Join me on this transformative adventure in Peru!
Join me on this transformative adventure in Peru!

P E R U 
May 13 to 22 2022
Peru is a country that has it all. Its ancestral heritage gives us the chance to admire countless archaeological treasures. Its land is natural and pristine containing much of the world's biodiversity within its borders. But above all, the warm hearts of its people will invite you to explore and experience the true essence of what Peru is all about and this, in the company of other like-minded adventurous souls just like you. 

Peru is also a land of contrasts. Contrast of geography in which we can find 84 of the 104 life zones existing on the planet. Contrast of people, traditions and culture as a result of the waves of migration that have occurred throughout its history. Contrast of colours, sounds and landscapes from the vast desert coast to the greatness of the Pacific Ocean and giant sand dunes to the Andean highlands with its snowy peaks, glaciers and lagoons and down to the Amazon Rainforest which is rich in wildlife, plants and numerous endangered species. Almost like a continent in miniature, Peru will astound you.

This exciting adventure is brought to you by Rainforest Reef Escape. We have put together an invigorating journey that will take you from the endless sand dunes of the Ica desert all the way to the lush Sacred Valley of the Incas. Together we will explore the immense beauty of the Peruvian culture, push our limits on fun and exciting excursions through unique landscapes, eat incredibly delicious foods that will bedazzle our palates (yep I did say bedazzle) and undoubtedly live many fun and unexpected adventures along the way as we immerse ourselves fully within this sacred landscape. 
You will be staying in a variety of lovely hotels in Lima, Cusco, Ica, Aguas Calientes and in the Sacred Valley. You will find more info about your hotels in the full adventure details linked below and even more details will be sent to you once all hotels are confirmed. As for your meals, Peruvian cuisine is recognized around the world as one of the best in South America. Peru’s amazing cuisine has evolved from both local and immigrant traditions. Foods that were prepared by ancient civilizations are still enjoyed today, while typical Peruvian dishes also benefit from European, African and Asian influences. Peru's geography yields diverse ingredients: abundant seafood from the coast, tropical fruits from the jungle, and unusual varieties of grains and potatoes from the Andes. Food is definitely a big part of this adventure! 

All of your accommodation, double occupancy in above standard hotels with breakfast included.
Four delicious dinners starting with your first in Lima, a fun Pachamanca celebration in the Sacred Valley, a delicious gastronomical dinner in Machu Picchu Town and your last fun group dinner in Inca Capital of Cusco.
All tours and entrance fees as mentioned in our trip details and we've included ALL of your exciting adventures such as your guided tour of MACHU PICCHU! 
All private land transfers for the group including your trains to and from Machu Picchu Town.

One-way domestic flight on Day 4 from Lima to Cusco with the group.
English-speaking Peruvian guides in every spot along the way plus your very own RR Escape host that joins you the whole way through! 

International flights and transfers in Lima - we can advise.
Domestic flight from Cusco to Lima on Day 10 - We will advise. 
Lunches and a few extra dinners (Plan for about 25-50 USD per day)
Travel insurance. 
Extras & tips.

10 days / 9 nights 
All taxes included. PayPal/credit card fees extra. Based on double occupancy. Add 395USD for private upgrade. ONLY 500USD to reserve your spot NOW! 
Have a look at the full details to find out more about our crazy fun and exciting Peruvian adventure! Contact us at or send a message to Michele at for questions and details on how to sign up! Once you commit, we'll send you a complete packing list and more information about this unique Peruvian Escape so that you can already start packing! 

Our fun little travel company has been leading eco-adventure trips and retreats since 2006. Our team originates from Toronto with partners in Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver and New York. Visit for more information. We are a registered travel company with the Tourism Industry Council of Ontario so whether you're from North America, Europe or elsewhere in the world, yep Kazakhstan too, your travel investment is safe with us! Visit for more information. Our registrant number is 50021748. Join us! 

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