Jan. 4, 2022 | Vol. 110 | No. 24
Jan. 4, 2022 | Vol. 110  | No. 24
Rotary Club of Oklahoma City

OKC Rotary News

January 4, 2022 | Volume 110| No. 24
In-Person and Livestreamed from Christian Life Center - St. Luke's United Methodist Church| 11:55am 
Link to the Livestream  
REMINDER:  Everyone attending our Tuesday luncheon will be asked to wear a mask, except when eating. Masks will be available at registration.
In keeping with Rotary’s mission of service above self, we strongly recommend that only those members and guests that are vaccinated attend our in-person meetings.   READ MORE      

 Oklahoma Labor Commission

Leslie Osborn
was elected as Oklahoma's twentieth Labor Commissioner in 2018 and is currently serving a four year term. The Constitution of Oklahoma provides for the election of a commissioner of labor every four years. The commissioner is head of the Department of Labor. Oklahoma law gives the commissioner broad regulatory authority and enforcement powers to carry out the department's duties for citizens of Oklahoma.   READ MORE  
Chair of the Day
Pat Potts
Kelly Kay
Pledge/Song Leader
Lou Kohlman
Introduction of Guests and Visiting Rotarians
Terri Cooper
Attendance Scanners
Fred Kempf, Simon Hsu, Mike Patterson 
Cori Loomis, John Settle

Barney Semtner, Julia Kirt

Roving  Microphone
David Battles
Menu     Mixed Green Salad-Artichoke hearts, garbanzo beans, red onion, bell pepper, carrots, balsamic vinaigrette; Hummus and Pita bread; Mediterranean Chicken-Roasted red pepper coulis; Mediterranean White Bean Soup; Zucchini-extra virgin olive oil and chives; Wild Rice Pilaf-oregano infused 

In the News 

If you have good news - honors, awards, new achievements - to share with the club, please let us know!

Club 29 Breakfast 

January 6, 2022 
Speaker: Jimmy Taylor, Cattle Rancher - U.S. Meat Export Federation, Treasurer of Beef Council
Topic: Beef Industry & Meat Export Industry in the U.S.
Quail Creek Golf & Country Club | 7:00am | Wingspan Room
Reminder: When not eating, please wear a mask!  


The Meaning Behind Christmas

 by Charlie Smith
I am impatient. I have a short attention span. I have abundant energy and enthusiasm. For those who follow personality types, I am an Enneagram 7 and a Myers-Briggs ESFJ. I have always been a light sleeper, so I was the first down the stairs as a child on Christmas morning. It took a little while longer for my parents to emerge; they stayed up late the night before because, in our household we adhered to the Episcopal tradition of putting up the tree and stockings on Christmas Eve. It was quite an elaborate process: My father would painstakingly – and s-l-o-w-l-y, carefully and meticulously – place each individual strand of tinsel on each branch of the tree. I was told in later years he used the same approach in doling out Christmas candy in stockings, driving my mother – who was left with all the other, many duties – to distraction.

Only one Christmas morning, my father, a pediatric surgeon, wasn’t there. My mother explained that he had been on-call at OU Children’s Hospital, and had been summoned for extraordinary and first-of-its-kind surgery late in the night: Twins that had only partially separated in their mother’s womb, conjoined at the pelvis. Only one child survived the separation surgery. Our Christmas celebration would have to wait until the afternoon so that my father could catch up on sleep.  READ MORE


$40 Matching Helping Hands Funds Remaining!!

The Rotary Club of Oklahoma City Board of Directors has established a $15,000 matching grant fund in partnership with the Rotary Club 29 Foundation that was made possible through surplus funds created by reduced attendance at our weekly meeting. The Helping Hands Matching Grant fund will match dollar-for-dollar charitable contributions made on or after December 7, 2021 by Club 29 Rotarians, in good standing, up to $250 per Rotarian, until such time as the funding is depleted.   
Charitable organization must be an IRS pre-approved 501(c)(3) 
Charitable organization must be an Oklahoma City-based nonprofit or have a local chapter doing work in Oklahoma City  
Happy Holidays!
It’s that time of year again, where we come together with family and friends to give thanks, and remember those that we’ve lost over the past year. I want to set aside this time to say I’m thankful for my Rotary family, and I’m thankful for what Rotary stands for in the world. We continually set aside the political and religious differences to come together for a common good in serving others above self. When we think of inclusivity, there shouldn’t be a better place to invite someone than Rotary. I encourage each of you to reflect on our values as Rotarians and project that inclusivity into our meetings and promote that message on social media for all to see allowing all to have an opportunity to say, “that’s a place for me”. I appreciate every one of you and thank you for your service and commitment to serving all and welcoming all.
Happy Holidays to You and Yours, in Rotary,
Matt Tipton
District Governor 2021-2022

Rotarian - January 2022

Happy New Year!
In this issue, you will read about a brave woman who escaped North Korea in her youth and went on to help found a Rotary club in South Korea that assists refugees. In addition, a 19-year-old tells his story of leaving Somalia — and then learning much-needed job skills thanks to a Rotary club in Switzerland.

We'll give you eight compelling accounts of Rotarians who find themselves in extraordinary circumstances, and we'll introduce you to members of Rotary's Esperanto Fellowship, conversant in the international language spoken by as many as 2 million people worldwide.

Rotary Club 29 Online Directory

Rotary Club 29 has an online membership directory which contains current content information for all club members. The link to access the Club 29 directory can be found at the top of  the home page of  okcrotary.com or by clicking  here.
OKC Rotary has provided this tool as a convenience  to help members stay in touch with one another. The online directory,  just like the printed roster, should only be used for Rotary purposes.  If you need help in accessing the directory, please email the office.  

Contact Information Changes

If you have any unreported contact information changes, such as business or residence addresses, or email, please submit them here.


January 11, 2022 -   Winter Party - Ellison - RSVP Required
No Luncheon Meeting - No Makeup Required

January 18, 2022  - District Governor Matt Tipton /Club 29 Foundation Update
Chair of the Day:   PDG Megan Law


December 14, 2021  Online and In-Person, Makeup:  212
Total Present and Makeup: 37%

December 31, 2021:  588


Happy birthday to those Rotarians born in January!

Celebrating Years of Service in Rotary Club 29 - January

 These Rotarians have been members of Club 29 from 39 years to 1 year.    

Visit These Advertisers' Websites

Lauren Branch
 Bill Hughes
Ann Felton Gilliland
Email Us         405.235.5100        okcrotary.com
625 NW 13th Street, Ste 105, Oklahoma City, OK 73103
625 NW 13th Street Ste 105 | Oklahoma City, OK 73103 US
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