Committee signup form | Inaugural - next Tuesday
Committee signup form | Inaugural - next Tuesday
Rotary Club of Oklahoma City

CLUB 29 Breakfast

Quail Creek Country Club | 7:00am | Wingspan Room
Co-Chairs:  Susan McVey, Bud Oehlert 

June 20, 2024 - Phil Busey, President DRG -  "The Aerospace Defense Industry"
June 27, 2024 - Greg Greenlee, D.Ph. -  "Pharmacy Benefit Managers: the Good, Bad and Ugly"

July 4, 2024 - Happy Independence Day!
July 11, 2024 -  David, Blake and Hunter Merritt -  "Challenges of Entrepreneurism"
July 18, 2024 -  Brandi Fink, PhD Psychology -   "Neurobiology of Addiction"

welcome new rotarians

Brian Brown
VOX Audio Visual
Manisone Hubbard
Ashleigh Robinson
St. Luke's Methodist Church

The Following Rotarians received awards for the 2023-2024 Year


Amber Shelton who co-chaired the High School Rotarians and helped kick off the year by serving as Chair of the Inaugural Committee;  Alex Kaiser for his outstanding work leading our New Member Recruitment Committee;  Evan Walter for his dedicated service at our Registration Table every week this year; Jake Krattiger for his hard work these past two years developing and implementing a vision for our domestic service committee; Paul Moore for his efforts in leading and growing our invocation committee; Heather Lunsford for coordinating our many wonderful AfterHours gatherings;  Kathryn Wilson Wheeler for planning one of our Club’s best Winter Party’s; Susan McVey, Bud Oehlert  for their leadership at the Thursday breakfast meetings; and  Keith Oehlert for her dedication to our international exchange programs including Open World and Wings of Rotary. 

These individuals supported the club in our five areas of service: club, community, vocational, international, and new generations. 


CLUB SERVICE: Jennifer Hamer, Janet Vernon, Charlie Smith, Emily Stratton, Logon Collins, Anne Holzberlein, Kelley Dowd, Bart Binning, Susan Winchester
COMMUNITY SERVICE:  Kim Tran, Chris Moxley, Kelly Kay, John Wilkins, Ron Stakem,
Steve Kerr
VOCATIONAL SERVICE:  Heather Walter, Heidi Russell, Joe Fleckinger
INTERNATIONAL SERVICE: Andy Anderson, Lisa Hammond, Suzanne Mitchell, Jordan Gould, Ron Suttles

The Rotary Club 29 Foundation Recognition Award is presented to a Rotarian who has made significant contributions to the Rotary Club 29 Foundation through their time, talents, or financial resources. Tim Dowd has dedicated many years of service to our Foundation as a director, and for the past two years, serving the Foundation as its chair. In addition to his duties assigned, he has led numerous committees working to update the Foundation’s bylaws and is working to ensure our Foundation is secure for years to come. 

Tim Dowd
“The Robert L. Medley International Service Award” is awarded to a Rotarian who has made significant contributions by supporting The Rotary Foundation and Global Grants through their time, talents, or financial resources. Clayton has a passion for service and Rotary. Following his term as Club President his time, talents, and attention turned to serving our international community, most recently through service to Malaria Partners International and Rotarians Against Malaria. Congratulations Clayton Taylor for your dedication to international service

Clayton Taylor
From day one, AJ was committed to and intentional about understanding and carrying out our vision for the year. She worked tirelessly to plan, coordinate and secure an outstanding line-up of speakers and programs. The role she assumed is one of the most important and is critical to the Club’s success. I am so very thankful for her friendship, hard work and the embodiment of
“Service Above Self.” 
AJ Griffin 
Rotarian of the 2023-2024 Year - AJ Griffin

June 18, 2024 Program

Michelle Coppedge
FAA - Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center

To access the video, please click on the photo

Video Makeups

Club 29 Rotarians may watch the program video as an attendance makeup- 2 per quarter.  The form to submit your video makeup is located underneath each video in the description section, in the "Members" section of  or   you may access it here
Inform the office of any Business or Residential Address Changes
Pre-Register Tuesday Luncheon Guests

Memorial Gifts  

Memorial gifts honoring a loved one can be made to the Rotary Club 29 Foundation here.

Auto-Pay offered for Rotary CLUB invoices

If you would like to have a credit card on file to charge  your Rotary CLUB invoices, please contact the rotary office.

Annual Dues Payment offered

If you would like to switch from quarterly billing to Annual billing for Rotary CLUB invoices, please contact the rotary office.

Upcoming Events

June 25, 2024 - Inaugural of the 2024-25 Officers & Directors
July 9, 2024 - Rotary Afterhours - Tiny Bubbles Wine Bar
July 30, 2024 - Vocational Tour Day!
2023-2024 Program Schedule 

June 25, 2024 - Inaugural - No Tuesday Luncheon Meeting at St. Luke's and no Attendance Makeup Required    RSVP Required!
July 2, 2024 - Holiday - No Meeting - No Attendance Makeup Required
Next Meeting at St. Luke's - July 9 

Celebrating Years of Service in Rotary Club 29 - June 2024

These Rotarians have been members of Club 29 from 50 years to 1 year.

Happy Birthday to Rotarians born in June!

Rotary Club 29 Online Directory

DACdb has an app!  Access it in the Play store, or App store!
Rotary Club 29 has an online membership directory which contains current content information for all club members. The link to access the Club 29 directory can be found at the top of  the home page of or by clicking here.
OKC Rotary has provided this tool as a convenience  to help members stay in touch with one another. The online directory,  just like the printed roster, should only be used for Rotary purposes.  If you need help in accessing the directory, please email the office.

Update your contact information

If you have an update or correction to your business or residential contact information that has not been reported to the Rotary office, please update it here. 


You may nominate a prospective Rotarian by using this online nomination form This form is also found in the "Members" section of 

In the News

If you have good news - honors, awards, new achievements - to share with the club please let us know!
Email Us         405.235.5100
625 NW 13th Street, Ste 105, Oklahoma City, OK 73103
625 NW 13th Street Ste 105 | Oklahoma City, OK 73103 US
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