MUDEC Méinden Spring 2022 #3
MUDEC Méinden Spring 2022 #3
Miami UniversityJohn E. Dolibois European Center logo
MUDEC Méinden-Bi-weekly news from the MUDEC community for the MUDEC community-#lifelongMUDEC

Spring 2022 #3

March 14, 2022

Lunchtime Check-Ins

by Corbett Haase, MUDEC newsletter intern
Corbett Haase
So much of the students' lives here are defined not only by their European-focused classes, but also by their travels and what they are seeing in the world.
I recently sat down with six MUDEC students to discuss their time in Europe thus far: their thoughts on MUDEC, their travel experiences, and how they are engaging in the community.

The Students

Natalie Nagel
Natalie Nagel 
Hometown: Toledo, Ohio
Major: Psychology
Conrad Crowley
Conrad Crowley
Hometown: Brighton, Michigan
Majors: Strategic Communication and Sports Leadership & Management
Jim Hoseman
Jim Hoseman 
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Major: Political Science
Annie Ashworth
Annie Ashworth
Hometown: Deerfield, Illinois
Major: Biochemistry
Ethan Burke
Ethan Burke
Hometown: Annapolis, Maryland
Major: Journalism and Political Science
Lydia Campe
Lydia Campe 
Hometown: Arlington Heights, Illinois
Majors: Education Studies and French with a minor in linguistics

Q: How has your experience at MUDEC been so far?

Nagel: I like how a lot of my classes are related to something ‘European’. I think that helps me be more immersed in the European lifestyle and in thinking about Europe. It’s very cool to learn about famous pieces and methodologies of art in my art history class, and then actually go and see them in person. One class that has been particularly interesting is the Russian Political Science class, especially with everything going on in Russia and Ukraine. It’s a connection that is very timely.
Crowley: The people here are really great and everyone is very open minded. I’ve made some great friends through MUDEC; I can definitely say that the Château has become my second home.

Q: What are your thoughts on travel? What has been the most impactful travel experience you’ve had so far?

Hoseman: Traveling in general has just been so much fun. It’s so cool to see all of these sites that you've seen before in pictures in magazines. But finding and seeing the sites you never even knew existed are some of the best moments, too. It's almost surreal to think that we're here, but now we're just here together and it is really moving.
Ashworth: My favorite travel experience has definitely been my trip to Paris. It was a few weeks into the program and was the first trip where I felt comfortable speaking French, traveling around the city, and trying new things.

Q: How have you been getting involved in the Luxembourg and MUDEC communities?

Burke: I have an internship with RTL Today; it’s mostly online, on radio and TV. I’m writing a series of sixteen articles about every soccer team in the Luxembourg top division. I’m breaking down stats, getting into their history, trophies they’ve won, past stadiums… They have a sports column, but not all of them are released in English, so I’m pretty much handling the sports section for the English language.
Eventually I’m supposed to join a team that goes to games and have my own segment, Ethan's Corner. I'm looking forward to getting to do that as well.

Q: Are there any other impressions of Europe so far?

Campe: In my experience, everyone is very nice and excited that we’re here. The people that I have met have been very open to talking with us and open to getting to know you and understand you.
Speaking for myself, it has been really cool to see growth not only as a traveler but also as a person. With just a few weeks until our study tours and spring break, I can tell that my peers are feeling very comfortable and at ease in their environment; this semester has already flown by, and I can’t wait to see how the second half goes.

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