Dear Colleagues,
As we wind down the 2022–23 academic year, I wanted to thank all of you for your contributions to the College of Fine Arts Strategic Planning effort and to share what lies ahead in this process. Your candid feedback in the Core Values sessions this past fall helped us identify the thematic pillars that will support our strategic plan. This timeline below shares where we are to date and where we will go next.
Strategic Planning Timeline
- Fall 2022: College kicked off Strategic Planning Effort
- November 2022 – February 2023: Core Values: Faculty, staff and students participated in Core Values sessions, identifying the themes that define the college as it is today.
- March 2023: Defining Pillars: Our Steering Committee took the feedback provided in the Core Values sessions and identified four major thematic pillars:
o Education
o Research/Creative Activity
o Organizational Culture
o Community Impact
- April – June 2023: Subcommittee Work: Our Steering Committee nominated Subcommittee Members for each of the four pillars. The subcommittees are meeting through late May to define and develop goal recommendations for their assigned pillar. In June, subcommittees will present their recommendations for their assigned pillar to the Steering Committee.
- Summer/Fall 2023: Drafting/Refining Plan: This summer, the Steering Committee will create a draft of the strategic plan based on the subcommittee’s recommendations. When we return in the fall, we’ll hold Town Halls for faculty, staff and students to present this initial draft plan and gather feedback. We’ll then continue to refine the plan
- Spring 2024: Finalizing Plan: We aim to finalize the plan by January to launch and implement by March 2024.
Thank you, again, to everyone participating in this important effort. Your ideas, insights and perspectives are critical in this initiative as we envision our college’s future.