January 2025 Dean's Update Newsletter |
The KU School of Social Welfare is committed to serving Kansas through academic degree programs, ongoing training for practicing social workers, and community-engaged research.
Our students take classes in person at four campuses in Kansas, and online from every corner of the state. Our researchers engage in statewide projects to meet needs and solve problems. And our continuing education offerings build social work capacity in communities across Kansas.
Here are a few highlights of the School’s impact on Kansas in the past academic year:
- 115,200+ service hours contributed to Kansas by students in practicum (2023-2024)
- 2,100+ attendees at continuing education/training events (2024)
- Thousands of families served by research projects and statewide initiatives
As we start a new year and a new semester in a new academic home, we’re committed to transforming the lives of Kansans in 2025 and beyond.
As always, please reach out to me with questions or concerns at any time at kusswdo@ku.edu. Your feedback and collaboration are extremely important to us.
Take good care and Rock Chalk,
Michelle Carney, PhD, MSSA
Dean and Professor
KU School of Social Welfare
Take a quick video tour of the School's new space in Green Hall on the KU Lawrence Campus. An extensive renovation of the third floor of the building is designed to meet student needs, including a dedicated lecture classroom and lounging spaces.
Final renovations will continue as the spring semester progresses. Visit the Move to Green Hall webpage for updates and more photos as the School completes final touches on the new space.
At retirement, Renee White reflects on an accomplished career
Everything is groovy if you ask Dr. Renee White.
Dr. White’s career in social work that spanned over four decades included difficult conversations with people in need, door-knocking in unsafe situations and teaching the next generation of social workers.
She loved all of her jobs, and was thrilled to reflect on her career after retiring as a professor of practice in December 2024.
“I think I was always destined to be a helper,” she said.
PhD Spotlight: Kortney Carr |
Relief. Happiness. Gratitude.
Emotions continue to hit Dr. Kortney Carr after she successfully passed her dissertation defense and earned her Doctor of Philosophy in social work in late October.
Dr. Carr will tell you that her journey to social work is a surprising one. She got her bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Central Missouri and didn’t see social work as her initial path. But Dr. Carr cites the wellness of Black men, trauma and hope as her scholarly interests.
Those interests led her to KU and the Ph.D. program.
Support students on One Day One KU: Feb. 20-21
Join the School of Social Welfare on Feb. 20-21 for One Day One KU, the university's annual 24 hours of giving. For this year’s giving day, the School of Social Welfare is raising funds to support students during their practicum.
Gifts during One Day One KU will help students cover costs such as gas and vehicle wear and tear; professional clothing; and professional development training.
Help spread the word by signing up as a One Day One KU ambassador.
Watch video interviews with the Practicum Education Office about the importance of practicum education and the impact of Practicum Student Support funds.
Alumni Spotlight: Kristine McGuire
Kristine McGuire’s career as a licensed clinical social worker showcases the true value of someone like her. McGuire, who received her Master of Social Work from KU in 2010, has experience helping people from all walks of life.
McGuire is now in year five of working at the University of Colorado Hospital in orthopedics. From older adults, children, juvenile offenders and prisoners to people in mental and physical health crises, McGuire helps with their needs.
“In orthopedics, you don’t generally think of social work,” McGuire said. “But I think that’s a testament to the role that social work can play and how valuable it is.”
SSWR 2025: Faculty and researchers present at national social work conference
During the Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference (SSWR) this month, our researchers shared their discoveries on topics including child welfare, mental health and eco-social work.
KU attendees shared their research in over 30 presentations, symposia, roundtable discussions and poster sessions.
MSW Virtual Info Sessions
Tuesday, Feb. 11, 7-8 p.m. CT
Learn about program curriculum and admissions
Grand Challenges: Focus on 4s - Early Childhood Mental Health
Tuesday, Feb. 25, 12-1:30 p.m. CT
CEU: 1.5
Making Space for Queer Joy & Liberation
Thursday, March 6, 4-5 p.m.
Hybrid - In-person at Spencer Research Library and online via Zoom
Supporting and Assessing Families
Tuesday, March 25, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. CT and 1-4 p.m. CT
Hybrid - In-person at KSU-Salina and online via Zoom
CEU: 3.0 AM session, 3.0 PM session
Bridging Social Work and Climate/Environmental Justice: Roles for Eco-Social Workers
Thursday, April 3, 12-2 p.m.
CEU: 2
Donald J. Madsen, MSW 1968, passed away on Jan. 6, 2025, at age 83. Read obituary.
Kristi L. Burik, MSW 1995, passed away on Dec. 30, 2024, at age 69. Read obituary.
MSW and Online Doctor of Social Work (DSW) application deadlines on Feb. 3
Reminder: Final application deadlines are coming soon for several social work graduate programs.
Complete your applications by Monday, Feb. 3:
Photos: First week in Green Hall |
The KU School of Social Welfare opened the spring 2025 semester in a new home on the third floor of Green Hall.
Faculty, research and administrative staff and doctoral students set up their new offices as students began their academic semester.
Welcome to Green Hall!
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