Working with the Pinnacle dedicated outdoor air system and active chilled
Working with the Pinnacle dedicated outdoor air system and active chilled
3fficiency™ is the “Pinnacle” of efficient hydronic systems.

Working with the Pinnacle dedicated outdoor air system and active chilled beams, the award-winning chilled beam pump module, NEUTON, plays a key role in the system by managing the water system to allow for a building level occupant control that is superior to all other systems.

The three components included in the system package are:
Pinnacle - Primary Ventilation System
Pinnacle™ (DOAS) - manages 100% of a building’s ventilation and indoor humidity load in a single package.  
IQHC Chilled Beam
Active chilled beams - provide comfort with low air velocities in the room by mixing the supply air with the ambient air.  
NEUTON™ chilled beam pump module - manages the water system.  
3fficiency System Configuration
A direct replacement for VRF: Exchanging Refrigerant for Water
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