second Annual Battle of the Bands will take place on Saturday, September 17 from 5-8 p.m. at the Concord High School football field.
The event will feature the De La Salle High School Marching Band and seven other local high school marching bands. Admission is free. Dinner and desserts will be available for purchase at the event.
De La Salle High School • 1130 Winton Drive, Concord, CA 94518 • 925.288.8100 •
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