Dragon Notes 11.22.24

Spirit Week
We had a great time this week enjoying all the decorations and activities and treats! We met each morning as a community to talk about our core values: care, community, curiosity, respect, responsibility, and spirituality. We loved seeing all the GrandFriends who support and love our students. It was so wonderful to see students thinking and talking about how they could be better Dragons! A huge thank you to all the parents who volunteered to make the week wonderful!

Food Drive
Thank you to all families participating in the Spirit Week Food Drive! As a school, we collected 387 cans, 57 boxes, and 32 bags of food as well as diapers, wipes, and personal hygiene items. Thank you all for your generosity.

Book Fair 2024 - Thank you so much to everyone who came out to shop for books, volunteer at our table and join in last weekend’s Book Fair! It was such a fun event! We’ll send out a book fair summary  in next week’s Dragon Notes. 

Still Time to Shop! Our teachers’ wish lists will be “live” until end-of-day tomorrow, Saturday, November 23rd. If you missed the book fair and would like to donate a book to one of our classes, please click here:  https://www.left-bank.com/2024-smbookfair

We would love your feedback! Do you have ideas to share about what worked this year, or what you wish we had done differently or better? Please fill out this short survey and tell us more:  https://forms.gle/XMfeeo7FoSy2NH2f9

Additional Questions? Reach out to Ms. Corinne (cgroark@stmichaelschool.org).

Dress for the Weather
The weather has changed and it is important that students come to school appropriately dressed for the weather. Classes often go outside. Students should have a coat, hat, and gloves. Thank you!

Winter Performance
Please see the attached flyers for our Winter Performances! Grades 1-8 will perform December 12 at 2:00. Toddlers through Kindergarten will perform on December 19 at 2:30.

After School Programs
A reminder that Bricks4Kidz will meet on December 5th and 12th; chess will meet on December 12 only. 

Lessons and Carols
The Church of St. Michael and St. George is inviting TSMSOC families to attend their annual Advent Lessons and Carols Service. The service begins at 5pm and we will have two pews reserved for TSMSOC families. Following the service there will be a reception from 6-8pm in the Great Hall. All are welcome!

Upcoming Events
November 25-29: No School, Thanksgiving Break
December 12: Winter Performance, Grades 1-8
December 19: Winter Performance, Toddler-Kindergarten

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