Westminster Missions
April 8, 2024
Sacred Grounds: Crowded Table Event
Wednesday, April 24
10:30-11:30 a.m.
Westminster Café

You are invited to hear about Crowded Table, which works with local churches to provide practical support to foster families and their caseworkers through a partnership that started with Monroe Harding.

Hands-on project – Working together to fill up comfort bags!
Most children move with nothing more than what fits in a grocery bag. Join us in showing love to a child entering foster care or transitioning unexpectedly by filling a backpack with essential items.

Although not required, RSVPs are encouraged.
Please let us know you are coming by clicking here.

The Cafe’s Sacred Grounds series is designed to shine a light on local nonprofits in our community by discussing the mission and needs of these organizations, including ways to volunteer.

April 26 and May 3

Making Mother's Day Cards for Martha O'Bryan
9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Come and Go Schedule

Make someone’s day a little brighter by creating a handmade Mother’s Day card for a mom at the Martha O’Bryan Center!
We will have supplies for the cards. Please let us know if you can join us by clicking here.
June 10 - July 12
Nations Ministry
Hillcrest United Methodist Church

Would you be willing to lead or help in a small group or meet one-on-one with a student about a topic below?

- Gardening Basics: Preparing the Soil
- Gardening Basics: What and How to Plant
- Car Maintenance: Changing a Tire
- Car Maintenance: Checking Oil and Other Fluids
- Car Maintenance: Checking Tire Pressure
- Car Maintenance: Jump Starting a Battery
- Car Maintenance: Changing Wiper Blades
- Car Maintenance: Reading Gauges and Warning Lights
- Financial Literacy: Budgeting
- Financial Literacy: Investing
- Financial Literacy: Postsecondary Planning
- Communication in the Workplace
- Public Speaking & Presenting
- Mental Health & Self-Care
- Conflict Resolution
- Professionalism (dress code, timeliness, conduct, etc.)

We also would like to recruit people to work with students one-on-one to create a resume and practice interview skills.
Another one-on-one opportunity would be "life coach" mentoring, where a community volunteer meets with a high school student to answer questions and give advice.
Small group or one-on-one setting. To learn more and to register, please visit westminsterjoy.org.

Help Westminster Home Connection

Stuffing Envelopes

April 16, 17

9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
Would you be willing to
help with Westminster
Home Connection
mailings? If you can help, please let Beth Drake know you can!

Save the Date

May 4, 2024

Please join us for our annual day of service where we go out as a whole church into the community to serve. All ages and stages are welcome. 

Registration will be available online and in the Parlor by April 21.

Learn more about the opportuinities the Joy in Learning program has available by clicking here.

WPC Communication

Emails will now be sent out three days a week.

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