IGHSAU Basketball Memo #4
AD's and Coaches:
I hope you enjoyed a great holiday season. A blessed Happy New Year to you and your families. Hopefully, you had a little time to enjoy family and friends! The 2025 year is starting with some excellent weather conditions for the schools, so when the basketball games return, the games will undoubtedly be exciting. The IGHSAU staff has enjoyed getting out and watching some games and teams during the season. We are always impressed with the tremendous job our coaches and administrators do with our schools and athletic programs. Keep up the great work! As we all know, after the holidays and the Christmas break, teams begin to think about conference championships and preparation for post-season tournaments. The following information should help as we all prepare for the post-season.
Bound- Girls basketball coaches have been doing an outstanding job updating statistics on Bound. A reminder that updates are required each Tuesday at noon. Please include the roster information; grades, heights, etc., as you update information. IT WOULD BE HELPFUL THOUGH TO ENTER THE FINAL SCORE OF EACH GAME ONTO BOUND FOLLOWING THE GAME.
HUDL – We have had some challenges in the implementation of HUDL for the film exchange. Many have reached out for assistance to either the IGHSAU or HUDL support. The HUDL staff have been tremendous in helping our schools-please continue to use this resource. If you have any issues, please initially reach out to HUDL support. If you need additional help, please contact Gary Ross at gross@ighsau.org. He will then reach out to the HUDL contacts for assistance. Please note that on the IGHSAU website – Coaches and Administrators-Basketball, there are multiple resources related to HUDL to help you in this expectation. If a school is not posting on HUDL, please initially reach out to the school/coach/AD to get resolved. We are asking for schools to assist in policing this positive addition to girl’s basketball.
Rankings- Weekly rankings will continue each Thursday of the season. The next rankings will be released on Thursday, January 9, 2025.
Regional Assignments - Classes 1A, 2A, 3A assignments will be posted the week of February 3, 2025 (likely on Wednesday). Classes 4A and 5A will be released the week of February 10, 2025 (likely on Thursday).
Site availability – If you have not yet completed the site availability schedule (on Bound) for the post-season basketball games, please complete that by January 17, 2025. We will post the current list on the IGHSAU website on January 13, 2025, for you to check what has been submitted.
Post-season information – In the next couple of weeks, regional rosters and site host checklist information will be posted on the website as we get closer to the post-season. All post-season IGHSAU girls’ basketball games will be using online ticketing for the ticket admission. There will be more information coming on the procedures. The post-season manual and state girls’ basketball tournament schedule are on the website – Coaches and Administrators – Basketball.
Scholarship Rule – as the 1st semester is ending, be sure to verify that all students are academically eligible; if you have questions, please contact me. A reminder that now the length of time is 20 calendar days (eligible on Day 21) rather than 30 calendar days – effective 4/1/24.
Closely Guarded Change Feedback – Coach and/or AD, if you have feedback regarding the change in closely-guarded rule (no 5-second count on dribble), please email me with thoughts/feelings/how the change has impacted coaching strategies or impacted the games. Please email me at gross@ighsau.org.
Official scorer – A reminder that the official scorer at the scorer’s table must be wearing a white and black official’s shirt (Rule 2-11, Art. 12): The official scorer is required to wear a black-and-white vertically striped garment.
Have a great rest of the 2024-2025 Basketball season and we are sure we will see many of you as we go forward!!
Gary Ross, Associate Director and Basketball Administrator