N95 Masks, Social Determinants of Health Webinar, Donated Equipment
N95 Masks, Social Determinants of Health Webinar, Donated Equipment

*For the latest COVID-19 resources and links go to our resource page*

Weekly Update

Week of July 6

N95 Masks Available 

Henry Schein has Halyard N95 masks available. Boxes of 35 are available for $82.02 each. Orders must be placed through Mike Clawson at 
masks are not sold through their catalog or website. 

CareMessage Webinar:
"Treating the Social Determinants of Health: A Holistic Approach to Patient Care"

CareMessage is launching a webinar series holistic approach to patient care for underserved patients. Brooke Lattimore, Chief Operating Officer at Stigler Health and Wellness and Dr. Keri Revens, Director of Research and Evaluation at Camino Community Center will be sharing strategies and considerations for engaging patient communities to treat SDOH. The first webinar will be held on Tuesday, July 14 at 2 pm.
Click Here to Register

Physicians Well-Being Webinar 

Turning Toward Dissonance:
Being Present & Robust in Times of Fear

In this 1-hour Zoom Webinar, Dr. Ronald Epstein will explore our common reactions to extraordinary stressors, and show how, by developing habits of attentiveness and curiosity when we and others are experiencing distress, we can become more connected to patients and colleagues, more compassionate and more effective as clinicians and leaders. He will propose some simple practices that can be used during the workday to promote presence, curiosity and attentiveness, and help us thrive amid chaos, fear and uncertainty.
Click Here to Register

COVID-19 Tip of the Week: Risk Assessment

The Texas Medical Association has released a one-page graphic detailing the risks associated with daily activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click on the image below to access the full document. 

Charitable Healthcare and COVID-19: a Weekly Discussion Group

The Charitable Healthcare Network is hosting a bi-weekly virtual discussion group for Ohio's charitable healthcare organizations. Here we will check-in with one another as well as share resources and strategies on our approach to handling the COVID-19 pandemic. Meetings will be held Wednesdays from 11am-12pm. Download the minutes/ recording from this week's meeting below or register to join live!
Our next meeting will be July 15th at 11am  with guest  Joyce Nwatubi
Joyce Nwatuobi is a healthcare executive with experience managing multi-state / multi-site operations through servant leadership orientation. In addition to driving operational excellence, patient health outcomes and financial performance, Joyce has led 50+ clinics through disaster planning processes in preparation for natural disasters such as hurricanes in the Northeast US region.

In response to the pandemic, Joyce formed a multi-disciplinary COVID-19 task force and has helped various clinics across the country develop agility plans for a safe and practical reopening of their medical and dental clinics across the country.

Joyce Nwatuobi is the co-founder of ThriveHealth, a patient centric digital technology provider headquartered in Milwaukee, WI.
Download, view, or watch all meeting recordings and minutes here
Register for the COVID-19 Discussion Group

SFY19/20 Direct Services UCF Q4 Report Due July 17

Fourth quarter reporting for Direct Services UCF are due Friday, July 17th. This is your last report for this fiscal year, please triple check for accuracy. UCF instructions and definitions can be found in the member portal. Reports can be submitted via Google Form or through the appropriate Dropbox. Links to the reporting form and Dropbox can be found in your member portal on the CHN website. If you have any questions reach out to Christianna at cbarnard@chartiablehealth.org

Donated Office Furniture and Medical Equipment Available

A physician in Johnstown, Ohio is seeking to donate his office furniture and medical equipment to free clinics as he is moving into a furnished hospital facility. The supplies and equipment include office furniture (tables, chairs, filing cabinets, and bookcases), exam tables, a new centrifuge, scales, blood pressure meters, scales, microscopes, and more. 

If your clinic would like more information, please contact Mary Ann Bright at 740-817-1279.
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