We're excited to announce the reopening of after school...
We're excited to announce the reopening of after school...

Middle School After School is Back!

We're excited to announce the reopening of Middle School After School at the Alexander Family YMCA! Care begins on April 5. We'll offer pickup at the following Middle Schools:
  • Moore Square
  • Ligon
  • Oberlin
  • Centennial
The program is held at the Y until 6 p.m. each school day. We know that students have spent much of the past year with lots of extra screen time. So we'll focus on fun and enrichment away from screens. 
If you have questions, contact Rachel Austin or call 919-815-5392.
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Our Mission:

To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.
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Alexander Family YMCA

1603 Hillsborough Street | Raleigh, NC 27605 United States
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