Letter Writing Campaign
Letter Writing Campaign
We Need Your Help With A Letter Writing Campaign To Our Board Of Supervisors
I first sent this out last week and it appears that just over 50% of our 500 winery contacts opened it and only 30 people clicked on various links.
I'm sending it again to stress how important it is for ALL members to review the issue and then write a letter supporting the wineries to the Board of Supervisors. If they do not hear from the wine community we will not have their support. The clock is ticking.
Now you have an overview of the opinions being swirled around.  
What's At Stake For Sonoma County?
  • Regulation of what wineries consider normal business activities.
  • Limitations to winery growth.
A new ordinance could impact every winery member; when you increase production, modify your buliding, expand your tasting area, want to add events, improve your parking, serve food pairings....  
Please do not overlook this issue believeing it will only effect new winery permits.
Please Send A Letter Of Support To Your Local Supervisor
Many of our Supervisors are getting dozens of letters a day from community activists opposed to the wine industry and agriculture.  It is time for our winery members to be more vocal to our local government leaders about the value of our wine industry and the positive contributions you make to Sonoma County every day! We know the great majority of Sonoma County residents support us and our industry but our opponents are actively contacting local officials to spread misinformation and build opposition against us.  If we fail to respond and inform, we run the risk of having their lies become facts in the eyes of key decision makers. In this critical time and debate over the preservation of agriculture and winery event permitting in our county, it's crucial that our local government leaders here from us.    
The Sonoma County Winegrowers have created several letter templates with key facts, messaging points, and other information to help share the positive contributions of our wine community.  Please follow the instructions by personalizing the letter with your own background and information. 
Click For Sample Letters From So. Co. Winegrowers
Wine Road     PO Box 46     healdsburg ca    95448     707-433-4335
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