UMKC - University of Missouri-Kansas City
March 20, 2020
Dear Students, 
Considering the COVID-19 recommendations, we are making appropriate changes to campus work-study positions and procedures. Since it is imperative for students and their supervisors to engage in protective practices that limit the spread of the coronavirus, we are asking that remote work options be implemented. To align with President Choi’s directive, starting Monday, March 23, no one will physically work on campus unless requested to do so by an appropriate supervisor. This practice will remain in effect until April 13.

Federal Work Study (FWS) Positions

Under supervisor guidance, Federal Work Study (FWS) student employees may work from their home/apartment/dorm room, etc., with appropriate documentation. Unit work assignments can include all regular duties that can be performed electronically/remotely. Supervisors may also assign projects outside of the regular duties that student employees were originally hired for, as long as projects can be completed remotely. Supervisors and student employees are encouraged to communicate intensely and consistently to create a new working environment that will support the unit’s needs for the next three weeks, while aligning with the Presidential Directive to move all university business into the remote environment.

PRO Roos programmatic assignments and professional development is to be counted as work hours if approved by student employees’ direct supervisor. This includes all assignments on Levels 1 and 2 and all professional development found on Students must submit hours spent on Canvas
/ in the same manner they would if they were working in-person at their unit/department. While some assignments in Level 2 ask for peer mentoring and working with a team, these can be completed using Zoom or Skype so students do not need to meet in-person.

Non-Work-Study Student Employees

For non-work-study student employees, please work directly with your supervisor for all options of continued remote employment. Each supervisor is aware of the importance of our students’ employment and can address the options individually with each student. President Choi and Chancellor Agrawal have asked all of us to move to working remotely, so please let your direct supervisor know of your concerns and your plans so that they are aware of your current situation and your desire to continue, or discontinue, work. Please know that the UM System and UMKC leadership are working diligently to find the unique solutions that our current situation requires. President Choi assures us that updates will be provided as quickly as possible as they work through each set of challenges, prioritizing the health of our communities.

For now, try to remain calm and flexible and keep in contact with your direct supervisor. PRO Roos is always here and available for questions and concerns, but we too are remaining flexible as the situation seems to change on a daily basis.

For any questions, please reach out to Dea Marx, PRO Roos Program Director, at 816-235-8955, or Carla Wilson Sr. Director PRO Roos Program, at 816-235-1493,

Stay healthy,

Carol A. Hintz
Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
University of Missouri-Kansas City | Kansas City, MO 64110 | (816) 235-1000
UMKC is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.
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