UP Parent Newsletter
UP Parent Newsletter
UP Parents logo and images of families with students
UP Parent Newsletter: March 2020
Dear Pilot Families,
You have all been in my thoughts over the past few weeks. It is hard to imagine what the coming months will be like for all of us as we move through uncharted territory. In a similar way to your students adjusting to online learning, we are all learning to do things differently and there will likely be bumps along the way as we transition to this temporary “new normal.”
For students who were able to travel home, please let them know how much they are already missed. The Bluff is not the same without their lively presence, and we share sincere disappointment with our seniors whose spring semester looks so completely different than the celebratory semester for which all had planned and hoped.
As we navigate this unprecedented situation, thank you for your patience during this transition and for joining us in finding new footing. Thank you for making this community one of strength and hope and care.
Please remember that we work closely with a team of campus partners to ensure the well-being of your student in every facet of their life. These partnerships continue, even remotely. Take care, be well, and let us know how we can support your family.
Katie Seccombe
Associate Director, Parent Engagement

Supporting Student Success When Learning Online

While your student gets settled in their new routine of online learning, they should not assume that online classes are easier. This is not a time for students to shy away from asking for help – UP’s services are available virtually and are ready to assist students! Check out these tools and resources available to assist UP students in their remote learning, as well as resources available for you in your efforts to support them. We’re all in this together.

Managing Mental Health

The state of the world, the 24-hour news cycle, and the ever-changing global health crisis can cause increased levels of uncertainty and anxiety, especially for our students. We know students are stressed, confused, and looking for someone to tell them it will be okay. For our seniors, this is also a time of grieving as they think about the missed “lasts” of senior year. For families wanting to support their student's mental health during this uncertain time, please check out these various tips and resources.

Faith Resources

In times of uncertainty, we are called to focus on faith, not fear. We want UP to continue providing our community with a foundation for faith. To engage our faith community from afar, we will be updating this page with resources for you and your family to stay connected to your spirituality, to God, and to the UP community. From the comfort and safety of your own home, you and your student can still participate in daily and Sunday Masses, reflections, and prayer. Be on the lookout for Holy Week opportunities as well!

Career Center Resources

Along with the shifts that students have experienced in academics, the world of work has also undergone significant changes. The Career Center is now virtual and ready to support UP students through these changes! Check out these Career Center resources to learn how students can schedule appointments, search for summer employment, and get career advice.

Online Instruction and Commencement Update

On March 20, University President Rev. Mark L. Poorman, C.S.C., sent an update to members of the UP community sharing difficult announcements, including the University’s decision to not return to in-person instruction during the Spring 2020 semester and to not hold in-person Commencement Exercises this May. If you missed it, we encourage you to read the full update. We know these are disappointing announcements for everyone in our community. Additional details will be communicated as they are finalized.

Finals Week Care Packages

Due to the current situation, this program has been suspended for the spring semester. If you already purchased a spring care package, please be on the lookout for an email from Nancy Nofziger (nofziger@up.edu) in your inbox with more information. We look forward to being able to provide this program to families again in the fall!

Pilots Give Back

With the outbreak of COVID-19, we have postponed #PilotsGive, our annual giving day originally planned for April 1–2, to another date. Instead, we will focus on #PilotsGiveBack, a celebration of what it means to be a Pilot – especially on what service, leadership, and faith mean in the face of great challenges. Learn more about how you can participate and be a beacon of hope in the UP community.

Social Solidarity on Switchboard

What if we thought of social distancing as social solidarity? We invite everyone to join us in solidarity on the UP Switchboard platform, the perfect space for Pilots to connect. Sign up today and browse posts from our community. Ask for what you need, offer ways you can help. Let’s lean on one another and maintain connection when we all need it most. (Please note that if you have a need for your student, we kindly ask that your student make the ask themselves. Read our tips about how best to utilize Switchboard.)

Other Reminders and Resources

Looking for the latest Coronavirus updates? Important deadlines? Student services? Yearbook senior tribute ads? Ways to stay connected to UP remotely? Please check out our other reminders and resources.

Messages of Hope

Read past issues of Portland Magazine for beautiful stories of hope from the UP community, such as the article "Bruised with Joy" by the late editor Brian Doyle.
You can also read this comforting prayer for the University of Portland family during this time.

We miss our Pilot family and cannot wait to have you back on our beautiful campus soon!

parents@up.edu | 503.943.7328 | 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203
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